Redskins Albert Haynesworth Can't Survive Another Season

Discussion in 'Washington Redskins' started by Sweets, Dec 26, 2009.

  1. HailttRedskins

    HailttRedskins I Still Say Redskins

    This is why Haynesworth is so pissed and quite frankly I would be too, whether I made 100mil or not.

  2. 86WARD

    86WARD -


    btw - the system will change next
  3. HailttRedskins

    HailttRedskins I Still Say Redskins

    Seriously the whole money thing is a joke. You all clearly must not watch the Redskins. We rank #9 and we look lost on the field. You all snitch about Haynesworth making all this money and say it's just all him being a baby or something else.

    Well what about Jason Taylor who Blache put on the opposite of where he dominated in Miami? The side he had NOT played on for 11 years.

    What about Orakpo who is a nasty DE? He puts him in at LB a lot of the time which he isn't all that great in. Lets see. Puts a lot of pressure on the QB, na we'll keep him at LB where he gets burnt a lot.

    What about Landry? He's a strong safety yet Blache continues to play him at free safety.

    As I've said before, Blache is an idiot, he tries to reinvent the wheel and so far he hasn't done anything correctly. The only reason we stay in the top 10 is because our players on defense are actually pretty damn decent. If he had half a freaking brain we might be #1 or #2, unfortunately that wont happen as long as he's here.

    Furthermore, Blache is such a snitch that he got granted to not talk to the media after games because he couldn't take the heat because they'd ask him questions about what he was doing. Orakpo being one of them. Haynesworth is now just letting it all be known, not that we haven't known it the whole time.

    I want Blache gone.