Del Rio winning is great. If they play this right they could make him the biggest heel in the company.
Yeah I don't really care much for Del Rio. Good in the ring, but his character hasn't really developed much. Gotta say this has got to be last chance saloon in getting him over though, I mean he got push hard from the beginning, won Royal Rumble, now wins Money in the Bank...but no one really cares for him. He's just that mexican guy with lots of cars.
Del Rio has been stagnant since he came over to RAW. He was doing well at Smackdown and frankly I think the switch hurt Del Rio. The program with the Big Show got corny quick and they simply didn't let the heel get the clean win to step up. They needed to have Mark Henry mush Big Show up before Del Rio barely survived vs a hobbled Show.
They need to do something tonight to this Christian/Orton feud to give it a new life. It's slowly starting to grow stale.
Right, time to put this flat feud to sleep. Good matches sure, but wow does this feud suck in so many areas (mostly in the logic department).
That's the worst part of the WWE. They insult the intelligence of the fans. But I guess that's what we get when their target demo is kids now.....
it was AWESOME to see Cristian hold the strap, but thats over with. his weak heel turn has been boring to say the least. besides orton is just super cena with tattoos
The turn was stupid, that's why it's weak. Super hot sympathic face achieves his dream, gets screwed...then your meant to boo him?
WWE's biggest issue is that outside of Sheamus, all the heels are scripted to be chicken crap heels who can't beat anyone in a straight up fight. Again, it's them preaching to their audience, I guess being naughty doesn't pay.
One thing you have to say though, the matches between Christian and Orton have been nothing short of excellent. Who would have thought Robo-Orton could be made to look good by of all people Christian? That's what's so disappointing about all this, those two have some chemistry out there,
I really enjoyed the face vs face battle between the two, which probably doesn't help the fact that I've been turned off by the feud.
I really long for the days when these long rivalries ended with some kind of match with a hardcore stipulation
The infamous texas death match or cage match to blow off the feud. Too bad all those gimmick matches are overused and don't seem special anymore.