I'm going to stop watching this show. Liv Tyler was on Ron & Fez this afternoon and said: SPOILER ALERT: They will never reveal why the people disappeared.
Haven't heard of this show, don't have HBO and when I first saw the thread title I thought of Thanksgiving.
i'm in for the whole season. im not one that is worried about finding out what happened to the people that disappeared. to me that's what the whole plot is about, the leftovers "not knowing" and the way it rips society apart.
I'm kinda over the initial anger about not finding. I might try to get back in. I'm a couple episodes behind though so we'll see.
yeah no doubt the plot really grasps at a crazy concept. which gives us a chance to see how people from different walks of life -cops, religious leaders, moms, fathers and those who would try to take advantage of people that are suffering from this. that all said it is a slow developing storyline so far but i will give it the whole season.
That is definitely one strange show, but I'm addicted to it!! The opening scene in the last episode was truly disturbing, though.