Upper Deck to Remove Michael Vick from 2007 Card Releases

Discussion in 'Atlanta Falcons' started by ollysj, Aug 13, 2007.

  1. ollysj

    ollysj iKraut

    From UpperDeck.com

    As more news is revealed about the controversy surrounding Michael Vick and the dog-fighting allegations that have been made against him, Upper Deck staff found it to all be very upsetting. After raising concerns on including Michael Vick in Upper Deck and Fleer releases, a decision was made this week after working with the NFL to remove him from future sets beginning with Ultimate Collection Football set to release this October.

    Upper Deck Authenticated worked with Michael Vick to produce autograph memorabilia pieces featured on the companys webstore. Upper Deck has pulled all Michael Vick authenticated memorabilia from the site as well at this time. Items pulled include Michael Vick autograph footballs, helmets, jerseys and the companys line of Breaking Through pieces.

    Of course we appreciate the fact that Mr. Vick is innocent until proven guilty, but the allegations alone have resulted in an outpouring of very strong emotion within our organization and among the collecting community, said Kerri Stockholm, Director of Marketing for Upper Deck. We believe collectors will agree and support this decision as being the best course of action for our football business.
  2. Sweets

    Sweets All-Pro

    Wow, his "face of a franchise" is slowing sinking into quick sand with no hope in sight.

    Hopefully the rest of the players in the NFL will take this as warning that no craziness on the part of players will be tolerated in the NFL any longer, and Michael Vick stands to lose a lot more then the original 28 million, his long term earnings from the commercial side of the business is dwindling too.