The Official Philadelphia Eagles Thread

Discussion in 'Philadelphia Eagles' started by smeags, Aug 27, 2007.

  1. Jihad Joe

    Jihad Joe Life to Infidels

    If you want a thumper at MLB, D'qwel Jackson is a FA. Did pretty well his first year in a 4-3 last year
  2. TheDuke

    TheDuke Breast Man

    Dude, the LB's played great last year. The issue is that their ceiling is garbage. So they made some plays and did decent but 1 or 2 heads up plays a game isn't something good. I want Dont'a Hightower. Athletic, smart, fast LB. I think he'd be a great pick up if he's available.
  3. TheDuke

    TheDuke Breast Man

    And I may be crazy but I'd still trade for Colt McCoy and let him sit on the bench and learn to be a QB with the birds. I think our staff could work wonders with him. Esp is RG3 goes to Cleveland.
  4. Jihad Joe

    Jihad Joe Life to Infidels

    I still think McCoy is an NFL QB. Reminds me alot of a young Bree's. Both are very cerebral QB's that dont have cannon arms. Once McCoys learns NFL defense's, he'll destory teams with those 10 to 20 yard pass's
  5. Omen

    Omen Speeling Be Champions Staff Member

    That's what I said right before he was drafted I remember ktrain and I having a discussion about this

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. smeags

    smeags militant geek

    Last edited: Jan 30, 2012
  7. TheDuke

    TheDuke Breast Man

    I must have forgot the sarcasm button. I didn't think it was that confusing. I'll make sure to add that next time....
  8. smeags

    smeags militant geek

    yeah, i didn't pick up the sarcasm, because you know, if anything represents a disputting, rant of a response, it's this -> :moe:

    Last edited: Jan 30, 2012
  9. smeags

    smeags militant geek

    good read:

    Philadelphia Eagles: 7 Issues That Must Be Addressed This Offseason | Bleacher Report

    particuarlly this part.

    this is a common opinion among all who look at the eagles and i agree with it 100%. i also agree with the opinion that the eagles hold as much or more responsibilty in this mess with jackson. what i dont agree with is when people put jackson in the same category as owens or moss which is off target IMO. jackson no doubt deserves to be ripped for his lazy play which led to his benching and i ranted on him for it.

    no matter what though this offense is set up where the receivers play off of each other and jackson is a huge part of it. if you take his portion away it will affect things. if you say it won't you're just being a jackson hater. you have to replace him if he goes and if the eagles let him walk for nothing that's a whole other discussion.

    work a deal out or find someone who can take his place because there's nobody on the roster currently who can even come close.
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2012
  10. bigsexyy81

    bigsexyy81 Muffin Top

    I'll say what I have been saying all along...

    How do you know that they even want to keep him long term? That management might have got over his bullcrap attitude and he wasn't simply kept on the team to play out his contract and to be used as trade bait now that his rookie contract is over?

    I think you guys who think that Maclin cant put up 850 yards a season without D-Jack are just looney tunes. Vick and his regression will hurt Maclin more than DeSean leaving.

    6'2, 215 lbs with decent speed... a guy who goes hard every snap... a guy who isn't afraid of going over the middle. Give me that any freaking day over a 90% decoy / 10% homerun hitter.
  11. smeags

    smeags militant geek

    you maybe right about the team not wanting to keep him long term but wouldn't that make the team look even worse by not being honest with the kid instead of saying stop your holdout and we will take care of you ? plus what if the eagles do tag him in an effort to trade him and nobody gives them what they want - of course we all know the eagles never ever ove evaluate their players when trying to trade them - what then ? pay the guy $9.5mil just to let him walk after 2012 ?

    btw - i see you're backing down to 850yrds for maclin ? it was 1,000yrds plus a couple posts ago. :dunno: but again you're making it a maclin vs. jackson debate, that's not what this is about. this system was always supposed to feature a WR corp like they have now. how damn long did it take for the eagles to finally get the right mix ?

    i will agree 100% with you that ultimately vick's regression will nulify any of this. that's why the eagles need to draft his replacement in this draft IMO.

    oh and c'mon stop the hatin - 90% decoy ? seriously ? he had the same stats basically as maclin and most of those were not from big plays.
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2012
  12. bigsexyy81

    bigsexyy81 Muffin Top

    DW mentioned this in the other thread, but show me some quotes where the FO said that they would pay Jackson if he came to camp. They merely said that they won't be negotiating with him if he isn't in camp.

    I am fairly certain he can get 1,000 yards, I was only calling out the 850 because that is what he got this year with Jackson commanding 'so much' of the secondary's attention. You replace Jeremy Maclin in Wes Welker's spot, he'd produce the exact same. He won't be a top stat receiver in the league because of the offense he is in and his QB.

    I guess that's another difference. You think this is the right mix, I don't. I think if we got a bigger receiver that could contribute 5-7 catches a game, gave his all on EVERY play, and because of that bigger size could block better than El Shrimpo this offense would be even better.

    It isn't like defenses are assigning two DBs to DeSean every play. At times they do, but they will roll zone coverages his way. Again, no doubt it helps the others, but it isn't so cut and dry as everyone else faces one on one coverage every down.

    His replacement is not in this draft. This class blows with the exception of one QB. Hate Tannehill. Take a shot or two in the dark in round 4 or later.

    And maybe the 90% was a tiny bit of an exaggeration.

  13. TheDuke

    TheDuke Breast Man

    I'm with sexy on this one. but instead of 90/10 it's like 70/30. Jackson has the potential but he's small. Maclin, sans DJ can catch 80 balls for 800-1000 a season. DJ isn't the end all/be all of this teams offense. I would prefer that kid from ND to DJ to be completely honest. They laid out the bridge and DJ took a big ol' crap on it. Let him get paid by the Redskins and rot in obscurity forever.
  14. bigsexyy81

    bigsexyy81 Muffin Top

    Now that I think about it... Floyd would be sick as an Eagle.
  15. Jihad Joe

    Jihad Joe Life to Infidels

    As a Cowboy and ND fan, I would hate that.

    Drafting him to be a starter off the bat is a huge risk, but you gotta remeber, as a soph he was in the convo with Green and Jones as to who was going to be the top WR when they were JR's. He has the physical body and skill they do, his game just didnt round out as much as they'res did

    But the guy is a freaking hoss if there ever was one
  16. smeags

    smeags militant geek

    i have never said he is but his talents play a large role in it and the team has to replace him and sorry if i dont give the CPA nmaking the decisions now enough credit to do that. drafting guys that contribute as back-ups and average at best starters is not acceptable.

    also, you and sexy keep acting like i am sticking up for jackson, i am merely pointing out the front office's role in the mess that played out last season. it didn't have to happen like it did. jackson certainly played his part in the bullcrap and he's an butthole for it.
  17. smeags

    smeags militant geek

    see this is the issue of living out of philly for you two. you miss too many things. banner went on 97.5 and stated the team would begin negociating with jackson's camp if he returned. that doesnt mean he was guaranteed a new deal but they never even called his agent. (yes i know rosencrap is a rod)
  18. smeags

    smeags militant geek

    reid doing his presser right now.
  19. smeags

    smeags militant geek

    i was actually impressed with reid in this one. he went beyond the typical "i gotta do better" cliche'. he really opened up about how the team failed on the field both with the coaches and the players. pointed out the defense's short comings and that the middle of the field (LB's) has to get better. that's big considering how reid never likes to single out anybody.

    on the DC position - admitted he offered spags a spot and from what he said it was going to be some type of asst/co-dc thing - interesting to say the least. personally i think thats bull and reid offered spags the DC spot itself and at this point is being nice to juan because if spags had accepted i think castillo wouldve been gone. now why spags didn't accept is another discussion altogether and i think the point put out there by peter king i think that spags wanted nothing to do with wasburn might be spot on.

    also reid discussed in length how the defense the eagles ran under castillo and the type that spags runs are basically the same. something some here said wasn't the case which wouldve been a hinderence if spags was brought in. also eluded to the fact that certain players on defense weren't utlilized correctly (CB's?).

    presser is still going on but so far i have to tip my hat to reid on this.
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2012
  20. TheDuke

    TheDuke Breast Man

    A) And Joe Banner didn't lie. He negotiated with DJ and Rosenhaus. Rosenhaus is the 1 that killed it. He wanted a HUGE contract off the bat and the Eagles couldn't afford it. Simple as that.

    B) Reid did do good today but I don't believe they're going to do crap to get a LB worth a damn. Do I really like Andy Reid? Yes. But I'll be the first to admit that he sucks at addressing NEEDS. He can get the best guy out there. When we signed Asante it wasn't a dire need at DB. We signed Aso and it wasn't a dire need. I think they're putting A LOT of stock in being able to acquire Dont'a Hightower but I don't see us upgrading at MLB or LB in general. But here's hoping I get proven wrong.

    C) I bet the Washburn thing was a big part of it. I also would bet that he offered him the DB coaching job or whatever for now and honestly, that'd be a smack in the face. I still stand by the fact that once Howard Mudd retires(or dies) Juan Castillo will return to the offensive side of the field. I wouldn't want to lose him either. He's one of the top OL coaches in the NFL. But I REALLY hope that this off season JC realizes that Aso isn't a zone guy and adjusts the D. I still would love to see Asante traded for a player or some picks but who knows.