Credit goes to: Wrestling Observer Taping Date: 7/31/07 - Air Date: 8/3/07 - US Airways Center - Phoenix, Arizona Teddy Long and Kristal announce the wedding will take place on September 21st on SmackDown. Long sweet talks his lady and starts locking lips when Khali interrupts. Khali speaks a ton of gibberish that nobody appreciates and scares Kristal to the back. His translator guy complains that Batista ruined Khali's celebration. Long then announces Batista vs. Khali at Summerslam. Kane vs. Chris Masters: Masters comes out for a match versus Kane. Kane immediately came out and Khali left the ring. Masters comes out for a match versus Kane. Masters attempts the Masterlock several times and had an advantage as they enter a rest hold. Messy spot with Masters attempting a swinging neckbreaker. Another resthold and Kane powers out with a suplex. Masters tries to suplex Kane, but Kane reverses it. Sidewalk slam by Kane who then attempts his flying clothesline but masters reverses into a Masterlock. Kane reaches the ropes and hits Masters with a chokeslam for the 1-2-3 Winner: Kane Deuce & Domino cut a promo on their match against Flair and Batista. Mark Henry vs. Jobber: Henry dominates with a huge backbreaker, club against the back and bear hug for the quick victory. Winner: Mark Henry. Afterwards, Henry grabs the mic and says nobody can beat him and shows a clip of him taking out the Undertaker. Matt Hardy vs. MVP - Arm wrestling Match: MVP does the stalling and tapes up his hand before taking the tape off, much to everyone's dismay. They finally lock up with MVP with the early edge. Hardy suddenly comes out with a victory. MVP then says he wasn't ready and challenges Hardy to a match here which Hardy accepts. Hardy opens up attacking the hand/arm of MVP. Continuous armbars by Hardy. MVP gains the upper hand with a stun gun over the top rope on Matt. MVP with a modified full Nelson resthold, which Matt reverses with punches. Matt misses an elbow and MVP hits a yakuza kick to send hardy outside. MVP brings Matt back in and applies a front face lock. Then goes back to it after a nearfall. Matt gets MVP on the top of the rope and hits a superplex. Matt tries a small package for and running bulldog for a nearfall. Matt hits a side effect and 2nd rope legdrop for nearfalls. Matt goes for the twist of fate, but MVP ducks out and leaves the ring, title in hand. Winner: Matt via countout. Deuce looks for Cherry and finds her coming out of Batista's locker room. They leave, but Batista walks to the door and Flair opens up laughing and enjoying himself. Noble is backstage and is getting teased by Shannon Punk and Funaki. Promo for Rey Mysterio. Chavo talks about Rey returning to Vickie and Vickie makes Rey vs. Chavo at Summerslam. Shannon Moore vs. Jamie Noble: Noble with the early advantage. Moore gets in some offense before Noble hits his finisher. Winner: Jamie Noble. After the match, Hornswoggle comes to the ring and runs under it, surprising Noble with a pie to the face and a shot from the fire extinguisher before heading to the back. Kenny Dykstra vs. Jimmy Wang Yang: Yang got in a hurricanrana and splash to the outside before Kenny got the upper hand. Back and forth action until Yang hits the top rope moonsault for the pin. Winner: Jimmy Wang Yang Deuce & Domino (w/ Cherry) vs. Flair & Batista: Batista and Deuce open up with Batista having the early advantage. Domino and Flair go in and Domino gets the edge with a running elbow. Flair tags in Batista who gives Deuce a nasty knee to the side. Flair tags in and puts on the figure four on deuce. Domino breaks it up and tags in and gains the offense on flair. Deuce tags in and Flair battles back with chops before getting hit in the face. Domino tags in and applies a rest hold on Flair. Tag back to Deuce. Flair fights back with chops and Deuce applies an arm lock. Flair fights back against Deuce and Domino. Flair makes the hot tag. Batista hits a spear and black hole slam. Batista sets up a Batista bomb, but Khali comes out. Khali squeezes Flair's head like a grape and leaves as Deuce & Domino beat up batista and leave the ring. Winners: Ric Flair & Batista After the show: Batista grabs the mic and tells Khali to come out. Batista tries to gain the upper hand, but Khali overpowers him with a clothesline. Khali squeezes the back of Batista's neck as the crowd rallies behind Batista. Batista hits a spear and spinebuster and Khali heads to the back. Flair runs out and hits Khali from behind with a chair, causing the ref to call a DQ. Flair and Batista then pose for the fans.
A buddy of mine who is in the Air Force stationed near Phoenix went to the Smackdown/ECW show and he told me ECW was the better show. When I told him it was sad that Khali is their champion, he said no, thats PATHETIC.
Credit goes to: Wrestling Observer Taping Date: 8/7/07 - Air Date: 8/10/07 - Youngstown, Ohio Batista beat Domino in the first match. Mark Henry won a squash and a druid appeared after the match, signaling the return of the Undertaker is upon us. Victoria beat Torrie Wilson. After the match, Michelle McCool attacked Victoria We then thought we were being treated to the returning Rey Mysterio, but it ended up being Chavo Guerrero dressed as him. Chavo cut a promo as Rey, until eventually defeating Eugene. MVP cut a promo from WWE headquarters as he was not in Youngstown. Matt Hardy beat Finlay by count out after interference from Hornswoggle and Jamie Noble. Finlay is yelling at Noble and slaps a drink out his hand. The drink goes all over Kane. Kane attacked Finlay Kane beat the returning Sylvan. After the match. Finlay destroyed Kane with the shlaylee (sp?) Chris Masters did an open Masterlock Challenge. One big hometown dude accepted but after he told Masters that he was fresh out of prison, Masters picked someone smaller and destroyed him. Main event: Great Khali beat Ric Flair. Batista also got beat down for his troubles
Credit goes to: Wrestling Observer Taping Date: 8/14/07 - Air Date: 8/17/07 - Mohegan Sun Arena - Uncasville, Conn. Show opens with MVP hosting the 'VIP Lounge.' MVP calls Holyfield his sparing partner. Guest is Matt Hardy. MVP says his next challenge for Hardy is the Masterlock challenge. MVP gets in a couple shots while Masters has the full nelson on, Matt gets back up as they are leaving so MVP goes back in and hits the playmaker. Vince and Coach are here. They make a joke about Big Daddy V being Vince's kid. They are going to check out the SD roster. Duece and Domino beat the Major Bros. with the kick. Not horrible. Khali and Singh interup Teddy and Vince talking, he's mad. Khali shakes Vince's hand. They make a joke. Palumbo 'debuts' next week. Finlay vs Jamie Noble. Goes about 5 mins before Kane shows up and goes after Finlay. Hornswoggle pushes Noble into Kane. Noble gets the chokeslam. Chavo beat Shannon Moore with a brainbuster. After its over Chavo puts the Rey mask on Moore and hits a frogsplash onto his leg. Batista promo. Boring. Khali interups on the screen. They put over the claw by having him squish a basketball. Did you know Big twinky Johnson could be Vince's kid? Mark Henry beat the jobber (anounced from Hartford but couldn't hear the name) with the bearhug. Undertaker video and some more sand. Funaki's mom loves Vince long time. Michelle McCool vs Victoria. Victoria wins after Kenny grabs McCool off the top and hot shots her. Pretty bad. *They re-did the finish after the main* Great Khali vs Kane ends with the claw. Too long. Finlay attacks Kane, Batista with the save. Khali puts Batista out with the double claw head squish. Place wents nuts for Big Dave. McCool, Victoria and Kenny run back out. They work a couple mins, do the same spots and then McCool gets the win with a clothesline off the middle rope.
Credit goes to: Taping Date: 8/21/07 - Air Date: 8/24/07 - Columbia, South Carolina Pyro goes off and out comes Vince McMahon and the Coach. They talk about Vince's illegitimate child when Kane comes out and interrupts. Kane wants a match with Finlay. Vince says the two will fight at SummerSlam. Then Chris Masters comes out and shows Vince a picture of himself with Vince when he was younger. Eventually Masters challenges Kane to a masterlock challenge. Kane accepts. Masters goes to lock it in, then Kane gets up and challenges Masters to a masterlock challenge. Masters accepts. Long story short, Masters gets choke slammed. Then Chuck Palumbo comes out on his bike. Vince says since there's a referee, we'll have a match. Chuck Palumbo defeated Chris Masters Funaki defeated Chavo Guerrero via disqualification. Chavo puts Mysterio's mask on Funaki, takes Funaki's leg and puts it on the ring steps and smashes it with a chair. Jamie Noble defeated Jimmy Wang Yang to become the number one contender to the Cruiserweight title. Deuce and Domino defeated Shannon Moore & Eugene Teddy Long is backstage talking to MVP. MVP says he could win the WWE Tag Team titles with the next person who walked through the door. Matt Hardy walks in. Next week on Smackdown, it's Deuce & Domino vs. MVP & Matt Hardy for the titles. Up next is MVP vs. Matt Hardy in a basketball challenge. They actually shot this by the stage in front of the crowd. MVP comes out first and runs his mouth. Amazingly, he nails his first shot, which was from a pretty good distance. He brags. Then he proceeds to miss a couple dunks/lay-ups. Matt Hardy comes out. He gets the ball first, and proceeds to take the ball and hit MVP in the nose. He runs up and hits a lay-up. Hardys up 1-0. Then Deuce and Domino run out and attack both Hardy & MVP. Mark Henry defeated Brad Allen. Squash match. - After the match, the Undertaker's music hits and the lights go out. The crowd goes crazy. A video pops up on the screen. The video eventually ends up in Death Valley, where the druids are digging a hole. They uncover a box. When they open it, a bunch of snakes crawl out and there was a small Undertaker symbol. Up next is a Diva Bikini Contest. It was between Victoria, Michelle McCool, Torrie Wilson & Kristal. They were all smokin'. Kristal was the hottest in my opinion though. Michael Cole was the M.C. and announced that there was another contestant. South Carolina's own, Mae Young. Mae Young comes out and takes off here robe and does her stuff. Then she tries to show her puppies. Torrie covers her up, Mae Young is announced as the winner. Main Event: Batista defeated Finlay via disqualification. The Great Khali come out to watch. Khali gets up on the ring apron and he and Batista start brawling. Batista actually gets the best of Khali this time. Show ends with Khali backing up down the aisle with his head busted open
Why WWE keep doing that it wrong. D&D vs Matt Hardy & MVP Don't like it. Stop the 'they don't each other but we teaming them up' stuff