Well, like Captain said, those seats are only for generating tickets. The way stadiums (or is it stadia?) are built now, you could very well not be on your seat and still enjoy the game. The last time I went to Azteca Stadium, I spent some time in the bar that was built in the second deck, and I could still see the game. The ticked gives you acces to the stadium, and to the areas the ticket allows you to be in. I'd bet anything that those seats are for that purpose. I'm not sure if that made sense at all :icon_eek:
Also once your in your area you could probably just move. When i was at the linc they check your ticket and you never hear from them again.
i heard what capt said but i think that is a bullcrap reason the teams give. the linc has no obstrcuted view seating but eagles sell a couple thousand tix for each game that are standing room only. meaning theres no reason to put those seats in.
I'm sorry... paint this turd any color you want and it's still a steaming pile of crap. ANY team that would ask their fans to pay money for the seats in this thread are criminals and should be arrested for fraud. If I buy a ticket to see an NFL game I expect to be able to SEE the NFL game.
Rumor has it that Jerry Jones is planning on replacing their defensive linemen with a brick wall painted to look like three down-linemen. Also, he will also be placing Tiger pits at random points on the field.