Vikings RB Adrian Peterson Indicted On Charges Of Reckless/Negligent Injury To A Child

Discussion in 'Minnesota Vikings' started by DaBears22, Sep 12, 2014.

  1. Buck Fenson

    Buck Fenson formerly Jake from State Farm

    your legs has a lot of blood vessels. my dad used to put me through a wall, hit me like a man at the age of 7. that was a ducking beating. those marks? I wish I had those as a child.
  2. Diesel44

    Diesel44 Serial Killer

    i think it was more like a parent going too far than it was a beating.i have torn my kids asses up with my hand,i just never took it to the level AP did. the one thing he did to prove he went to0 far to me is switching him in his gonads. that and the fact he drew a lot of blood is why i think he will get suspended.he did not help his cause much by hiding it from the vikings and the league either.
  3. Buck Fenson

    Buck Fenson formerly Jake from State Farm

    the nut part is going too far,, I agree. I hate making these statements because I sound like I am agreeing with what he did totally. Switches are flexible and it could bend enough to hit the sack. I doubt he aimed for the sack. Was it much? Probably but that was not a beating. That was an old school whipping.
  4. Diesel44

    Diesel44 Serial Killer

    Regardless,The NFL has to drop the hammer on his ass,especially after the last week. i have seen some stories all over the web that says the vikes may be done with him.i think it would be stupid for them to do that.
  5. Buck Fenson

    Buck Fenson formerly Jake from State Farm

    I have seen the same thing. Listen, the boy's face wasn't smashed in, no broken bones. He was whipped by his father and personally I don't think it went too far. That was how kids were punished back before Child Protection. Do some kids need protection? YES. Should he be released? No. But I remember a couple of weeks ago when he talked to Jerry Jones about being a Cowboy. Maybe the powers that regulate who wins games and Super Bowls will see fit to have him a Cowboy.
  6. ragman

    ragman Pro Bowler Fantasy Guru

    The wounds in those pictures were several days old. That WAS a beating.

    I have a feeling that when Goodell gets hold of AP, he'll be hurting too. And so will the Vikings and their fans.
  7. DontKnowMe

    DontKnowMe Anti-Social Networker

  8. TJ

    TJ Dez Caught It

    Unless a video of him beating his child surfaces (which Goodell probably even saw back in May). Then all bets are off.
  9. smeags

    smeags militant geek

    @Buck Fenson
    - are you ducking serious ? you can look at that statement see no issue with a 4yr old being abused (yes thats abuse to anyone who is sane) with a switch ?
    texas says it is which should tell you something.

    my god man what is wrong with you ?
  10. smeags

    smeags militant geek

    thats the weak response i keep seeing from you so-called old school people. THE KID WAS 4 - YOU DONT NEED BRUISE UP A 4YR OLD !

    i had a belt used on me as a child but my parents NEVER, EVER did something like this. why ? cause they werent child abusers.

    and guess what, if that's how your parents hit you when you did something wrong, you were abused.
    DaBears22 and Diesel44 like this.
  11. Buck Fenson

    Buck Fenson formerly Jake from State Farm

    that is how come you are an Eagles fan.
  12. ragman

    ragman Pro Bowler Fantasy Guru

    This spanking drew blood. That is why it's a beating.
  13. Buck Fenson

    Buck Fenson formerly Jake from State Farm

    so I have to draw blood from my p**is in order to beat it?
    Diesel44 likes this.
  14. Diesel44

    Diesel44 Serial Killer

  15. 86WARD

    86WARD -

  16. 86WARD

    86WARD -

  17. smeags

    smeags militant geek

    ahhh c'mon whats the big deal. its just a lil whoopin
  18. Steve12

    Steve12 The night is dark and full of terrors

    I love how people are using "old school" as a defense for this. Just because something was ok 50 years ago doesn't mean it's ok now.

    My mom managed to discipline me just fine without ever hitting me in the nuts or drawing blood with a stick.
  19. Buck Fenson

    Buck Fenson formerly Jake from State Farm

    yes, moms are world famous for hard discipline.
  20. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    My Moms busted a wooden spoon over my brothers ass and when we laughed at her she came at us with this tupperware spatula that had 4 holes in it and left some nice
    Diesel44 likes this.