So you want to get in the game

Discussion in 'Fantasy Football Advice' started by misfitz, Jul 23, 2007.

  1. misfitz

    misfitz Dropping Twitter Bombs

    thats fine
  2. RedskinsNo.1

    RedskinsNo.1 R.I.P Sean Taylor

    Wow this filled up quickly
  3. TJ

    TJ Dez Caught It we go!!

    Team Name: The Drunk Mariachis
    Manager: TJ
    Co-Manager: FZ06 (He'll step up if I'm away or can't get for our selection)
  4. misfitz

    misfitz Dropping Twitter Bombs

    looks like we got 15

    i will be making a thread about how the order will come out
  5. Fricker 4

    Fricker 4 Crabtree fall to 10

    Here i will make it an Even 16 Teams

    Team name

    Another Man's Balls
  6. Sweets

    Sweets All-Pro

    :icon_eek: I hope your teams name isn't indicitive of you actually wearing, touching or looking at them...
  7. Fricker 4

    Fricker 4 Crabtree fall to 10

    not me sweets but urself, just think week in and week out some one has to play against another mans balls and then some one gets beat down by another mans balls. or some one beats another mans balls lmao its a great name
  8. Sweets

    Sweets All-Pro, well I wouldn't care about losing then...
  9. 49ers121

    49ers121 Portugal Mike

    damn way too late.
  10. Fricker 4

    Fricker 4 Crabtree fall to 10

    hehe so when does this start ?
  11. 49ers121

    49ers121 Portugal Mike

    When did you start posting here?
  12. Fricker 4

    Fricker 4 Crabtree fall to 10

    lol i have been here for a while there scrub .
  13. Platoon 86

    Platoon 86 Loony

    You might be able to take Fricker 4's spot
  14. 49ers121

    49ers121 Portugal Mike
