Recent MMA Fighter Deaths Raise Questions

Discussion in 'Boxing/MMA Talk' started by CP26, Jan 3, 2009.

  1. CP26

    CP26 Im Back Mofos

    The death of former heavyweight title contender Justin Eilers, due to a gunshot wound at the hands of his stepfather at a Christmas night party, marked the third death of a recent UFC fighter from under strange circumstances in a short period of time. Eilers, 30, a one-time starting linebacker at Iowa State University, began in the fight game while still in high school, breaking in with current headliner Jens Pulver and former UFC fighter Mike Kyle. His death followed the Dec. 17 suicide of Justin Levens, 28, who had a couple of UFC fights in 2006 and was a regular in the now-defunct International Fight League in 2007.

    Source: MMA Junkie