Raiders Likely To Fire Coach Tom Cable

Discussion in 'Oakland Raiders' started by SweetShot03, Jan 4, 2010.

  1. russian.tank

    russian.tank BruceAlmighty2010

    Aight, this is what I got:
    -Cable had meeting today with Davis and all was discussed was the upcoming plan - which is player evaluations
    -Gradkowski likes Cable, so if Cable is back, chances are Gradkowski is too
    -Cable is still under contract, and will work until he is fired.
    -Cable talked about being responsible for a lot of stuff, and says that he will give up playcalling if its best for the team.
  2. Daddy Primetime42

    Daddy Primetime42 TheNationWillRiseAgain

    i havent heard him say anything about giving up play calling and if he did he is a bit to late with that one.Cable and the other coaches get to talk to al next monday and im pretty sure thats when he gets his slip.
  3. markaz

    markaz Resident Cards Fan Staff Member

    And thus the reason why he's done. You think AD gives a heck how much players and fans love Cable?
  4. URL54MVP

    URL54MVP Pro Bowler

    Cable should have beat the crap out of Al instead of that other scrub assistant coach. :icon_eek:

    There aren't even words to describe the situation in Oakland. I feel bad for Raiders fans.
  5. SweetShot03

    SweetShot03 Fuck stupid people

    Cable had something going for the Raiders..... they looked much improved from last year, I think fireing cable will only be a set back for the Raiders. He called the plays and he called the players out when they hecked up.
  6. Daddy Primetime42

    Daddy Primetime42 TheNationWillRiseAgain

    did you even watch a raider game this year? because cable's freaking play calling blew hes is to nice like norv,yeah he punches out coaches and wives but when it comes to his players he washes their balls. Hes soft, he cant coach, cant motivate his players to show up in consecutive games. He either gets an Offensive coordinator who is worth a crap or I hope he gets fired this guy couldnt coach at the college level i dont think any other team would interview him for head coaching position. If you dont believe me watch the cleveland brown game again when players were getting kicked out and losing control he just stood there and watched. thats why i didnt want him last year i knew it would be a waste of a year.
  7. SweetShot03

    SweetShot03 Fuck stupid people

    lol no I didnt watch any games really....... they were doing better so I assumed the coaching was better
  8. Harvs01

    Harvs01 Pro Bowler

    ...and in breaking news the raiders hire daffy duck to be their coach in 2010
  9. Daddy Primetime42

    Daddy Primetime42 TheNationWillRiseAgain

    alot of that was the defense showing up from time to time, teams giving the game away like the bengals game, catching teams on a downturn like the steelers. teams not respecting the pass defense like the eagles. the games we were suppose to win we didnt,redskins,chiefs,browns,jets should of been winnable games just by rushing the ball yet time after time cable had the QB drop back to pass 30 or more times instead of running the ball for that many times.Its stupid play calling at its best i could probably count how many reverses and receiver screens were called just using my ten fingers. yes if we would of had better qb play we would of been a playoff team but if russell stunk so bad why keep dropping him back 30 times.
  10. Jihad Joe

    Jihad Joe Life to Infidels

    Um...look his coaching resume

    Good coach.........not so much
  11. russian.tank

    russian.tank BruceAlmighty2010

    I think that Cable is perfect for the Raiders. Yes they lost winnable games, but, I think it was mostly because of the play calling and bad luck:
    First Chargers game: bad defensive play calling down the stretch.
    Jets game: Russell wtf moments
    Chiefs game: DHB needs to learn to hang on to the ball.
    Cowboys game: poor playcalling
    Redskins game: Gradkowski got injured
    Browns game: Frye chokes
    Ravens game: Bad plays by Russell.

    Last 7 games this team played hard. And that's not what we have seen the last couple of years. Personally I want Cable to stay. I do however want a new OC.
  12. Jihad Joe

    Jihad Joe Life to Infidels

    The Dallas game was the only one I saw, and that was just a tad bit more than poor play calling. You guys were never really in that game

    Fact is Cable has had very little success as a Coach, and he is not gonna have any in Oakland
  13. Sportsguy

    Sportsguy AKA-Sportsguy9695

    no surprises here. he needs to go
  14. Daddy Primetime42

    Daddy Primetime42 TheNationWillRiseAgain

    yeah they played hard but that eugene hiram tackle should tell you how soft they are playing. I heard an interview with Tim Brown yesterday he said its nice to have a players coach but you need a guy who is going to motivate you somehow to play up to your potential even when you dont feel like doing it every now and then. Cable is a players coach not a motivator you think Gruden would of kept Russell in there if he new the season would go down the drain probably not. Your telling me you still want this yes man who is only going to do what al tells him isnt that the problem in the first place.