Official Pittsburgh Steelers Thread

Discussion in 'Pittsburgh Steelers' started by The Bitter Truth, Aug 25, 2007.

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  1. Crowned

    Crowned Doesn't give a shit.

    Brady is what 6-1 against us? lol.... He won't miss all those open targets that Kolb was missing yesterday. Just glad I got Brady in my money league tbh.. HUGE WEEK.
  2. K Train

    K Train Do You Honeycutt?

    good news is woodley is on a path of destruction and solder is everything a guy like woodley will eat for dinner.

    i expect this to be high scoring, but i think if the patriots rape them in the passing game it wont be because of welker, it will be gronk and hernandez...just everything that kills the steelers in those two.

    i swear i dont have a problem with williams gay but i will lose my crap if i see him covering gronk one on one even ONCE
  3. Crowned

    Crowned Doesn't give a shit.

    I absolutely love love love the physical play from Ike yesterday. He has Fitz frustrated. Screw the flags.

    When is Silverback expected back?
  4. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    Not sure when he's coming back but it can't be soon enough. Timmons has been butt at OLB. Ass.
  5. K Train

    K Train Do You Honeycutt?

    i kinda think he wont be back til after the bye....hopefully sooner though.

    its disappointing seeing timmons kind of flop at OLB, hes better than worilds would be though i say that with confidence.

    woodley said heck a slow start this year, im gonna take crap over extra early.
  6. Crowned

    Crowned Doesn't give a shit.

    Yea he is better than Worilds, but I'd rather Worilds be at OLB and keep Timmons on the field at ILB over Foote.
  7. K Train

    K Train Do You Honeycutt?

    actually i think foote and farrior have played well for old men with little to no upside at the position, theyve at least been servicable.

    i dont look at worilds as a serviceable player though
  8. Crowned

    Crowned Doesn't give a shit.

    I guess.. against the worst offenses in the league anyways. Foote and Farrior will just be taking up space against the Patriots.
  9. Crowned

    Crowned Doesn't give a shit.

    I just want to punch a freaking baby, this is the absolute worst game to get Hampton back. He serves absolutely no purpose against the Patriots.
  10. K Train

    K Train Do You Honeycutt?

    hes a goal line and first down player at most....they know hes not much use against the patriots, i expect mclendon and hood to play a lot of nose and generate a pass rush, casey will play 10-15 snaps
  11. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    Sounds like they are going to stick Ike on Welker as a shadow. Not really sure that's gonna set up too well.

    Brady 6-1 against the LeBeau and the Steelers with an average of 286 yards and 2 TDs per game. 3 interceptions in 7 games. 1 pick in 85 pass attempts.

    Could be
  12. Crowned

    Crowned Doesn't give a shit.

    Maybe we should run man to man press more often, if it had Brady confused surely it will confuse someone like Joe Flacco right?

    If we would have scored every time we were in the endzone this game would of and should of been a blowout. Continue to let Ben play in the shotgun and take what the defense is giving. Watch us go back to an dull butt offense against the Ravens.
  13. K Train

    K Train Do You Honeycutt?

    arians has to be on cloud 9 today, same with lebeau actually who has been dismanlted by the patriots for the last decade
  14. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    It's funny cause it's true.

    All season I've been calling for Miller's involvement and the offense that they worked on all preseason. There it was
  15. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    Gotta get that inside the 10 offense worked out...
  16. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    Ziggy ran onto the field during a TV timeout while the offense was in the huddle and wagged his finger at the o-line.

    Ziggy trying to lead...I like it.
  17. 86WARD

    86WARD -


    Woodley's the first player in team history with three consecutive multi sack games?
  18. Crowned

    Crowned Doesn't give a shit.

    Woodley and Farrior are going to be out this week, but it would be huge if Harrison can cleared by Sunday to play.. Timmons could slide back inside with Foote, and Carter/Worilds would take snaps at OLB opposite of Silverback. I think this might be the key to this game, hoping that Harrison is on that field come Sunday night.
  19. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    We might see some crazy schemes if Harrison is out as well...
  20. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    Good Video to get ready for the Ravens...

    [ame=]Pittsburgh Steelers Pump Up Video (One that was on Lamarr Woodley's facebook page) - YouTube[/ame]
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