WWE Smackdown Results

Discussion in 'Wrestling Talk' started by Mike S., Aug 4, 2004.

  1. Mike S.

    Mike S. GIF Hall Of Fame Class Of 2007 Staff Member

    Credit goes to: Rajah.com

    Taping Date: 1/9/07 - Air Date: 1/12/07 - Peoria, Illinois

    Finlay and Matt Hardy failed to beat the clock. The match ended with Finlay applying a leg lock submission to Hardy, but Hardy refused tap. After the clock ran out Finlay refused to break the hold and Joey Mercury ran out wearing a protective face mask. Finlay kept the leg lock on as Mercury hit Hardy with a chair. Mercury then set up Matt Hardy to smash his head inside the chair. Refs ran out from the back to stop Mercury before he could jump from top rope onto the chair.

    Mercury then did an interview from the back saying that Matt Hardy destroyed his movie star good looks and that he was going to continue to beat on Matt Hardy until Teddy Long makes a one on one match between the two of them.

    Tatanka defeated Jimmy Wang Yang.

    Kennedy defeated Benoit in a non-title match Kennedy got a lot of heat when he came out and then the audience said his name along with him. Benoit got a nice pop. This was an excellent match. The best work, in the ring, I've ever seen from Kennedy. Midway through the match Chavo came down and joined JBL and Cole at the announce table. The match ended when Chavo interfered and Kennedy rolled up Benoit. Benoit delivered close to a dozen german suplexes in this match.

    London & Kendrick defeated Regal & Taylor to retain the tag titles Decent match with a prolonged beat down of London and then a hot tag to Kendrick. There was a brief fight with all four in the ring. Kendrick rolled up Taylor.

    MVP and Vito failed to beat the clock. MVP was still selling his burns and came out taped up. They did a nice make-up job on MVP's back to show part of the burn. This match was what you'd expect.

    Batista then did an interview back stage. I couldn't hear all of it but she essentially asked him what he thought about facing Kennedy or Taker. Batista said Kennedy talks too much but he wouldn't underestimate him. Batista then said if it were Taker, that would be new.

    Taker and The Miz failed to beat the clock. There was a ref bump and interference from Kennedy. Taker finally tombstoned The Miz and missed beating the clock by half a second. This was a well timed finish. The show ended with Kennedy celebrating his title shot at the entrance and Taker staring him down.
  2. Mike S.

    Mike S. GIF Hall Of Fame Class Of 2007 Staff Member

    Credit goes to: Rajah.com

    Taping Date: 1/16/07 - Air Date: 1/19/07 - Little Rock, Arkansas

    Show opens with a Mr. Kennedy promo talking up his Beat the Clock win. Teddy Long interrupts and says tonight Kennedy will face the Undertaker. Win, lose or draw, Kennedy remains in the Rumble title match, but if Undertaker wins he gets added to make it a Triple Threat.

    Matt Hardy b. Joey Mercury. Early in the match Matt delivers body shots and Joey backs off quickly when Matt goes for face shots. Mercury goes for a double underhook, Hardy double legs him and flips over for the pin. Post-match Nitro jumps Hardy and Melina shows up too. We want Jeff chants, but no Jeff. Matt gets a snapshot on the concrete floor with the pads removed.

    Backstage: Miz talking up taking Undertaker to the limit to Ashley and Layla, but Kane approaches from behind.

    Backstage: Kristal interviews Vickie who was something to discuss in private.

    MVP/Regal/Taylor b. Vito/London/Kendrick. Heat segment on Vito, Taylor gives some stiff forearms. Kendrick gets the hot tag but the heels get the win.

    No DQ US championship match: Chris Benoit b. Chavo Guerrero. Went about 10 minutes, Chavo quickly tries to use exposed turnbuckles, chairs, etc. Benoit goes for Crossface early and often but Chavo works over his left shoulder and arm with the chair. Benoit gets the tap-out victory with the sharpshooter.

    Backstage: Kristal interviews Batista

    Backstage: Jillian suggests Kennedy should tell Long to call off the match with
    the Undertaker.

    Deuce, Domino, and Cherry debut defeating 2 unannounced wrestlers in a squash. Fonzie and Happy Days chants.

    Backstage: Kennedy talks to Long, but the match is on.

    Kane b. The Miz in a squash

    Backstage: King Booker talks to Long, he hasnt gotten a rematch but the King will win the Royal Rumble to reclaim his throne at Wrestlemania.

    Batista comes out for commentary with Michael Cole and JBL for: Mr. Kennedy b. The Undertaker by DQ. Also goes about 10 minutes. Finish comes as Kennedy is outside the ring and slaps Batista at the announce table. Kennedy runs back into the ring, Batista follows and spears him. Ref calls for the DQ so Kennedy wins and Undertaker isnt added to the Royal Rumble World title match. Batista takes Kennedy to the back while Undertaker remains in the ring with a displeased stare at Batista. Perhaps a tease of an Undertaker/Batista title program.
  3. Mike S.

    Mike S. GIF Hall Of Fame Class Of 2007 Staff Member

    Credit goes to: Pro Wrestling Torch.com

    Taping Date: 1/23/07 - Air Date: 1/26/07 - Mobile, Alabama

    Kennedy is talking about his greatness. He brings up the Royal Rumble, which in turn brings out generic rock music, which brings out Batista. Batista dares Kennedy to slap him, and Batista starts slapping his own face to goad him on. Kennedy cocks the mic back, which brings the Undertaker standing behind Kennedy. He shoots a big boot, Kennedy ducks, and Batista is knocked the heck down. Kennedy walks up the rampway, and Batista stares down the Undertaker while getting up.

    MNM defeated Brian Kendrick & Paul London & Ashley. Melina distracts the ref and Mercury sneaks in to get a Snapshot on London. Not a lot of high-flying, but both teams looked very good, traded offense, and requisite hot tag by the faces. Ashley, mercifully, did little other than a swank spear into a catfight onto Melina.

    Kane beat MVP by DQ. MVP did a great job selling the burns and bumping all over the place. Kane does a great job targeting the lower back. MVP had some striking offense in here and there, but loses the match with a chairshot on Kane. MVP then pulls out a comically huge gas can from under the ring and almost dumps some on Kane until he sits up, and MVP runs off.

    Michael Cole does an in-crowd interview with Vladimir Koslov, who says he will eliminate 29 men in Rumble Royal.

    Kane vs. Benoit vs. MVP vs. Finlay vs. the Miz vs. King Booker. 6-Man, Over-the-Top Challenge. Kane is the first one eliminated, leaving four heels and one face. After much brawling, the Miz gets dumped cleanly. Then while they're still fighting, The Undertaker comes out and Snake Eyes, Chokeslams, and Tombstones everyone. The last man thrown out is Finlay
  4. Mike S.

    Mike S. GIF Hall Of Fame Class Of 2007 Staff Member

    Credit goes to: Pro Wrestling Torch.com

    Taping Date: 1/30/07 - Air Date: 2/2/07 - Toyota Center - Houston, Texas

    Chris Benoit d Fit Finlay: Both men received great reactions. I'm not sure how much of this will be edited or not, but it wasn't due to mistakes. If anything, it would be due to length, as the match went 14:30. Benoit had the early advantage only to see Finlay take over working on the knee. Benoit fails in a suplex attempt due to selling the knee. Although Benoit finally capped off three back suplexes in a row, he still sold the knee. Benoit misses a top rope headbutt, which Finlay used to take a top turnbuckle pad off. With the referee distracted, Finlay went under the ring to grab Little Bastard, who for some reason was not coming out. Finlay nearly got counted out in the process. Out of nowhere, Boogeyman's music plays, and he emerges from under the ring with Little Bastard and begins to carry him off to the back. This distraction led to Benoit rolling up Finlay for the pinfall win.

    Post-match saw Finlay chase LB on the announce table and the two get into an argument. LB tries to run away, but Boogeyman is at the entrance, and LB gets caught between the two men. It seems as if they are going with a Finlay-Boogeyman program.

    They show Billy Gibbons from ZZ Top in the crowd.

    Kristal interviews Vicki Guerrero, who states that she is returning to Smackdown soon despite the unsafe working conditions that GM Teddy Long allows. She states that there is an opportunity that has caught her eye that would lead to much success. She wishes Kristal luck for later tonight.

    Deuce & Domino w/Cherry d Paul London-Brian Kendrick w/Ashley Massaro: Again, both teams received decent reactions from the crowd. This was not announced as a title match. London plays your face in peril, who hot tags to Kendrick. While Deuce and Domino didn't embarass themselves, they were a bit out of place at times during Kendrick's offense. London is hip-tossed over the top rope in a highspot, while Kendrick misses sliced bread. Deuce and Domino double team Kendrick, with one holding his face in place while the other rebounds off the ropes with a shining wizard for the win.

    Teddy Long and Batista are backstage. Batista demands an answer from the Undertaker tonight as to who he is challenging at Wrestlemania 23. Batista was cheered heavily.

    King Booker's "Key to the City" ceremony is next. The "Ancient Order of Houstonians," whomever they are have given King Booker a key to the city. Booker receives very good heel heat from his hometown, and Queen Sharmell was very effective in her role, repeating the "All Hail King Booker" line many times. Booker reads from a sheet of paper in what looks like a prepared speech. He references famous Houstonians like Walter Cronkite, Roger Clemens, Patrick Swayze and the Houston Rockets, stating that their accomplishments didn't touch his. At times, Booker lost the fake accent and morphed into his normal voice, and even brought the "Five time-Five time WCW Champion" line out. He then tells the dignitaries to bow and kiss his ring. Some of them do. Booker then turns his attention to Billy Gibbons in the crowd. He goes out of the ring to address Gibbons, telling the legendary rocker to kiss Booker's ring. Gibbons, clearly having fun, motions with body language a "no." Booker then tells Gibbons to kiss his royal feet, again met with a non-verbal "no." At this point, Kane interrupts, chokeslams one dignitary while pushing aside the other two, and begins to punch Booker. After a big boot knocks Booker over the top rope, King Booker and Queen Sharmell escape via the arena floor. It seems that they are continuing a Kane-Booker program from Sunday.

    Mr. Kennedy d Vito: There was no pre-match mic work for Kennedy. He pulls Vito's dress off, and finishes Vito off with a fireman's carry type somersault move standing on the second rope. The post-match sees Kennedy choke Vito with his dress, and call for the microphone, which slips out of his hands at first. Kennedy then states his name once, but with more seriousness than usual.

    JBL then judges the Diva Bikini Contest with Kristal, Jillian and Ashley. Ashley received the biggest ovation from the live crowd. JBL plugged Ashley as the future Playboy cover girl. The most audience applause wins. Kristal went first, followed by Ashley. Jillian then revealed a t-shirt and shorts, and cuts an anti-bikini promo, insisting on singing instead. JBL agrees, and Jillian launches into the Britney Spears song "Hit Me Baby One More Time" to a chorus of boos. JBL gets off two lines; "that sounds like Barbaro being euthanized," and "Michael Hayes did better on Badstreet USA." The second line was lost to the audience at large, although I heard a few people laughing in my section. Ashley then strips Jillian down to her bra and panties.

    Teddy Long is backstage with Mr. Kennedy, who demands a rematch against Batista, bringing up the visionary fall from the Royal Rumble. Long grants Kennedy a rematch next week on Smackdown to a small pop from the live crowd.

    They aired a promo for Vengeance on June 24. Tickets go on sale Saturday, February 3. Many arena ushers were passing out small Vengeance promo papers all night as well.

    Miz d. Matt Hardy: As usual, Matt Hardy received a nice pop. There were very loud "Hardy" chants during the match. Joey Mercury emerges out of the crowd to hit Hardy with his faceguard, leading to Miz pinning Hardy. Matt Hardy still received a "Hardy" chant on his way back to the locker room.

    Batista is shown backstage on his way to the ring to another round of cheers.

    Closing Segment: Batista's music plays as he walks down to the ring in a suit. He received one of the biggest ovations all night. He cuts a promo on how all week, he's been hearing from people, "can you beat the Undertaker? You can't do it." He "welcomes the challenge," and wants to know, man to man, what Undertaker's decision is. John Cena's music plays to the loudest pop of the night. "I'm here for the same reason you are," Cena states, recalling his past 48 hours from the Umaga match to winning the tag belts with Shawn Michaels, to nearly getting superkicked after the match from his own partner, to Undertaker making a surprise Raw appearance seemingly wanting Cena's belt.

    Undertaker then comes out to nearly the pop Cena had, and stares down both men. Then, the DX theme song plays as Shawn Michaels emerges. "You two aren't the only ones who want an answer from the Undertaker." He proceeds to challenge Undertaker to a match with the title shot on the line and "give these people what they want to see." The crowd heat for this is very hot, the hottest the crowd would get all night.

    Vince McMahon's music hits as he very angrily makes his way to the ring. Vince states that Undertaker does have a decision to make, and that he doesn't care what Michaels or the people wants. He tells the people what they want. He does make a match however: John Cena and Shawn Michaels vs. Batista and The Undertaker as the main event of No Way Out.
  5. Mike S.

    Mike S. GIF Hall Of Fame Class Of 2007 Staff Member

    Credit goes to: Pro Wrestling Torch.com

    Taping Date: 2/6/07 - Air Date: 2/9/07 - Omaha, Nebraska

    Show starts with Undertaker recap from Raw

    Undertaker b The Miz, gives him chokeslam and tombstone for pin and then Last Ride through the Smackdown announce table

    Deuce and Domino b London/Kendrick. Good reaction to the greasers surprisingly, alot of who are these guys and laughs. London is distracted on the top and Kendrick misses a dive as Deuce gives him a move where London had his arms crossed and Deuce flips him off the top. Match played well live.

    Recap of Kane and King Booker interaction at Royal Rumble and last weeks ceremony for Booker

    Booker T and Sharmell are in the back with Teddy Long the gist being Booker loosing his accent and flipping out as Long makes a match of Kane v Booker at No Way Out

    Joey Mercury d Matt Hardy. Surprising reaction to Hardy, more than usual at least. Good match with Mercury borrowing from the Ric Flair book for working the knee. Joey Mercury gets the win with a victory roll.

    Mr Kennedy cuts a tremendous heel Promo about his World Title Match with Batista. Big heat for Kennedy. Batistat comes out for a good pull apart brawl. Kennedy throws Batista into the ring post to tease the patented Batista tricep tear. Mike Irwin R. Rotunda Wallstreet is one of the agents seen breaking up the fight.

    Daivari d WWE Cruiserweight champion Gregory Helms in a non-title match. Crowd had no idea what to do during this match, started chanting USA at Daivari by default. Daivari wins with WWE heel finish, grabbing the tights and holding the ropes for leverage.

    Batista b Kennedy. Held together well by Kennedy's offense and Batista's selling. Kennedy works over the arm and Batista ends up murdering Kennedy with multiple Main Event Spinebusters and a Batista Bomb for the finish. Undertaker rises from the Smackdown set to staredown Batista as Smackdown ends.
  6. Mike S.

    Mike S. GIF Hall Of Fame Class Of 2007 Staff Member

    Credit goes to: Pro Wrestling Torch.com

    Taping Date: 2/13/07 - Air Date: 2/16/07 - Key Arena - Seattle, Washington

    Boogeyman defeated Finlay. Little Bastard interfered, but Little Boogeyman debuted and attacked him.

    Deuce defeated Brian Kendrick. Domino, Cherry and London were at ringside, but no Ashley. Domino shoved Kendrick off the ropes so Deuce could hit the running kick for the win.

    World Tag Team Champions John Cena & Shawn Michaels defeated Mr. Kennedy & MVP. After the match, Michaels looked annoyed when he left the ring and Cena stayed behind taking in the cheers.

    Backstage, Kristal and Theodore Long were interrupted by Jillian Hall, who said she may rap at the talent show on the PPV and started rapping. After she left, Kristal started taking off her clothes for Long. Long sent her on her way and Lashley came in. Kennedy interrupted them and challenged Lashley. That match will happen on the PPV.

    Ashley revealed the cover of her issue of Playboy. She talked way too long.

    Gregory Helms vs. Scotty 2 Hotty ended with Daivari, Funaki, Jamie Noble, and Shannon Moore interfering. Helms ran out, but Jimmy Yang showed up and attacked him.

    The Undertaker & Batista defeated Edge & Randy Orton. Crowd was really into this match
  7. Mike S.

    Mike S. GIF Hall Of Fame Class Of 2007 Staff Member

    Credit goes to: Pro Wrestling Torch.com

    Taping Date: 2/20/07 - Air Date: 2/23/07 - San Diego Sports Arena - San Diego, California

    Smackdown opened with footage of NWO, and then went immediately to the ring where Batista came out and talked about Undertaker, what happened at NWO and their match at WrestleMania.

    6 Man Tag match was next with Matt Hardy & Paul London & Brian Kendrick beating the team of Joey Mercury & Deuce & Domino. Great action from all involved.

    Next they show Kristal interviewing Vickie Guerrero. I didn't catch what she said but the segment was short and sweet, ending with Kristal hugging Vickie again.

    WWE Cruiserweight Champion Chavo Guerrero beat Scotty 2 Hotty. The end came with Chavo rolling up Scotty and hooking the ropes with his legs for the win.

    Kristal interviews King Booker about his Money in the Bank qualifying match against Kane.

    King Booker beats Kane in the Money in the Bank qualifying match. This match was no DQ and falls count anywhere. Match went kind of long. Great Khali comes out and beats up Kane, with Booker taking advantage of this and pinning Kane outside the ring for the victory.

    They had a rematch from NWO with Little Boogeyman and Boogeyman vs. Finlay and Little Bastard. This match had some funny moments as Little Boogeyman beat up on Finlay for a bit, then Little Bastard got involved. Finlay and Little Bastard won when Finlay pinned Boogeyman.

    They showed a HOF package, first announcing Dusty Rhodes, then announcing Curt "Mr. Perfect" Hennig as the latest inductee. Nice response from the crowd.

    The biggest pop of the night came when Rey Mysterio came out. It was very loud in the arena when Rey was announced then showed up. He said that his rehab is way ahead of schedule and that he'll be back in the ring sooner than expected. He was then interrupted by Mr. McMahon who came out, talked about his "match" with Trump at Wrestlemania, then asked Rey who he thought would win. Rey says "you're a loser Vince" then Vince brings out Umaga. Umaga goes on to beat up on Rey, ending with a splash from the top rope to Rey's legs. Rey gets carried out on a stretcher.
  8. Mike S.

    Mike S. GIF Hall Of Fame Class Of 2007 Staff Member

    Credit goes to: Pro Wrestling Torch.com

    Taping Date: 2/27/07 - Air Date: 3/2/07 - HP Pavilion Arena - San Jose, California

    WWE World champion Batista came to the ring for an interview. He said that at Wrestlemania, it's going to get ugly. Undertaker appeared on the Titantron from a cemetary, promising Batista would rest in peace.

    Matt Hardy defeated Joey Mercury in a Money in the Bank Qualifying Match after a top rope bulldog. King Booker and Sharmell were guest commentators at ringside.

    MVP promised he would win his Money in the Bank Qualifying bout tonight.

    Ashley Massaro vs. Jillian Hall was announced for later.

    Scotty Too Hotty & Shannon Moore & Jimmy Wang Yang defeated Chavo Guerrero & Gregory Helms & Daivari when Yang pinned Daivari with a moonsault.

    Vince McMahon comes to the ring for an interview and brings out ECW World champion Bobby Lashley. McMahon tries to pay off Lashley, who refuses. McMahon slaps him. Lashley runs McMahon out of the ring.

    Backstage, Vince McMahon spoke to Ken Kennedy. He announced Kennedy vs Lashley for the ECW World title tonight in a No Holds Barred match for Kennedy, but if Lashley, who has to use traditional rules, gets disqualified, he loses the title.

    Ashley Massaro pinned Jillian Hall after a top rope elbow.

    They announced Chris Benoit vs. MVP in a Money in the Bank match is next. Kristal Marshall interviewed Benoit and he said its his right to compete at Wrestlemania. Finlay was added to the match, making it a Triple Threat match.

    Finlay defeated Chris Benoit and MVP in a Triple Threat Match after cracking Benoit in the head with the shilegiegh. Finlay qualifies for Money in the Bank.

    Announced for next week: Undertaker vs. Finlay and Kane vs. WWE World champion Batista
  9. Mike S.

    Mike S. GIF Hall Of Fame Class Of 2007 Staff Member

    Credit goes to: Pro Wrestling Torch.com

    Taping Date: 2/27/07 - Air Date: 3/2/07 - Tucson, Arizona

    King Booker d. Matt Hardy. A good, longish back and forth match between these two Money in the Bank competitors. Booker wins with the scissor kick after some interference from Sharmell.

    Kristal interviews Batista backstage. They show a pretty good video package of each of Undertaker's WM wins.

    MVP interrupts Teddy Long looking at a magazine of those divalicious Divas. He asks for a match with Benoit at WM.

    Kristal catches up with Kane backstage. He's going to wrestle Batista.

    Batista d. Kane - This was a clash not only of titans, but two bona fide hosses. What better way for Batista to prepare for the Undertaker than wrestling someone that has lost to the Undertaker dozens of times? The crowd was behind both guys; apparently they have not taken note of Batista's decreased in-ring performance since returning from injury. Batista wins cleanly with a powerbomb out of the corner.

    The Miz is out for the inaugural edition of MizTV. His guest is Ashley - but wait! He has another guest! Melina! This has calamity written all over it, my friends. Ashley challenges Melina to a match for the women's championship. Soon they're fighting as if they were cats, with the tough Ashley getting the best of Melina.

    Mr. Kennedy d. C.M. Punk - Kennedy cleverly subverted his intro, saying he'll soon be known as "Mr. Money in the Bank." That guy. A real silver tongue on him. Punk doesn't get as good of a pop as I, and presumably he, hoped. Mr. Kennedy won cleanly with a hanging neckbreaker.

    Kristal talks to Finlay, who talks about his "Pure hot Irish blood." That's some good blood.

    The Great Khali attacks Kane backstage while Kristal is trying to ask him who is going to win Batista/UT. Kristal is the star of this show.

    Undertaker d. Finlay - Little Bastard interfered, allowing Finlay to get the advantage, albeit surely an unfair one. The antics involving Little Bastard eventually backfire, leading to a chokeslam and tombstone. After the match, Batista comes out to give UT the double thumbs down. UT gives him a throat slash & a "I want the belt around my waist, yep, this waist right here."
  10. Mike S.

    Mike S. GIF Hall Of Fame Class Of 2007 Staff Member

    Credit goes to: Wrestling Observer

    Taping Date: 3/13/07 - Air Date: 3/16/07 Sovereign Bank Arena - Trenton, New Jersey

    It started with MizTV interviewing Batista. The big spot was Miz had the lights turned off in the middle of the interview as a rib on Batista that Undertaker was coming out. Batista took the rib good naturedly by giving Miz a Batista bomb.

    Matt Hardy b Mr. Kennedy in 20:00 clean with a twist of fate. Good match.

    MVP b El Gran Latte, the masked champion on Honduras. He challenged Benoit after the match and Teddy Long made the match for Mania. Benoit came out and they had a brawl with Benoit getting the better of it.

    In a backstage segment, Finlay runs into King Booker and Sharmell while he's looking for Little Bastard. They note that they are opponents at Wrestlemania 23. Booker asked for advice on fighting Undertaker tonight and Finlay said to run. Booker and Finlay leave but Sharmell hears a noise and it's Little Bastard behind a door. He tells her to kiss him, he's Irish and she runs off screaming. He drinks from a pitcher of beer.

    Undertaker b Booker via DQ in 15:00. Batista was on commentary. Undertaker had the match won when Finlay interfered. They were beating him down and Batista stood there and wouldn't help. Undertaker made his own comeback, and on purpose, threw Finlay over the desk onto Batista. Batista and Undertaker glared at each other but didn't come to blows.

    MNM & Melina b London & Kendrick & Ashley with the snapshot on London. Focus at the end was Melina vs. Ashley.

    Kane vs. Daivari had no finish. Kane used that nasty chain and sickle deal from "See No Evil" to drag Daivari out of the building.
  11. Mike S.

    Mike S. GIF Hall Of Fame Class Of 2007 Staff Member

    Credit goes to: Wrestling Observer

    Taping Date: 3/20/07 - Air Date: 3/23/07 - Quicken Loans Arena - Cleveland, Ohio

    The show opened with Vince coming out and wanted to get some revenge at Bobby Lashley. He announced his opponent with be Mr. Kennedy... and than announces he will also face... RANDY ORTON! Than he announced Lashley will face both of them in a Tables Match.

    A promo for Batista and Undertaker versus Finlay and Booker for the main event shows.

    MNM vs. Kenrrod & London The crowd wasn't too much into it other than booing MNM... Kendrick & London win.

    Chavo vs. Jimmy Wang Yang in a non-title contest. Wang Yang wins with his moonsault.

    MVP comes out and announces he will face the Heavyweight Champion of Lictenstein (who actually is a local wrestler named Johnny Gargano). MVP obviously wins in a squash.

    Kennedy & Orton vs. Lashley in a Tables Match Bobby controlled most of the match. He put Kennedy through a table in the corner, and tried to put Orton through a table doing a running powerslam but he just fell on top of the table. Lashley picked him up again, but this time the leg gave way and it noly broke. The ref rang the bell.

    Benoit vs. Helms Benoit wins in basically a squash.

    Afa & Sika were announced for the Hall of Fame. Rock, who grew up with them as family so to speak, was on the clip. Rock's grandfather met Afa & Sika when they were fans in San Francisco and they considered themselves family ever since.

    Booker and Finlay attack Bastista backstage.

    Booker and Finlay vs. Batista and Undertaker Only Taker came out as Batista was already attacked. Back and forth until Finlay decided to use the shileighlei and get them DQd. Booker and Finlay pound on Taker until Batista comes out to help. They decide to give Last Ride and Powerbomb together, but instead Batista throws Finlay at Taker and knocks him down.
  12. Mike S.

    Mike S. GIF Hall Of Fame Class Of 2007 Staff Member

    Credit goes to: Wrestling Observer

    Taping Date: 3/27/07 - Air Date: 3/30/07 - Van Andel Arena - Grand Rapids, Michigan

    Smackdown opens up with Edge coming and talking about the Money In The Bank Ladder Match. He is supposed to face Matt Hardy, who comes and interupts him, but Edge says he has a replacement, and Great Khali comes to face Matt. He hits the two-hand chokeslam, and fire comes out of the posts. Kane a ppears in the titatrons, saying that the time is near, as Khali leaves the ring.

    Teddy Long is showing talking in is office with Kirstal. They talk about some celebration with champagne and some stuff like that.

    Finlay def. Mr. Kennedy: Back and forth action from both man. Not much crowd reaction until Finlay distracted the ref. Little Bastard, came with a small ladder, and did his version of the kenton bomb on Ken, and then Finlay hits the celtic cross.

    MVP def. Unknown: MVP referred to this guy as the champion of eutopia or soemthing like that. He looked kinda cannival. and skinny. MVP hits the Playmaker for the win, and starts saying he will be the next United States champion.

    Jeff Hardy def. Randy Orton: Orton controlled most of the match, and jeff pulled up his signature moves too. Better than their singles match from RAW last week. Edge comes again to distract orton and jeff pins him with a roll up. Crowd was really into this match, specially cheering Jeff.

    10-diva tag team match: Ashley, Maria, Candice, Torrie, Mickie def. Melina, Victoria, Jillian, Kristal, Michelle McCool. Typical divas match. The heels worked a lot on Mickie, until all the hot tags for Candice, Torrie and Maria who performed their signature moves. Aslhley got the final tag and won with a rollup.

    Cm Punk def. King Booker: Crowd was behind Booker. I think it was a very good main event. Booker goes for the scissors kick, but Punk moves and wins with a rollup.

    JBL came to the ring to do the interview of Batista/Undertaker. Out of nowhere Steve Austin's music hits, and the people go nuts. He comes, and gives JBL a stunner, then drinks two beers per corner and gives JBL another stunner. Awesome segment.

    Teddy long comes with many security guards to do the interview himself. He brings both Batista and Undertaker, and both got huge pops. Batista says he already lost respect to Undertaker, and Undertaker remains silent. they they start brawling, with the security, and Batista gives Undertaker a huge spinebuster, the leaves, but Undertaker sits up!
  13. Mike S.

    Mike S. GIF Hall Of Fame Class Of 2007 Staff Member

    Credit goes to: Wrestling Observer

    Taping Date: 4/3/07 - Air Date: 4/6/07 - Allen County War Memorial Coliseum - Fort Wayne, Indiana

    Mr. Kennedy hit the ring to open the show. Quick promo hyping his mania win. Said forget the Austin era.. The Kennedy era just began. Afterwards.. Jeff Hardy hit the ring. Kennedy wins via neck breaker after a really good match. Kennedy argues with ref. Gets another three count.

    Place is legit sold out.. Long makes a match for next week.. Kennedy versus Hornswoggle and Finlay (who attacked Kennedy).
    Backstage Timbaland and Ashley make fun of Jillian.

    Chris Benoit loses to The Miz via MVP interference. Matt Hardy over King Booker via small package. SHARMELL turns on King Booker after the match.

    Kane defeats Dave Taylor in a squash after a brawl outside the ring. Kane destroyed both Taylor and William Regal. Crowd is on fire.

    In a backstage segment, Sharmell slapped Booker T.

    Paul London and Brian Kendrick over Chavo Guerrero Jr. and Gregory Helms in a fantastic match. Lots of fast action. Deuce, Domino and Cherry watched from the ring.

    Taker comes to the ring like at Mania, with druids. Biggest pop of the night by far. Batista hits the ring in a suit. They go face to face. Batista congratulates Taker, and leaves. King Booker runs in from around the announce table and attacks Taker from behind. They battle outside the ring. Booker gets a tombstone on the table for his trouble. Table does not break! Taker leaves. Doctor Andrews runs out with paramedics. Stretcher job ensues as they go off the air.
  14. Mike S.

    Mike S. GIF Hall Of Fame Class Of 2007 Staff Member

    Credit goes to: Wrestling Observer

    Taping Date: 4/10/07 - Air Date: 4/13/07 - Dunkin' Donuts Center - Providence, Rhode Island

    Smackdown started off with Teddy Long in the ring. He announces that Batista will challenge The Undertaker for the World Championship in a Last Man Standing match at Backlash.

    Next Finlay comes to the ring to face Mr. Kennedy. This is supposed to be Finlay getting back at Kennedy for what Kennedy did to Hornswaggle at WM. Finlay comes out first, followed by Kennedy who gets a decent face reaction. Kennedy gets on the mike and instead of fighting Finlay, wants to apologize for his actions. Finlay accepts the apology and the match is canceled. Teddy Long comes back out, and decides since Kennedy and Finlay don't want to fight each other, they can tag up, against Batista and The Undertaker in the main event.

    We cut to the backstage area where we hear a woman's scream, the camera rushes into the woman's locker room and we see Ashley on the ground in pain.

    The next match-up was for the Tag Team Championship, as Deuce and Domino challenge London and Kendrick. Very solid match all around, the ending came as Deuce and Domino were ready to hit their running kick finish, the ref tried to get the illegal member of Deuce and Domino out of the ring, and as the kick to the head is hit, the bell rings and London and Kendrick win by DQ, retaining the titles. Deuce and Domino were not happy.

    After a commercial for the Condemned, we cut to Long's office as Deuce and Domino are complaining about the result of their tag title shot. Long told them to not cheat and they won't get DQ'ed.

    MVP vs Chris Benoit is next in a non-title match. Great match, a little longer than their Wrestlemania match. The ending came as MVP was trying to German Suplex Benoit over the ropes from the inside of the ring to the outside. Benoit tries to counter into a roll-up, which MVP counters with his own roll up and gets the pin with an assist from the ropes. Crowd was loud during this match, lots of Benoit chants, and there were some MVP fans in the crowd as well.

    Kane vs Daivari is next. Glorified squash. Regal and Taylor come out to attack Kane, but Kane fights them off and sends them running.

    Main event time is next. Crowd explodes for both Batista and Taker. First half of the match is Taker and Batista taking turns blind tagging each other and beating Finlay and Kennedy up. After one of the blind tags, Batista is caught and Kennedy and Finlay work Batista's knee, while Finlay sneaks in a Shillelagh shot. Hot tag to Taker. Taker hits his chokeslam and is about to go for the Tombstone on Kennedy, but Batista blind tags Taker, hits his Batista Bomb and gets the pin.
  15. PSID412USM

    PSID412USM Pro Bowler

    That report right MVP vs Beniot was a amazing match.
  16. Mike S.

    Mike S. GIF Hall Of Fame Class Of 2007 Staff Member

    Credit goes to: Wrestling Observer

    Taping Date: 4/17/07 - Air Date: 4/20/07 - Milan, Italy

    Batista vs. Finlay: Ken Kennedy hits the ring, causing a DQ. They beat down Batista as the referees try to stop them. Finlay hits the Celtic Cross, leading to them teasing Batista is injured but he eventually walks out.

    Jillian Hall comes to the ring and brags about putting Ashley Massaro out of action. She sings, badly. Michelle McCool stops it, telling Hall, in Italian, that she sucks. They have a catfight and McCool clears the ring.

    The Hardys & Chris Benoit vs. MVP, Chavo Guerrero & Gregory Helms: Chris Benoit used the Sharpshooter on Helms for the win.

    WWE Tag Team champions Paul London & Brian Kendrick vs. Deuce & Domino: Deuce and Domino capture the belts. During the match, London did a moonsault to the floor but missed. Paramedics checked on him, so they did an injury deal to build to the finish. They hit the Crack 'Em In The Mouth on Kendrick for the win.

    Kane vs. William Regal and Dave Taylor: Kane wins via countout in a long match after the Brits finally walk out.

    Backstage, Regal and Taylor complain to Teddy Long, who announces they will wrestle Kane and The Boogeyman next week in the UK. Kristal Marshall arrives and shows Long all the expensive things she bought while shopping. Long tells her that the time they have spent together is the best time of his life and they kiss.

    WWE World champion Undertaker vs. Ken Kennedy: Kennedy put himself over on the mic when he entered the ring. Undertaker had his grand entrance. Finlay interferes to cause a DQ. Kennedy and Finlay beat down Undertaker. Kane hits the ring to make the save
  17. Mike S.

    Mike S. GIF Hall Of Fame Class Of 2007 Staff Member

    Credit goes to: Wrestling Observer

    Taping Date: 4/24/07 - Air Date: 4/27/07 - Earls Court - London, England

    Batista and Mr Kennedy were shown brawling as soon as the show started, and Finlay joined in to help Kennedy. They brawled to the entrance, where Batista bounced both of them off the bus on the set. Kennedy and Finlay then double teamed Batista, when The Undertaker appeared in the ring, scaring Kennedy and Finlay off. Batista looked confused, as Taker disappeared. Later, Kennedy and Finlay asked Teddy Long to book Taker Vs Batista for the main event, but instead, Long booked Taker/Batista versus Kennedy/Finlay in a No DQ tag match.

    Kane/The Boogeyman b. William Regal/Dave Taylor
    Regal and Taylor got some cheers, but Kane and the Boogeyman were clear faces, and sadly, some people in my section didn't know who Taylor was. The match was awful, and it seemed to drag on forever. Kane worked nearly the entire match, dominating early, but Regal and Taylor wore him down and worked well as a team on him. Kane eventually made the hot tag to Boogeyman, who won with his pump handle slam on Regal. Thankfully for Regal and Taylor, no worms for them this time.

    Deuce b. Brian Kendrick
    Not much heat for this one, and it proved that Kendrick's only as good as who's in the ring with him, and he wasn't very good tonight. I think there was a brawl on the outside between Paul London and Domino, and Deuce dropkicked London onto the announce table. Kendrick went for Sliced Bread #2, which he hit, but then the aforementioned interference led to Deuce hitting his finisher for the win. Deuce and Domino later bragged to Kristal about their reign as the Tag Champs, but there were problems with the camera, so they probably reshot it after the show.

    MVP beat some William Wallace lookalike jobber
    This was another of MVP's "worldwide champions challenge matches", claiming that this guy was the Scottish Champion, and better than Chris Benoit. The jobber, who had Macbeth as his surname, came out as a Braveheart knockoff with a knockoff of the theme, and actually got a bit of offence on MVP, but he was hit by a clothesline and did a sweet 360 flip off it. MVP then hit the Playmaker for the win. After the match, MVP was going to introduce a second champion, but Benoit came out, and challenged MVP to a match.

    Chris Benoit b. MVP via count out
    They went about 15 minutes, and worked a similar match to their WrestleMania meeting. MVP was as impressive as he was at Mania, and Benoit was super over. The end came when Benoit hit 5 German Suplexes in a row, and tried for the Crossface and the Sharpshooter, but MVP had enough and walked away to draw the countout. They shouldn't have had this match, but a wise decision to have a screwy ending, so that there's a finish at Backlash. MVP should really win the title for this feud to have meant anything.

    Backstage, Teddy Long and Kristal were kissing, and Kristal said that she enjoyed the two weeks they've spent together in Europe, but would like some more time with him. Teddy then revealed that he's planning on hiring someone to be a co-GM of SmackDown to lighten his workload so he can spend more time with Kristal.

    Jillian Hall b. Michelle McCool
    Before the match, Jillian talked about Prince William's recent breakup with Kate Middleton, and said that she was single and free for Wills, which led to her singing a song, which went about as well as expected. Thankfully, Michelle's music cut her off, and they had an instantly forgettable match, which Jillian won with the X Factor. Afterwards, Jillian tried singing again, but Michelle beat her up outside the ring.

    Undertaker/Batista b. Mr Kennedy/Finlay
    Finlay and Kennedy worked on Batista's bad leg for most of the match, hitting it with the shillelagh and the Money In The Bank briefcase, but Batista got the hot tag, and Undertaker did his usual on both Finlay and Kennedy. The finish came when Taker chokeslammed one of them, and Batista got a blind tag in to score the pinfall behind Taker's back. After the match, Batista said that no-one can keep him down for a ten count, and that the title was his. The Undertaker said that there was still something left of Batista to claim - his soul. They didn't fight.
  18. Mike S.

    Mike S. GIF Hall Of Fame Class Of 2007 Staff Member

    Credit goes to: Wrestling Observer

    Taping Date: 5/1/07 - Air Date: 5/4/07 - Birmingham Junior Community College - Birmingham, Alabama

    Boogeyman w/ Little Boogeyman def. William Regal w/ Dave Taylor via DQ: Kane came out to make the save after Taylor interrupted the match and chased both him and Regal threw the crowd.

    Teddy Long came on the screen talking about how it was an honor to be in the presence of a "Hall Of Famer" and then they showed Dusty Rhodes. Rhodes was there trying out for the GM's Assistant job but turned it down when he found out it was just as an assistant.

    Brian Kendrick w/ Paul London def. Domino w/ Deuce & Cherry: Kendrick hit the "Slice Bread" off of Deuce who was standing on the apron just after elbowing London in the injured ribs.

    Matt Hardy def. Mr. Kennedy: Awesome match, this was one of the two best matches of the night, Hardy has really stepped up his game, several near falls by both men, Kennedy also busted his lip or nose, I couldn't tell which after spilling over the top rope. Hardy won with the "Twist Of Fate"

    Batista came out and cut a promo, talking about how he thought about walking away from it all after loosing the belt but he just couldn't do it, and that he will get his revenge and his belt.

    Teddy Long came back up on the screen, this time however it was with MVP, MVP was complaining about how he deserves another shot at the U.S. title, but instead Long booked for the nights main event, MVP vs. Kane! Winner gets a shot at Benoit for the U.S. Title.

    Gregory Helms def. Jimmy Wang Yang

    Undertaker came on the screen and cut a promo on Batista where he announced next week on Smackdown, Undertaker vs. Batista

    Finlay def. The Miz via Count Out: Hornswoggle pulled Miz under the ring where he stayed for a moment, when he finally came back out he was wearing Hornswoggle's hat but instead of getting back in the ring he just walked out and got counted out.

    MVP def. Kane: Regal & Taylor came out and got involved costing Kane the match, so MVP gets another shot at Benoit now
  19. Mike S.

    Mike S. GIF Hall Of Fame Class Of 2007 Staff Member

    Credit goes to: Wrestling Observer

    Taping Date: 5/8/07 - Air Date: 5/11/07 - Mellon Arena - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

    Chris Benoit & Matt Hardy beat MVP & Finlay when Benoit pinned MVP with a jackknife cradle. Good 10 minute match.

    Jillian sang then lost to Michelle McCool.

    Kristal was giving Teddy Long a massage when, I believe, the Godwinns came in and wanted a match. Teddy told them next week. Kristal told Teddy that he should make her friend Vickie Guerrero the co-GM because she's a single mother and lost the love of her life. Teddy said you can't trust a Guerrero but then realized how devastated he'd be if Kristal died, so he'll give Vickie an interview next week.

    Michael Cole interviewed Ashley via satellite but all we could hear were her non sequitur answers, including something about her enjoyment of music and Rage Against The Machine.

    Paul London beat Domino.

    Kane (w/ Boogeyman and Little Boogeyman) beat Dave Taylor (w/ William Regal). Little Boogey pulled Regal off the apron and Kane chokeslammed Taylor.

    Jimmy Wang Yang beat Chavo Guerrero in a non-title match.

    Undertaker and Batista tied in the cage match when both hit the ground at the same time. Taker was announced as still champion in the event of a tie. They went 17 minutes in another really good match with lots of heat. Taker bled.

    After Batista left, Mark Henry's music hit and he laid waste to Taker, rolled him in the ring and splashed him. After he left, Edge's music hit and he cashed in his title shot. He covered and Undertaker kicked out. Undertaker tried to sit up but then collapsed. Edge speared him and pinned him for the title, then came back and bonked him with the briefcase. Druids came out and carried off the dead Undertaker to an unearthly realm.
  20. Mike S.

    Mike S. GIF Hall Of Fame Class Of 2007 Staff Member

    Tonight at the WWE's Smackdown/ECW tapings here in Baltimore, heavy metal god Ozzy Osbourne will perform his new song, I Don't Wanna Stop. the song is the official theme song for the WWE's PPV Judgement Day, which is this Sunday. BTW, i will be there at the tapings :D