I think we are capable of winning the NFC as well. It's not an absurd statement at all. And, imo, any prediction is absurd as the next. No one can say what is going to really happen between now and February.
FREAK YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I knew Westie would show. Shepphard HAD to show. Andrews should save his holdout for next year. He's set to make 2.6 or something like that this year.
They all MIGHT leave camp. He's there. He will be practicing with the team in about 2.5 hours. Let's just take it a day at a time and hope his teammates can convince him to compromise with the Eagles and take what they offer From today's practice blog: 3:!5 PM There is also a new addition to the offensive line today. He didn't have a name on the back of his jersey yet. We will get you more details shortly. Any guesses?