This Looks Familiar...

Discussion in 'Houston Texans' started by brakos82, Nov 10, 2007.

  1. brakos82

    brakos82 30% more cats than last year!

    An opposition supporter waves the flag of the Republicans opposition party during a rally in front of the parliament building in Tbilisi November 6, 2007. Georgian authorities threatened on Tuesday to launch an international manhunt for President Mikhail Saakashvili's arch foe after he surfaced in Germany and accused Georiga's leader of corruption during a TV interview. REUTERS/David Mdzinarishvili (GEORGIA)

  2. ollysj

    ollysj iKraut

    The writing on the flag is; Texans freaking sucks :icon_mrgreen:
  3. TDJets72027

    TDJets72027 Rex Ryan baby