I made up a ncaa marchmadness tourney pick em on yahoo. if anyone would like to join. The league is called GIF Tourney Pick Em. the group id# is 24879 and the password is football
I'm in......Cmon guys.....I know a lot of you fill out multiple brackets and stuff. There's only 2 of us we need a bunch more of you guys to make this interesting.:icon_thumright:
I'll tell you what....you guys get up to 20 members involved and I will put up a $50,000 vCash prize.
Go to Yahoo fantasy games and you'll see the March madness game. Sportsguy posted the ID# and password in his 1st post here so you'll need them. You will also have to have a Yahoo ID to get in or you can create one.
Only 11 more. It doesn't get more fun than March Madness brackets. The tournament isn't half as exciting if you don't have bragging rights or (V)cash riding on the game.