Yeah sad isn't it? Edge tears his pectoral muscle, is forced to forfeit the title, and Khali wins it in a battle royal, sad. The injury to Edge is the ONLY REASON Khali has the belt now.
Even though I heard nothing about this, a Khali/Batista/Kane Triple Threat Match for the World Heavyweight Title makes sense to me and heres why. Batista was supposed to wrestle Khali anyway and now Khali is the World Heavyweight Champion. Kane was supposed to wrestle Edge for the World Heavyweight Title. That would suck if Kane gets screwed out of his title shot.
Credit goes to: Wrestling Observer Taping Date: 7/17/07 - Air Date: 7/20/07 - Laredo Entertainment Center - Laredo, Texas Edge relinquished the title and showed a tribute video of himself. Victoria defeated Torrie Wilson with the Widow's Peak. The Great Khali won the 20 man battle royal when he eliminated both Batista and Kane at the same time. Matt Hardy defeated Kenny Dykstra. Batista and Kane's #1 Contendership match was a no contest due to Khali's interference so Teddy decided to make it a Triple threat match at the Great American Bash.
I hope Khali's reign isn't long. Vince put the title on someone who only knows how to do two moves, sad.
WOW! Khali can chop someone in their forehead and pick someone up by the throat and slam em down, WOW.
A buddy of mine who is in the Air Force that is stationed in Glendale, Arizona is going to Smackdown on the 31st in Phoenix with his wife. Knowing Khali is Smackdown's champion, I feel sorry for my buddy and his wife.
Credit goes to: Wrestling Observer Taping Date: 7/24/07 - Air Date: 7/27/07 - Save Mart Center - Fresno, California Batista over Domino with the Batista Bomb, Domino got a lot of offense, interference by Deuce. Hornswoggle beat Jamie Noble via count out to retain the Cruiserweight Championship Belt. Chavo Guerrero beat Eugene with the Frog Splash. Matt Hardy & Ric Flair beat MVP and Chris Masters when Hardy pinned Masters with the Twist of Fate. Afterwards, MVP got on the mic and told Flair and Hardy that he beat both of them, and Hardy challenge him to a match and he would choose the stipulations. Shows Kristal, Teddy Long, and Vickie backstage with Ron Simmons, Long asks Simmons to be his best man, Simmons accepts by saying Damn, ahem, yes. Mark Henry beat some dude, squash, Henry gets on the mic and lets everyone know that no man or beast can beat him. Jimmy Yang Wang & Torrie Wilson over Kenny Dykstra and Victoria when Yang pinned Dystrka with an awesome Asai Moonsault. Edge video of his surgery. Kane beat Dave Taylor with the Choke Slam. The Great Khali has a celebration filled with indian dancers. Loud fireworks, Batista interrupts celebration and challenges Khali to a one on one match and takes down Khali. Post-Show Dark match has Batista and Rey Mysterio beating Finlay and MVP after Mysterio pinned Finlay with a Senton. Loudest pops for Batista and Mysterio, biggest heat was for Tony Chimmel all night.