In order to stop PM spam we now deny all "new" users the ability to send PM's / Conversations. Once a member has five post (new or replies) they can then use the PM feature. What this means for most of you - Until you post or reply five times this features is also disabled for you.. which shouldn't be an issue because anyone who is active will have PM enabled on their account without even noticing it was gone. If for some reason this isn't working correctly please let me know here.. thanks
It should be a higher number just because it could be easy for them to post up5, 10, even 20 posts over night while the "guard" is down and then get into the PMs...
Not only will it stop the spam it will also stop those users who have only used GIF as their PM/Instant Messaging site. Got tired of seeing in Who's Online in vBulletin long standing members who no longer posted but were on GIF every day for the purpose of PM'ing.
Yeah, I think 10 posts is too little before you can send a PM. It should be 100 minimum in my honest opinion.
maybe the amount of posts isn't important but the content of the posts. Personally I think 100 is good.