
Discussion in 'GridironFans Support' started by dolphindude13, Mar 9, 2008.

  1. dolphindude13

    dolphindude13 Jack Of All Trades

    Can I rename a thread that I created already? Specifically, can I rename the "fantasy baseball players?" thread to Official GIF Fantasy Baseball League?

    I actually was going to create a new thread but for some reason the only icons it would allow me to use were NFL related.:icon_scratch:

    I'm gonna bump this thread every 10 minutes until I get some answers damn it!!!!!!!:packin:

    :sarcasm1: :nahnah:
  2. afjay

    afjay Click. Clack.

    One of the mods from that forum can do it for you.
  3. dolphindude13

    dolphindude13 Jack Of All Trades

    Ok thanks afjay.
  4. Sweets

    Sweets All-Pro

    Changed damn it!!!
