some nice tradeoffs of punches, evans needs to be careful in close like that Liddell lands another right some more dances Rashad hits with a left hook and looking be a little stronger rashad lands another left hook Evans just Knocked Liddell the FREAK OUT
EVANS JUST KNOCKED LIDDELL the FREAK OUT HOLY FREAKING CRAP!!! Rashad nailed him and Liddell flopped like a fish, I AM SHOCKED!!!!!! That was like the scene from Rocky where Rocky and Apollo swing and both are about to hit each other at the same time, Rashad's shot was just that much quicker. DAMN, I am still stunned. I'll take the vcash though at 2 to 1, thanks
holy crap dude holy freaking crap did that just happen:icon_eek: that was a freaking monster bomb right on teh freaking jaw amazing.. knocked the heck out
Sugar Rashad Evans will get his title shot, that's for sure. WOW What an awesome night of fights!!!!!!!!!!!!
I never thought Lidell would leave his jaw so open like that. I guess he was too pissed and not focused enough. Sugar got inside Chuck's head. Nice freaking job.
Evans will fight Forest now, the good news is UFC 89 is free on spike TV so we all can join in on the play by play and yes TVU rocks, HH jumped the gun on that one