Panthers OL Andrew McDonald Expects To Attend Training Camp After Having Testicular Cancer Surgery

Discussion in 'Carolina Panthers' started by DaBears22, Jun 18, 2014.

  1. DaBears22

    DaBears22 Matt Forte = future MVP Staff Member

    Panthers offensive lineman Andrew McDonald said he expects to return to training camp next month after undergoing surgery in May for testicular cancer.

    McDonald said Wednesday that doctors expect him to make a full recovery. McDonald was ''Player A'' in a report on the Miami Dolphins' bullying scandal this year that indicated he was among those bullied.

    McDonald didn't have any symptoms, but noticed a ''bump on his skin'' on one of his testicles and met with doctors on May 19. He said he's glad he did. Doctors determined he had testicular cancer and operated the following day to remove the mass.

    ''It's out and right now I should be all good,'' he said.

    Source: Yahoo Sports