The Official Philadelphia Eagles Thread

Discussion in 'Philadelphia Eagles' started by smeags, Aug 27, 2007.

  1. bigsexyy81

    bigsexyy81 Muffin Top

    Hadn't really thought about that till I read Dawk's post, but I agree with that as well.
  2. TheDuke

    TheDuke Breast Man

    Juan deserves a TON of credit and I'm glad he's sticking it to the haters from last year. Dude's spent his life studying defense and is showing that he just needed a year. I for one would apologize to him if I met him for doubting him last season. I think Big Sexy hit the Vick nail on the head too. He's not taking dudes on. He's sliding and getting out of bounds. He's diving forward as well but at least it's before he gets within like a foot of them.

    I think that this team as a whole is playing great football. If they could put together 4 great quarters this team is easily unstoppable. Ryans IS a beast and despite the whole "he'll be taken off the field on 3rd down" he's been in there quite a bit. This team has Super Bowl potential and the swag they have is awesome. I'm one of the biggest 5 fans ever but the confidence that Vick brings is infectious. I know people have criticized the dynasty comments and stuff but that's the mental attitude this team finally needs.
  3. smeags

    smeags militant geek

    whoa there pal, easy with the people owe juan any kind of apology. he's had two good games so far.

    also - how is a team that has 10 turnovers in two games playing great as a whole ? if you think this team will roll through the season while that kind of crap is going on you're mistaken. it will be another 8-8 season if the turnover problems are not fixed.
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2012
  4. TheDuke

    TheDuke Breast Man

    The last 4 games of last year his D played great. This preseason his D played great. So far his D's played great. Maybe I'll agree and hold off on the back patting until further in the season but people said some BAD crap about this dude.

    Vick is the issue with turnovers. I know that Shady has a few fumbles but if/when Vick stops making really stupid decisions we can roll. When the offense is on they're ON. There's no shortage of weapons on this team and if we can cut down the turnovers we can have a hell of a season. This team has all the potential in the world and if they can cut down on the mistakes then they're money.
  5. smeags

    smeags militant geek

    people ripped castillo but i think more of the blame was placed on reid for choosing him to begin with which was completly valid as there were far better canidates out there. the added talent - ryans. kendricks, boykins etc as well as playing the db's to their strengths has played as much a role in the imporvement this season as anything.

    that said - i am def giving juan his due credit here and would like nothing better then to see him prove that his selection as the DC was the right one. you can't help but like the guy and want to see him succeed.

    you're dead on with vick's turnover. look how many are in the redzone. the team puts up tons of yardage on offense but these misques are killing them. they should be putting up 35points a game.
  6. CStevenson13

    CStevenson13 1st Stringer

    Sorry im late but congrats on a good game fellas
  7. DawkinsINT

    DawkinsINT Tebow free since 9/5/2015.

    Thanks. Hope to see you guys in the SB.
  8. DawkinsINT

    DawkinsINT Tebow free since 9/5/2015.

  9. TheDuke

    TheDuke Breast Man

    Great article. Just like some folks said that Ryans was done before the season started and others saying that Cox is a bust so far(what?). It's the things you don't see. I'm SO stoked to see this kid develop. Not many DT's have Trent Cole's motor, especially a DT.
  10. DawkinsINT

    DawkinsINT Tebow free since 9/5/2015.

    No doubt. It's only two games, but it's hard to not think about how good this defense can be once these guys have more experience playing together.
  11. bigsexyy81

    bigsexyy81 Muffin Top

    That's odd. Because whenever I had my eyes on him, he wasn't doing crap. But then I'd notice Landri with penetration almost any time he was subbed in.
    Glad to read he is pulling his weight!
  12. ragman

    ragman Pro Bowler Fantasy Guru

    Does anyone here find it ironic that the first name of the Eagles starting center is Dallas?
  13. DawkinsINT

    DawkinsINT Tebow free since 9/5/2015.

    Not sure if it was in this thread or the one about Kelce being injured, but yeah, we made reference to how much we hate his name.
  14. bigsexyy81

    bigsexyy81 Muffin Top

    I had to watch this crap on an iPad since I wasn't at home so I don't have any detailed analysis. But I'm so freaking sick of Vick having an MVP type second half of a game and getting us all bonered over him, and having to be brought back to reality for a full 60 the following week.

    Andy is going to call the game he wants and that won't change this year, so no sense snitching about him. Any quarterback should love being in this offense and top level ones would be putting up insane numbers.

    Turnovers killed us this game. Demaris fumbled which forced the defense to go right back to defend a short field. Vick's first fumble was him being stupid and careless. And even if he didn't fumble the second time, time would have expired with how long his butt held the ball.

    Frustrating loss. Put it behind us and purge it from the memory.
  15. smeags

    smeags militant geek

    blame vick all you want but who decidied to keep him as the starter ? who decided to pass all day with an online that was depleated and showed zero ability to pass protect ?

    bottom line is this season will go up and down all year and the end result will be the same - a 9-7 or an 8-8 season and if by some dumb luck they make the post season an expected 1st round drop kick.

    the silver lining this time is the owner has already stated the HC is gone if that happens.
  16. smeags

    smeags militant geek

    here is why things will not change with reid as HC;

    1st half drives

    drive 1 - 3 passes - punt
    drive 2 - 4 passes / 2 runs - punt
    drive 3 - 2 passes / 2 runs - fumble
    drive 4 - 3 passes - punt
    drive 5 - 3 passes / 1 run (on 3rd & 20) - punt
    driv3 6 - 11 passes - fumble returned 93yrds for a TD

    at one point the eagles had 19passes to one run play. with that online.
  17. DawkinsINT

    DawkinsINT Tebow free since 9/5/2015.

    His stubbornness is infuriating. Unreal that he only ran 5 times in the first half with that offensive line.
  18. ball in the baskett

    ball in the baskett First Team All Pro

    You guys think vick/andy are tied at the hip when it comes to being fired? If andy gets fired next coach should just start developing nick foles
  19. smeags

    smeags militant geek

    of course they are
  20. Fish

    Fish I'm glad I came!

    And, I don't know the exact figures, but the defense had to be on the field for at least 2/3 of the first half. There is no way a D can stop the ball when it doesn't have any rest; no matter how good (or bad) they are. :icon_sad: :icon_frown: