Taylor Still On The Mind Of Redskins

Discussion in 'Washington Redskins' started by CP26, Sep 4, 2008.

  1. CP26

    CP26 Im Back Mofos

    When Santana Moss steps onto the Giants Stadium turf before Thursdays NFL season opener in East Rutherford, N.J., the Washington Redskins eighth-year wideout will close his eyes and blurt out the initials of a pair of childhood friends who never made it to adulthood.


    Taylor still on the mind of Redskins - NFL - Yahoo! Sports
  2. wide right

    wide right Grumpy Old Man

    What ever happened to that Taylor guy? Did he retire or something.
  3. Crowned

    Crowned Doesn't give a shit.

    ... man here we go again , drop this bullcrap
  4. mike oxlong

    mike oxlong The Voice Of Reason

    Just like Jerome Brown will always be on my mind, time for a sig change
  5. CP26

    CP26 Im Back Mofos

    Dude please dont go there.
  6. wide right

    wide right Grumpy Old Man

    let it go
  7. Ridin Burgundy

    Ridin Burgundy on the Magic Bandwagon

    I'm fairly sure if your best friend died you wouldn't just 'let it go'
  8. Crowned

    Crowned Doesn't give a shit.

    Sean Taylor was your best friend? I doubt it...

    In fact he didn't know you and he damn sure didn't care bout you...
  9. Ridin Burgundy

    Ridin Burgundy on the Magic Bandwagon

    wow lol and heres me thinking the two of us were real tight :icon_rolleyes:

    I was talking about Moss..
  10. mike oxlong

    mike oxlong The Voice Of Reason

    seriously, he wasn't your best friend, it sucks the guy died, but c'mon already
  11. Crowned

    Crowned Doesn't give a shit.

    oh lol makes since, I understand why Moss is still hurt but it not news :rollinglaugh:
  12. Ridin Burgundy

    Ridin Burgundy on the Magic Bandwagon

    I agree but thers no need to make stupid comments on it either.
  13. CP26

    CP26 Im Back Mofos

    Me too. (CP)

  14. Crowned

    Crowned Doesn't give a shit.

    thats not helping the sterotype of the U players
  15. ball in the baskett

    ball in the baskett First Team All Pro

    Im sure its still on there mind you dont just forget something like that. On any team if a teammate died it would be hard on them.
  16. CP26

    CP26 Im Back Mofos

    In fact, I heard on ESPN that BDawk Cried before the game when he was honored.
  17. Roy31

    Roy31 Hall Of Famer

  18. Ridin Burgundy

    Ridin Burgundy on the Magic Bandwagon

    You've only been here a few weeks yet you already sound like and utter c**t.

    Good job:icon_thumleft:
  19. SeanTaylor21

    SeanTaylor21 TheKingofKind

    Doesn't surprise me.
  20. Roy31

    Roy31 Hall Of Famer

    more like a few years. In case you didn't realize it says Join date right above gender. open those beaty eyes of yours.

    Ahhh relax ladies. I remember him now...