LMFAO, I love how people bring up crap that was never proven. Kobe's a rapist, Ray Lewis is a murderer. Innocent until proven guilty.
Actually, no on the Casey Anthony one, but I am not going to post a statement every time she is brought up about how shes a murderer. OJ is in jail so that answers that.
He's not in jail for murder. He got away with murder. Edit: Just saw Kevin Garnett on ESPN. He's another guy I can't stand to listen to. Especially that anything is possible thing from after they won the title. I thought ESPN was airing it 24/7 between commercials.
fftopic: Time to get this back on topic even though the video has been taken down due to the NFL claiming Copyright infringement
To each his own and I agree with Steve here. It's evident that the guy is passionate about his football and I think he'd give Jimmy Swaggert, Kenneth Copeland and Joel Osteen a run for their money should he take up televangelism.
That Ravens franchise will fall off when he retires. Watch and see. Why can't my team ever sign a player like Ray Lewis? He is the soul of that team.