I don't think I'd be far off if I said this PPV so far has been worse than NoC, and I thought that was bad...
Dunno.....Mysterio vs Ziggler was good....so was Legacy vs DX. Everyone knew Kane vs Khali would suck but nobody saw the Christian vs Regal disgrace coming. It's not great but it's not stinking up the joint IMO. Plus we still have what could end up being a match of the year candidate coming up.
HA....I thought I heard something like that too. God I hate the little kids who subject us to Cena....
How can the kids see anything in Cena? He's a crap wrestler, as charismatic as a piece of dead wood, pathetic move-set and a crap gimmick. And to think in my youth, my generation loved The Rock & Steve Austin...
OH YOU HAVE GOT TO BE CRAPTING ME..... What is that??? Oh lord....Lillian Garcia must be drinking out of Paula Abdul's cup.....she butchered that up big time.....