I've been playing with the brush tool a lot lately. Here's a couple featuring backgrounds I made with it. This was posted in another thread already. For saintskickass: and here's my latest fun with brushes:
The brush tool. (left side above erase tool on fw)The one I assume you used to make the circles on the Gonzalez background. It makes the dots, circles, and checkers and whatnot.
That's the lens flare filter dude. It's pretty friggin' awesome. Also I like the lighting effects filter. You can create some pretty awesome shapes with shading and such. I'm still trying to figure out where to use some that I've done in a sig. Hey dude, I found some free brushes you can download!!! These are friggin' bad butt... Free Photoshop Brushes at Brusheezy!
Can you do that with pictures you've taken yourself dude? How do you do that? I have a picture of my cat that is colored like a Raider.