With much encouragement from HH... I have decided to post my sigs.... I am going to start with the oldest to the newest. Like HH, I am still sharpening my skills and learning the ropes.... behold - but hold your laughter!
Thanks... now that the Chiefs are over till next year and I don't start next semester for a while... I can get some practice
He usually catches me on facebook when I am at work... talkin sexy while everyone is looking over my shoulder!
He called me on Christmas day but my stupid phone shuts itself off randomly, so I missed the call. I talked to him online a few days ago though. I'll try to get him back over here sometime...
he wasnt online since may 18th :icon_cheesygrin: Russia - Canada 5:4 :icon_cheesygrin: hockey world championship 2008 btw: great sigs tammie
I really like fireworks, but you become limited with your brush selection. It's very straight forward too... I'm starting to use photoshop a little more. I will probably use a combination of both if possible...
I made my first sig with a combination of PS and Fireworks! I like fireworks in the ability to select levels easier. I also like what you can do with fonts. Now remember... I am still learning - but let me know what you think!
VERY gay...I suspect HH will be utilizing this signature in no time...other than that good job. I find using the fonts in Fireworks to be more user friendly as well...much easier to screw around with and edit in Fireworks. Maybe I'm just not used to Photoshop yet...
I was used to Photoshop, but utilizing both in this sig was great... the next one I do I am gonna try in just Fireworks. Oh.... and its not gay to me!!! This one is for the girls! and some of the guys