Twas the night before Dallas, and all cross the mall The talk was not politics , but Redskins football The Cowboys are coming, to Washington to fill Our need for a slaughter, theyll look like road kill Some fans will be huddled, with visions of dread While visions of victory, dance through some heads The seasons on the line, so dont be a sap Turn on the TV, and dont dare you nap There up on the screen there arose such a clatter, The games about to start, and nothing else matters. The teams are all set, for the ultimate clash We have what it takes, our hopes they wont dash So pound on your chest, and yell here we go lets go and pound Dallas, we hate them you know When, what to our wondering ears should we hear, Young Tony Romo confessing hes a q***r, Doesnt matter which quarter back, healthy or sick The defense will crush him its gonna be slick More rapid than eagles the blitzes theyll come, and well pound the quarter back until he is numb. While Carter on the end, plus others blitzin In the quarter backs draws, you might find some shlitzin So hit him so hard he fumbles the ball Then dash away! dash away! To the endzone yall As passes that before, we like to see fly, Collins fresh arm will light up the sky, To all the receivers the passes they flew, And dont forget Cooley, and the job he can do And then, in a twinkling, we will see proof Portis is back, yardage goes through the roof The offence is clicking , by air and by ground, and dont worry people, Gibbs is stickin around So dress in your gear, from your heads to your feet, when you see the coin tossed, come out of your seat; Were bundles of nerves, as the coin hits the ground The Redskins will receive, what a wonderful sound. Our eyes -- how they twinkle! our smiles so merry! Those burgundy jerseys, look so damn cherry! With a quick little wave, all players in a row The ball is kicked off, its time for the show; The chump of a coach clinched tight his old teeth, as his team just got flagged, for a hit that was cheep; He has a broad face and is a bit smelly, It looks like his body is a big bag of jelly. Hes an arrogant old chump, all full of himself, And I laugh when I see him, I may pizz myself; I look at this guy and think in my head, at this point hes realized the Redskins aint dead; Gibbs spoke not a word, he went right to his work, and unlike Wade Wilson, doesnt act like a jerk, And laying his finger aside of his nose, And giving a nod, to the QB that he chose; Collins sprang from the huddle, the fans scream and whistled, And away Portis flew, just like a cruise missile. But I heard him exclaim, as he ran out of sight, "LETS RUN UP THE SCORE, AND CRUSH DALLAS OUTRIGHT" WE WANT DALLAS WE WANT DALLAS WE WANT DALLAS WE WANT DALLAS WE WANT DALLAS WE WANT DALLAS WE WANT DALLAS WE WANT DALLAS WE WANT DALLAS WE WANT DALLAS WE WANT DALLAS WE WANT DALLAS WE WANT DALLAS WE WANT DALLAS WE WANT DALLAS WE WANT DALLAS WE WANT DALLAS WE WANT DALLAS WE WANT DALLAS WE WANT DALLAS WE WANT DALLAS WE WANT DALLAS WE WANT DALLAS WE WANT DALLAS
the one thing I wouldn't want, if I needed my team to win, to be in... Is to have the slogan " we want Dallas. " .... because Dallas, is exactly what you're getting.