Raiders & Steelers Come To Terms!

Discussion in 'NFL Draft Discussion' started by JASON4RMLA, Apr 21, 2010.

  1. ball in the baskett

    ball in the baskett First Team All Pro

    If true the steelers are gonna be pretty damn bad.
  2. ravenfan52

    ravenfan52 Perennial All Pro

    I think this (and the fact that nothing he's predicted/broken has come true) proves once and for all that JASON4MRLA's source is completely off.
  3. TJ

    TJ Dez Caught It

    Reported by Jason...then I know for a fact, that Ben Over won't be traded to Oakland. Thanks.
  4. mike oxlong

    mike oxlong The Voice Of Reason

    I got to know this guy's source
  5. codatious99

    codatious99 cheese head

    tisk tisk just another weak post by a weak raiderfanznznz!!!! ..... - rep? naw this time i just got to add jasaondaweakason to the ignore list.

  6. andy82

    andy82 Your Soul, It's Mine!

    Last Activity: 04-22-2010 08:58 AM

    Says it all really...
  7. Lord_Joe

    Lord_Joe Smiley Bugger

    Jason, can you PLEASE post these reports in the Fight Club section for me?
  8. 86WARD

    86WARD -

  9. RichLikeWh0a

    RichLikeWh0a Hermhater = Nemesis

    Last Activity: 04-22-2010 03:58 AM

    Hmm.. guess I owe someone an apology (thus far) because he hasn't come back. Now who was that again...

    I still believe he'll be back come football season..or he has another user name. Who knows which.