finally leben takes him down, but he doesn't have a lot left leben looked like he was napping on bisbings chest
WTF Leben, why did you wait until late in the 3rd round to take him down? Screw, I lost a lot of money tonite.
I think the kiss was a little much Chris... Damn he could have beat him man. Why the heck did he keep chasing him around?
HH...Leben is a brawler, he has NO ground game at all Bisping is actually decent on the ground Leben isn't.....Leben was just outclassed
leben could never get close, the reach killed him, he tried to fight him and be calm and focused and he needed to be an aggressive animal to eliminate the disadvantage.
You're wrong. He started as a wrestler and take downs equal points. Leben must have been told to stand up. That was freaking ridiculous.
Dude just got his butt kicked and says its his favorite fight ever:icon_rolleyes: I just lost what little respect I had for that douchebag
As always I enjoyed watching this evening with fellow board members. :new_popcornsmiley: :dirty20: :beer3: :marijuana: :shots: