NFL Suspends Jones Again

Discussion in 'Dallas Cowboys' started by chiefswin19games, Oct 14, 2008.

  1. MediaGuy

    MediaGuy Ball So Hard University

    Stop kidding yourselves people. Stick a fork in him. Do not bother to turn him over he is well done. Mr. Jane Skinner has a lot on his plate right now with the Owners Meetings going on in Tampa this week. Roger just gave himself 4 weeks to gather all the Kings Men to the round table on Park Avenue in New York after the meetings. They will dot the i's and cross all the t's on this one, just to be ahead of any legal action that may result in his decision. His integrity and credibility have been in question for too long with just this one issue. Roger has no other alternative then to issue a lifetime banishment from the NFL on Adam Jones.
  2. phiglesphan

    phiglesphan BANNED

    Buh buh buh bye!!!!
    And a great big "SO'S YOUR FACE" to all the IDIOTS who said. They didn't press charges so they won't do anything. Goodell means business and I think he should take away the Titans draft pick from the cowboys as punishment.
  3. Roy31

    Roy31 Hall Of Famer

    He'll still make it rain on dem hoes!

    If Deion couldn't help him I guess noone can. See ya in 4 weeks Pac! Thats if you don't get dropped. Yay we get a pick from the Titans.
  4. smeags

    smeags militant geek

    yep so now you have a 2nd, 4th, two 5th's, 6th and 2 7th's.