I was actually thinking the exact same thing ward. This is the first year where I'm not dying for the next cod. Maybe I'll get more excited as it gets closer. I'm sure I'll probably end up getting it eventually. It's getting too futuristic for my liking though. I don't like games like that. Kevin Spacey being in it is freakin awesome.
Hope they have a decent campaign for once. Ghosts' campaign sucked balls. I really hope they bring back proper hardcore search and destroy. Hate search and rescue. Can't count how many times either me or my brother faced the entire enemy team by ourselves or alone after we already killed them once. That is stupid.
I went and bought a ps4 today. So everyone who has one add my new id. H3is3nb3rgst3v3. This thing is awesome. The speaker in the controller is sweet as hell. And the touchpad kicks ass for text input.
Will you be getting COD for it? I might ask for the PS4 for Christmas and possibly hold out buying COD for PS3 until I get the PS4.
I'll probably end up getting it just because it'll be my first cod on this gen. Hopefully I'll like it better than the last 2. The only game I bought was shadow of mordor. It's basically like assassins creed in Lord of the rings land.