Steelers WR's Limas Sweed, Mike Wallace Interchangeable?

Discussion in 'Pittsburgh Steelers' started by 86WARD, Sep 12, 2009.

  1. blkngldbabe

    blkngldbabe Come Get Some!

    In preseason, Sweed impressed me alot. Kid had zero qualms going across the middle knowing full well there were headhunters on the way in with a kill shot. Guy caught it in traffic, held on and has been obviously been visiting Wards College of Knowledge in the blocking dept. He needs to get more consistency, but has been making strides. I think he's going to be a nice addition here and there, to our passing game which looks like it will be the primary source of our yardage this season. Ugh to that.
  2. Dougerrrr

    Dougerrrr Laus Deo

    When?.....I hope you all are right but Ward isn't gonna last forever and Sweed was supposed to be the heir right? Making strides isn't enough if this rookie has already over taken him. I am all for Sweed making it but just like K-Train has his doubts about an all-pro safety.....I have mine about a 2 round wr who can't even be the number three reciever in his second year.
  3. Crowned

    Crowned Doesn't give a shit.

    Mike Wallace is more of a passing threat as far as being able to stretch the field, but Sweed has shown in pre-season he can be a hell of a possession receiver, and can out jump you on the deep ball as well. I like them both sharing time, and they both will make contributions this season. As far as the running game :rollinglaugh:.
