When the news broke that Vince Wilfork had requested a release I have to admit I was genuinely surprised, but when he was still on the roster several days after his request I began to think Wilfork was just looking for leverage. Sure enough the news broke earlier this week that the New England Patriots […] Read the whole post here.
Good piece. The TE and slot receiver are such big pieces to Belichck's offense that I would really be surprised if they didn't take a TE with their first pick. You conclude your article with Why do you say that?
You conclude your article with "this season is sure to be one of the most hyped since Randy Moss" Why do you say that? Haha I probably should put emphasis on "one of the most!" But after the Revis signing and later on the Browner signing I think Patriots fans can see that belichick is a little less nonsense this year. Unlike past years when the Patriots attempted to rely on undrafted/unproven players in defense this season the Patriots made big moves and essentially geared up to beat Denver. I personally feel the excitement factor because it feels like the Patriots are really pushing this year and I want another ring!! Thanks for the read and the comment!