Well, I've been swamped busy this week... so I'll just go with a simple 1k vCash bet for the Cow Patty fans. Whatcha say?
You're soooo screwed. :icon_twisted: Hell, you're the new peje with your "holy crap we're 5-0! We're invincible!" attitude. :icon_cheesygrin:
alright my eagles fans who wants to bet..... who will step up what do ya want a sig bet a vcash bet or both lemme know
u know im down omen.....i remember winning this last year and u carrying that sig that LOD made.....good memories. lol. Anyways, however u wanna bet is fine by me.
alright dude we here at gif havent had a good sig bet in a while so i say sig ..loser wears a sig for a week monday to saturday
u got urself a bet.....and if i lose i will post more so u can enjoy it.....but hopefully we wont have to worry bout that right?:icon_cheesygrin:
Umm, I don't see the thread... Just bumped this thread because I'm bored as heck and wanted to make a sig bet with one of the Turds fans... Cowboys(-2.5) vs. Packers. Loser wears sig until the losing team wins or the winning team loses.
Sweets and the other 9er fans will bow to the LoneStar State once the Texans finsh with a better record than the sputtering buttminers. OBTW,. Buttlick and Stevo (all VY COCKSUCKERS! ROY31! & CO.) here's your chance to die a titanic sig death. I'll even let the GIF members have a chance to add to the fun (PM) :Money: Please donate to the Anti VY V-$ fund