Official Pittsburgh Steelers Thread

Discussion in 'Pittsburgh Steelers' started by The Bitter Truth, Aug 25, 2007.

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  1. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    I think he'll be alright.

    If they can get Albert in the first and Justin King in the second...I'm busting a nut...again...
  2. K Train

    K Train Do You Honeycutt?

    its really polamalus pathetic play that has the corners getting burned ever...which they dont very often....we did have the #1 pass defense with a weak dline. Ike and deshea can and do hold their own 90% of the time, ike just cant catch lol.

    anthony smith will be back to being a badass this year, he got a little rattled after running his mouth, but hes a big hitter and has great closing speed to excel in coverage...weve seen it before.

    Corner is not as big a need as it is made out to be.

    and anything else is game in the first to me...besides TE and QB

    Tackle....Williams, Cherilus....i hate otah and baker so i wont mention them
    Dline...Merling, Balmer
    LB....Groves, he would be vicious in our system, absolutely nasty. timmons is moving inside and harrison had a breakout year, but hes kinda old.
    Corner....DRC if hes there, possibly Talib, but i dont like any corners not name cromartie in the first....just like in 05
    Safety....this wont happen, but i guess kenny phillips is game
    WR...lots of options possible....hardy, kelly, sweed...bens always snitching for a tall wr...well they dont grow on trees, most of them are bums, you gotta draft high to get talented ones.
    RB...Jones, stewart

    were a pretty solid team....not many glaring holes and the oline depth is amazing in this years draft
  3. Dougerrrr

    Dougerrrr Laus Deo

    I agree that the corners can hold their own....when we pressure the passer. Look at last years sacks and pressures compared to the previous season and then compare the yards allowed on pass plays. I bet it shows where we get burned and how. When the Steelers blitz and don't get there they get beat deep. As most teams do when you leave your corners on an island.....I'd like to see some better single coverage is all.
  4. K Train

    K Train Do You Honeycutt?

    the thing about polamalu is...he refuses to lift weights...hes so small now, out of southern cal he was jacked...he was an absolute monster. nows hes weak and not can play pro football and not be conditioned properly...or you get hurt.

    hold on, i got a video...look how huge he is

    [ame=""]YouTube - Troy Polamalu is a thug, and a sh1t human being[/ame]
  5. Crowned

    Crowned Doesn't give a shit.

    yea ive seen that vid a few times
  6. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    The glaring holes are in the trenches and the good thing so far is that it seems like the team realizes this as well and obviously is addressing it.

    Now if they can sign Starks for a few years, we should have a little more cap room to play with. I'd like to see Ward renegotiate next season to free up a little more dough...
  7. Crowned

    Crowned Doesn't give a shit.

    I remember 2005 , the Super Bowl winning season it seemed like Polamalu was always in the right place at the right time to get a interception or pickup a fumble and he rarely ever missed a tackle hes just fallen off since then and I really hope we get the real Troy back this season.
  8. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    Jonathon Stewart at RB would be nice.
  9. K Train

    K Train Do You Honeycutt?

    ward really needs to renegotiate...hes old, fragile and quite frankly, even though hes still valuable to the team, hes not the best WR on the team anymore....he got his payday before the SB year....he made his money, time to take one for the team and finish your career here for the hometown nice price
  10. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    I think Polamalu will be fine...
  11. Crowned

    Crowned Doesn't give a shit.

    your right hes not the best on the team anymore, but he is the best 3rd down receiver, He still is being overpayed and i'd hate to see him not in Pittsburgh.
  12. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    I don't want to see Ward anywhere else. He's not putting up the huge numbers anymore b/c Holmes is stepping it up and they have the two big tight ends now that are cutting into that TD production. Where before they didn't have that.

    Ward is still freaking people up run blocking though...sorry for the language, but that's the only way to put it...

    ask bart scott and ed reed...:laughy32:
  13. Crowned

    Crowned Doesn't give a shit.

    yea his runblocking is not replaceable.
  14. K Train

    K Train Do You Honeycutt?

    he has nate and santonio blocking like motherheckers too....not ced cause hes a little snitch boy, but holmes has thrown some nasty blocks
  15. Dougerrrr

    Dougerrrr Laus Deo

    Ward can stil be productive in the offense and I'd have to agree with K Train and hope he renegotiates his contract to help the team though. Could be a surprising draft though.
  16. Crowned

    Crowned Doesn't give a shit.

    I'd be very surprised if Ward didn't do whatever to help the team, I'd be shocked actually Ward is the epitome of a team player.
  17. K Train

    K Train Do You Honeycutt?

    he held out to get a big contract lol
  18. Crowned

    Crowned Doesn't give a shit.

    I know that but that has a lot to do with agent. I just don't see him not renegotiating he knows hes not the same player.
  19. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    Didn't he come into camp after speaking with Cowher? I forget...I do remember they promised him one in 2004 and didn't give it to him.

    I would hope he would renegotiate...but you never know...

    Having him on the team, teaching these younger's worth the money in my mind...big bucks or not...
  20. K Train

    K Train Do You Honeycutt?

    not when hes pulling down top WR $$$ and not making top WR plays

    i understand you like him, i do too...but we need to be practical with our cap situation
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