Saints QB Drew Brees Adamant About Not Signing Franchise Tender

Discussion in 'New Orleans Saints' started by Sweets, Mar 14, 2012.

  1. Sweets

    Sweets All-Pro

    Saints quarterback Drew Brees appeared on ESPN Radio's Mike and Mike in the morning show and according to Mike Triplett of the New Orleans Times-Picayune reiterated that he doesn't plan to sign his franchise tender and wants to work out a long-term contract agreement with the Saints. He said contract talks will be ongoing and that he's hoping something will be done sooner than later. He declined to get into details about why the contract hasn't been done yet. "I've played under the franchise tag before back in 2005 (with the San Diego Chargers)," Brees said. "That ended with 13 anchors in my right shoulder and a 24 percent chance of playing football again. That didn't really work out too well for me. I've talked to the Saints about this many times. I think they definitely know my desire to have a long-term deal. I think they certainly hopefully want me to have that, as well. We will continue discussions and hopefully get a long-term deal done."

    Source: The Redzone
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2012
  2. dpn

    dpn 18to44

    Pay the man!

    I wonder how much Peyton Manning's big contract and then subsequent injury is holding this up.
  3. mtzninersfan

    mtzninersfan 1st Stringer

    Well there was that rumor that the saints did offer him the biggest contract in nfl history. My sources are telling me Brees has been in secret negotiations with sf however....:icon_twisted:
  4. Saintsfan1972

    Saintsfan1972 BREESUS SAVES

    With colston locked up and the nicks distraction won't be long now
  5. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    I think he should've accepted that rumored contract if indeed the Saints offered him that. But I don't blame him for not signing the franchise. Why would he after the experience he had with the Chargers. If he suffers another injury, he may not get another chance like he did with the Saints.
  6. SeanTaylor21

    SeanTaylor21 TheKingofKind

    If he did get offered that rumored contract then he is a damn fool for not signing it.
  7. Dragonite

    Dragonite Simply Arrogant!

    The guy deserves a rich contract, so freaking sign him damn it
  8. TheDuke

    TheDuke Breast Man

    By Friday Vick will be traded to the Dolphins for a 3rd round draft pick and Brees will be wearing Eagle green for the next 6 years. :)

    A man can dream. When he says what he said this morning about being injured and his career almost ending with the franchise tag it makes sense but the report that he turned down the richest contract in football history is curious. If that's true he's just a whiny snitch like the rest of them. If it's not true then it is what it is. Either way, I'm almost convinced he won't be a Saint in 2012.
  9. Dragonite

    Dragonite Simply Arrogant!

    The guy is going to be with the Saints, despite all the reports coming out the Saints will give Drew whatever he wants. They almost have to he kind of saved this franchise.
  10. TheDuke

    TheDuke Breast Man

    I don't know. I feel like the Saints may have hecked themselves by breaking the story about him getting offered the giant contract. I'm sure it'll end fine but still, wouldn't be shocked to see him somewhere else.
  11. Dragonite

    Dragonite Simply Arrogant!

    I love Drew Brees and I will root for him wherever he goes. I just can't see him leaving the NOLA
  12. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    They offered him a more than rich contract and he refused to sign it.
  13. Dragonite

    Dragonite Simply Arrogant!

    It wasn't what he wanted. Its a negotiation. And if they are 4 million apart, I doubt it was as much as they claim. HE DESERVES TO BE THE RICHEST QB IN LEAGUE HISTORY. Period.
  14. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    From my understanding, the contract they offered would've made him the highest paid QB in league history.