[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLmjwJ9wEyo&feature=related"]YouTube - Mariusz Pudzianowski First Fight in MMA and K.O[/ame] won the fight in 43 seconds the guy is an animal to bad he isnt in UFC. Him vs lesnar would be a good headline. 6 time worlds strongest man vs brock lesnar this was his first mma fight i believe
:icon_eek: He's freaking scarry. If Brock recovers from his ailment, that would be a cool fight to watch somewhere down the road.
hell yea this dude is an animal Im pretty sure if he went all out with his punches he could break ribs i saw another video of him training and his flexabiliity and quickness is not like the norm for a big dude hes 5 11 265 pounds
Wanna translate that for me ball? :icon_confused: Wonder if he's gonna end up in Strike Force. I'd like to see how Fedor beats him.
lol the the announcers are way to dramatic there like theres a new star in mma blah blah saying how hes 250 times stronger then the other guy blah blah blah crapty announcers they also say he kicks like a horse and surprised everyone he won so fast
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CyxdCUrAChc&feature=PlayList&p=50AE2FA2A46C0257&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=22"]YouTube - Mariusz Pudzianowski working on his ground game[/ame] heres him training his ground game to bad its in polish you guys dont understand lol buy you can still see what hes doing
I remember watching him win atleast 2 of thos eworld strongest mans i routed against him every time lol
he says that boxing is his weak point karate and ground game hes better at. Im still sure if one of his punches connects he will knock someone out and he said hes gonna be fighting in poland and england right now and see how it goes so ufc or strikeforce probably wouldent be soon. Hes also not giving up the strong man competitions its gonna be pretty hard trying to do both.
Yeah he's gonna need some experience under his belt before he takes on the big dogs, but damn dude looks strong. Throwing dudes around like rag dolls.
I dont know about not difficult this guy is alot stronger then brock lesnar. If he connects with a punch brock is out. It was his first fight anyway lets see if he trains more and gets more serious about it.
no way man, Mir would beat this guy easily as well. I don't even want to go into what Fedor would do to him.
True i think Fedor or Mir could beat him now.........strength is all you need in MMA remember Brock and Mir first fight.........