What's The Super Bowl Match-Up Going To Be?

Discussion in 'NFL General Discussion' started by CaptainStubing, Jan 17, 2010.


The Super Bowl Match-Up Will Be .............

  1. Saints vs. Colts

  2. Saints vs. Jets

  3. Vikings vs. Colts

  4. Vikings vs. Jets

  1. bandi

    bandi Hall Of Famer

    That's what I'm saying....but really...Saints/Vikings is a tough game to choose...IMO, Vikings have the better defense, but Saints have the better offense...:icon_cheesygrin:
  2. MediaGuy

    MediaGuy Ball So Hard University

    Jets beat Vikings and Brett retires again after getting beat by his last team and has finally run out of teams to play for unless he wants to play for the Raiders. I used to write for Soap Operas. :icon_cool: