I think Vickie Guerrero is embarassing the Guerrero name by doing this angle with Edge. She's a widow for christ sake.
REP! :thumb: And Edge should be ashamed for he was running around with Amy Dumas (Lita) while he was MARRIED for God's sake. I don't think Edge knows what's real and what's not. Coming back is one thing, but lying about how he came back in running around with Vickie Guerrero is absolutely ridicules.
Credit goes to: WrestleZone.com Taping Date: 2/26/08 - Air Date: 2/29/08 - Tucson Convention Center - Tucson, Arizona The show starts with no pyro, there are two local jobbers already in the ring. The Big Show’s music hits as he gets a pop from the crowd. A total squash match occurs with Big Show winning after hitting one of the local guys in the face. After the squash match, Big Show gets on the mic and says that there is a rumor that Floyd Mayweather is going to face Oscar De La Hoya in September. He says that rumor is false because he is going to crush Mayweather at WrestleMania XXIV. Jimmy Wang Yang & Shannon Moore defeated Deuce & Domino via pinfall. Cherry came out with Deuce & Domino. Jimmy made the pin after a second moonsault from the top rope. There is a backstage vignette with WWE World Heavyweight Champion Edge and Vickie Guerrero. They talk about leaving the United States and moving to Canada. They go to make out but Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins interrupt and say that Edge has to take care of Undertaker. Edge tells Zack that it is his job to do tonight to Zack’s disarray. Chuck Palumbo defeated Jamie Noble via pinfall. Michelle McCool accompanied Noble to the ring. The match was back and forth but Palumbo hit the Overdrive to collect the victory. Sporadic 'Chuck' chants are heard amongst some in attendance. Maryse is backstage with Vickie Guerrero. Batista walks in and asks her if he can represent SmackDown in the match for brand superiority at WrestleMania. After Maryse whispers something in her ear, Vickie says yes. Therefore it’s Umaga vs. Batista in a Raw vs. SmackDown match for WrestleMania. Undertaker vs. Zack Ryder is announced for later in the night. Batista & Kane defeated MVP & The Great Khali via pinfall. Lots of tag team action between the four competitors. At one point Batista gives a pretty stiff beating to MVP. MVP finally is able to get the tag and eventually The Great Khali gets the best of Batista. Once Khali re-establishes control, he tags back in MVP. Batista is finally able to tag Kane in but Khali & MVP are said to be dominating. The action continues to go back and forth but it ends up being between The Great Khali and Batista. Batista hit the spear and was able to get the victory. Eve Torres comes to the ring and hypes the upcoming WWE Hall of Fame ceremony. They run the Peter Maivia/Rocky Johnson piece that ran on Raw. Jesse & Festus defeat The Miz & John Morrison via pinfall. Before the match The Miz and Morrison showed the dirt sheet making fun of Jesse and Festus. This is a non-title match. Festus is able to hit his finisher on Morrison with The Miz on the outside. Festus is able to pin Morrison. After the match, Miz and Morrison argue in the ring. Big Daddy V defeats Ball Mahoney in a squash match. Matt Striker came to the ring with Big Daddy V for the squash. After the match, The Undertaker comes out and takes out Big Daddy V. He chokeslams Balls. He then calls out World Heavyweight Champion Edge and tells him to bring out his minion to his yard and that they’ll both rest in peace. The Undertaker defeats Zack Ryder via submission. The match starts with The Undertaker completely dominating the match. He goes for a chokeslam on Ryder but Curt Hawkins (who came out with Ryder) distracts the referee. Ryder hits a low blow on Undertaker. The blow is not enough as Undertaker is able to regain control and win the match by making Ryder tap, presumably in the triangle choke. Edge hits the ring with Ryder and Hawkins as they try to beat on Undertaker. Undertaker takes care of Ryder and Hawkins with two chokeslams and a double triangle choke, Edge retreats to the outside. Kane and Batista come out and throw Edge back into the ring to Undertaker. Undertaker takes out Edge and holds the World Heavyweight Championship above his head as the show goes off the air. After SmackDown Goes Off The Air: Edge backs up on the outside as Batista’s music hits. Kane’s music follows. Edge is frozen in fear and selling his 'injuries.' They back him into the ring, he tries to escape but they put him back in. Kane hits a chokeslam, Batista a Spear, and Undertaker a Tombstone. Kane and The Undertaker exit ringside with their brothers of destruction handshake. Batista goes all around the arena shaking hands with fans on his way out. Edge, finally gets up in the ring and says that Undertaker won’t have Kane and Batista at WrestleMania. Tony Chimmel announces Edge as the World Heavyweight Champion and tells everyone goodnight. Edge’s music plays
this is why i love going to live events.....awesome (sometime hilarious) crap happens when the cameras stop rolling
Credit goes to: WrestleZone.com Taping Date: 3/4/08 - Air Date: 3/7/08 - Quicken Loans Arena - Cleveland, Ohio The show opens with the Cutting Edge segment with Ric Flair as Edge's guest. Flair talks trash to Edge and calls his relationship with Vickie Guerrero a sham. Eventually Flair slaps Edge and Vickie Guerrero breaks up the fight. Jesse, Festus, & CM Punk def. Chavo Guerrero, The Miz, & John Morrision - Festus hit his finisher on The Miz to pick up the victory. A backstage vignette airs with Jamie Noble and Michelle McCool. It is announced that Undertaker will face Edge, Zack Ryder, and Curt Hawkins later tonight. Shannon Moore def. Deuce - Jimmy Wang Yang came out with Moore while Domino was with Deuce. Moore won the match via pinfall after he hit a superkick on Deuce. US Champion MVP def. Batista to retain the title - The match was in and out of the ring. MVP picked up the victory when Batista was counted out. Backstage segment with Jamie Noble. He says that he wants to face Chuck Palumbo, however, Palumbo is set to go against Kane tonight. Noble will face Big Show. It was confirmed that television personality Kim Kardashian will be a guest at WrestleMania XXIV. A WWE Diva swimsuit competition is next. Featured are Eve Torres, Maryse, Victoria, Michelle McCool, and Cherry. It is announced that one diva will be voted off each week as fans will be able to vote through text messages. During the segment, Victoria fell off the middle turnbuckle. Kane def. Chuck Palumbo - It was pretty much a squash with Palumbo walking right into Kane's chokeslam. Kane got the pinfall for the victory. Big Show def. Jamie Noble - Noble got himself disqualified by hitting a low blow on Big Show. Big Show retaliated with a severe beat down that resulted on Noble being busted open. He gets on the mic and taunts Floyd Mayweather. World Heavyweight Champion Edge, Zack Ryder, & Curt Hawkins defeat The Undertaker. Ryder, Hawkins, and Edge won the bout after Edge hit a Spear. It was given a significant amount of time.
Wow, Undertaker let 3 nobodies kick the crap out of him? That's shocking! Hope that's not a sign that Edge will keep his title.:icon_eek:
Credit goes to: WrestleZone.com Taping Date: 3/11/08 - Air Date: 3/14/08 - Allstate Arena - Chicago, Illinois The show opens with the Divas Swimsuit competition. Eve Torres, Cherry, Maryse, Victoria, and Michelle McCool are all featured. Maryse is voted off by the fans through their text messages. Michelle McCool wins an obstacle course with the remaining WWE divas. The obstacle course was said to be extremely dumb as the divas had to run through the tires in the ring, complete a potato sack race, and jump a small wall. Big Show d. Jimmy Wang Yang & Shannon Moore in a handicap match. Big Show pinned Shannon Moore. After the match Big Show tossed Wang out of the ring. John Morrison d. The Miz in a Money in the Bank ladder qualifying match for WrestleMania. United States Champion Montel Vontavious Porter d. Batisa in a No Holds Barred match to retain the title. This match was given significant amount of time. There was a lot of chairs used throughout. MVP was able to get the pin after Umaga came out and hit Batista with a Samoan Spike. Chuck Palumbo & The Great Khali d. Kane & Jamie Noble - Khali pinned Noble after a chokeslam to get the win for him and Palumbo. Edge, Zack Ryder, Curt Hawkins, & Chavo Guerrero d. Ric Flair & Shawn Michaels in a steel cage match. Flair gets a monster pop from the live Chicago crowd. Vickie Guerrero comes out and says that ECW Champion Chavo Guerrero will join Edge, Ryder, and Hawkins and the match will be 4-on-2. Michaels got caught in the rope for several minutes as all six men are in the cage. Flair is busted open early in the match. Michaels and Flair both locked Figure Four leglocks on Edge and CM Punk at the same time. Eventually the lights went out and the Undertaker appeared. He cleans up but Edge is able to escape for the win. Undertaker points up to the WrestleMania sign
Credit goes to: WrestleZone.com Taping Date: 3/18/08 - Air Date: 3/21/08 - Mississippi Coast Coliseum - Biloxi, Mississippi Batista b. Deuce & Domino in a total squash match. Batista hit a Batista Bomb on Domino to get the win. A backstage segment airs with Cherry talking trash. ECW Champion Chavo Guerrero vs. Undertaker is announced for later tonight. Teddy Long announced that tonight's Diva competition between Cherry, Eve, Michelle McCool and Victoria will be an arm wrestling match. The arm wrestling table was setup in the ring. Victoria beat Eve, Michelle McCool beat Cherry. Michelle McCool beat Victoria. Victoria is the diva eliminated by the fans. Victoria attacks Michelle but she is able to counter and Victoria gets knocked to the outside. Big Show b. Andy Douglas, Chase Stevens, & an unknown wrestler in a total squash match. Big Show nailed a right hand on Chase Stevens to get the victory. World Heavyweight Champion Edge b. Funaki in a squash match. Edge mocked Undertaker by picking up Funaki and hitting a Tombstone. The briefcase above the ring on the cable was for MVP's VIP Lounge which is up next. Chris Jericho is announced as the guest. The segment features a lot of verbal sparring. Jericho plays with MVP's name calling him a zit, loser, and a jackbutt. MVP ends up climbing the ladder and Jericho pushes him off. Kane vs. Chuck Palumbo ends in no contest. The Great Khali comes out and gives Kane a hard chop and then a tree slam to both. Mark Henry comes out and takes out Khali. He hits a splash on Palumbo and the World's Strongest Slam on Kane. Big Daddy V was not featured in the segment. WWE Tag Team Champions The Miz & John Morrison b. Jesse & Festus to retain. Jesse takes a pretty big beating before Festus gets the tag and cleans house. Festus ends up getting thrown out of the ring. The Miz scored the pinfall on Jesse after he hit the Reality Check. The Undertaker b. ECW Champion Chavo Guerrero in a non-title match via submission. Undertaker dominated throughout until he ended up choking Chavo out. After the match, Edge hits the ring along with Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins. Undertaker attempts a chokeslam on one of the Edgeheads but Edge hits the Spear. All three beat Undertaker up in the ring with chairs.
Credit goes to: WrestleZone.com Taping Date: 3/25/08 - Air Date: 3/28/08 - Crown Coliseum - Fayetteville, North Carolina Mark Henry def. Kane, Chuck Palumbo, and The Great Khali in a 4 man battle royal. Chavo Guerrero is introduced at the start of the show and does guest commentary. Match itself is rather short. Kane is eliminated first and followed by Chuck Palumbo. Henry and Khali trade chops and punches for a bit, then Henry lifts up Khali for a body slam and throws him over the top rope. Henry receives a face pop for his disposing of Khali. Chavo sneaks into the ring after the match and takes out Henry at the knees. He works on him for a bit before Henry comes back and gives Chavo a bodyslam and splash. Teddy Long is backstage with Eve, Cherry, and Michelle McCool. He announces that Eve has been eliminated from the Diva competition. Maryse and Victoria show up and start arguing with everyone. Teddy says the only way to settle this is with a 'Diva Super Soaker/Water Balloon Tag Match'. Promos are shown throughout the night for Edge’s funeral ceremony to commemorate the ending of Undertaker’s Wrestlemania streak. CM Punk def. John Morrison - This was a solid match that was given about 10 minutes and was similar to their summer matches for the ECW title. The highlight was Punk giving Morrison a frakensteiner off the top rope. Finish comes when Punk reversed Morrison’s corkscrew neckbreaker finish into the GTS. Jesse, Festus, and Kofi Kingston def. Lance Cade, Trevor Murdoch, and the Miz - The heels work over Jesse until he makes the hot tag. Everybody is on the outside brawling when Kofi hits a spinning roundhouse kick on the Miz for the pin. Batista def. Snitsky - Spear. Spinebuster. Batista Bomb. Pin. Match lasted 60 seconds tops and was a total squash. Batista grabs a chair after the match and gives Snitsky another powerbomb on the chair. Michelle McCool and Cherry def. Victoria and Maryse w/ Eve as special referee in the 'Diva Super Soaker/Water Balloon Tag Match' - This was basically soft-core ph0rn. Buckets of water and water balloons are in each corner with super soaker guns. Victoria had the humorous moment when she came out with goggles, a snorkel, and those toddler arm floaters. They throw balloons around for a bit and end up hitting Coach, Michael Cole, and even a few made it into the front rows. McCool hits some type of suplex on Victoria for the pin. Maryse looked like a girl who’s been hysterically crying because all of her eyeliner was streaking down her face. Eve poured a bucket of water over her after the match to top it all off. Chris Jericho def. MVP via DQ - There’s a bit of a delay while the ring crew switches out the mats. MVP comes out while the ring is still being switched and he gets on the mic and works the crowd for a few minutes. He also walks over to the announce table and mouths off and berates Michael Cole. Jericho reverses a Playmaker attempt into the Walls of Jericho and MVP is able to escape and scurry out the ring. He grabs the belts and runs into the ring to get DQ’ed. Jericho ducks the hit and gives MVP the Codebreaker on the US title. Funeral Ceremony - The ring is set up with full funeral arrangement garb and resembles a wake. The black flowers and wreaths are present, along with a picture of the Undertaker and a podium for Edge to speak. A casket is in the middle of the ring. Edge and his entire posse are present in formal attire. Edge gives a eulogy on the Undertaker, covers his accomplishments, and lists his Wrestlemania opponents. He comments on how that time has now come to an end. Vickie interrupts and says she has a gift for Edge. It’s a video in the style of a movie preview promoting Edge as a superhero for conquering the Undertaker. When Edge starts a final prayer, the lights go dark and Undertaker’s music and video plays. The casket opens and Taker ambushes Edge. He assaults him in the corner until Edge is able to escape. The tapings end with Taker posing in the middle of the ring.
Credit goes to: WrestleZone.com Taping Date: 4/1/08 - Air Date: 4/4/08 - American Airlines Arena - Miami, Florida Edge and Chavo start the show. They are upset that they lost their titles at WrestleMania, and feel bad that they have let their fans and Vicky down. They are both getting title rematches at Backlash. Also tonight, Vicky has signed Kane vs. Taker. Non-Title Match: Matt Hardy defeated MVP in a 15-minute match. Festus squashed Zach Ryder. HBK is out to the ring. Batista comes out to interrupt him. Batista is angry with HBK, and calls him egotistical. HBK tries to smooth it over, but Batista makes HBK feel guilty for beating Flair and says he should have laid down for Flair. Batista tosses down the mic and leaves. HBK gives his mic to the ring guy, is sad and leaves. Vladimir Kozlov defeated Matt Bentley in a very quick match. Non-Title Match: The Miz and John Morrison defeated Shannon Moore and Jimmy Wang Yang - After the match the Great Khali came out and beat down all four men. He grabbed the mic and started to talk about the Big Show, who then came to the ring. They stared down and Khali left like on Raw. Kane and The undertaker went to a double count out as they did the double big boot spot and couldn't answer the 10-count. - The first 10+ Minutes was a grappling bout, as they wrestled, hit no signature moves and just worked basic wrestling. After the double KO boot spot, they both did the sit up. Edge, Chavo and the Rated Rmy hit the ring and beat them down. Kane and Taker then did the double sit up again, chokeslam on Edge, one for Chavo and then double tombstones to close the show.
Credit goes to: WrestleZone.com Taping Date: 4/8/08 - Air Date: 4/11/08 - TD Banknorth Garden - Boston, Massachusetts A bunch of dancers are out with The Great Khali to start Smackdown. His manager says Khali has a peace offering. The Big Show comes out. Khali gives the Big Show a bunch of Indian things including a goat. They shake hands then Show knocks him out with one blow. Non-title: The Miz and John Morrison vs. Shannon Moore and Jimmy Wang Yang. Miz pinned Yang after an inverted ace crusher type move. Finlay and Hornswoggle vs. Matt Striker. Hornswoggle squirts Striker mid match. After more antics, Finlay wins via start shot. Victoria with "Natalia" (Nattie Neidhart). They show an anvil highlight reel. Nat cuts a short promo. Michelle comes out, bell rings for a match with Victoria. Victoria wins after Nat throws something at Michelle to distract her. HBK/Batista in ring segment. HBK says everyone has moved on except Batista. Batista says HBK stabbed people in the back. Michaels and Batista could get by on size, but he couldn't. So he did what he had to. Segment ends with Michaels faking sweet chin music and then a brief brawl. MVP comes out to do commentary for Matt Hardy vs. Chuck Palumbo. Hardy wins via the twist of fate. Matt then yells at MVP, who leaves the ring area. Interview with Jesse. He says he's never seen Festus like that before. Undertaker defeated Festus via gogoplata. Ref bump that led to nothing, new ref came down to call for the bell. After SmackDown: Edgeheads and Chavo Guerrero beat down the Undertaker. Batista comes for the the save. Edge comes out. Then Kane. Massive brawling. Big Show out next. Faces beat down the heels.
Credit goes to: WrestleZone.com Taping Date: 4/15/08 - Air Date: 4/18/08 - London O2 Arena - London, England MVP beat Tommy Dreamer. Matt Hardy did commentary Hornswoggle beat Matt Striker Chavo Guerrero beat Jamie Noble The Big Show beat Mark Henry by DQ when Great Khali got involved and laid out Show Cherry beat Victoria Vladimir Kozlov beat Leroy Kincaid, billed from London Chris Jericho did an in-ring segment with Batista saying that Batista is just mad he wasn't the person to retire Ric Flair, so Batista laid him out Batista vs. The Undertaker went to a double countout after Edge's crew got involved. Vickie Guerrero announced a rematch, for the World title, on next week's show
Credit goes to: WrestleZone.com Taping Date: 4/22/08 - Air Date: 4/25/08 - Greensboro Coliseum - Greensboro, North Carolina The show opens with Edge, Vickie Guerrero, Chavo Guerrero, Zack Ryder, Curt Hawkins, and Bam Neeley. Vickie makes Undertaker vs. Batista a no DQ match. CM Punk comes out. Edge challenges CM Punk, Vickie Guerrero makes the match for later tonight. John Morrison w/The Miz b. Shannon Moore Natalya Neidhart w/Victoria b. Cherry w/Kelly Kelly with a sharpshooter. Matt Hardy comes out for an interview. Michael Cole gets involved. Hardy says that his knee is 100% and he is ready to go Sunday against MVP. United States Champion MVP comes out. Hardy says MVP screwed him, MVP says Hardy is jealous. Hardy says he is certain that he will win on Sunday, MVP hits him with the US Title belt and leaves. Edge b. CM Punk: This was described as a very good match. Lots of nears falls throughout, our correspondent says Punk ends up hitting Go to Sleep but Edge falls to the outside. Punk goes to get him and Zack Ryder gets involved. Edge ends up hitting the spear for the win. Video of Batista thanking Vickie Guerrero for his match tonight against The Undertaker. Batista comes out for his match against The Undertaker. The Undertaker b. Batista: They give this some time. Undertaker dominates early and the action eventually spills to the outside. On the outside, Undertaker throws Batista into the ring stairs. Undertaker gives a leg drop to Batista off the apron. Both try finishers but miss. Undertaker ends up hitting a chokeslam for a two count. Batista a spear for a two count. Undertaker puts the steps in the ring. Undertaker goes for the Tombstone but Batista counters with a spear. Batista goes for the Batista Bomb but Shawn Michaels comes out. He gives him a superkick. Undertaker ends up getting the win
Credit goes to: WrestleZone.com Taping Date: 4/29/08 - Air Date: 5/2/08 - Boardwalk Hall - Atlantic City, New Jersey SmackDown begins with Theodore Long announcing that the WWE Tag Team Titles, US Title, and World Heavyweight Title will all be on the line tonight. Michael Cole announces Mick Foley as the new SmackDown announcer. WWE Tag Team Champions John Morrison & The Miz b. Jimmy Wang Yang & Shannon Moore to retain. ECW General Manager Armando Estrada comes out and announces that the following will be a Colin Delaney contract match. Vladimir Kozlov b. Colin Delaney Mark Henry confronts Nunzio backstage. He reminds him that he is the World's Strongest Man in an intimidating manner. Victoria & Natalya b. Michelle McCool & Cherry Mark Henry b. Nunzio who brought Big Show to ringside with him. After the match Big Show asks Henry was doesn't he pick on someone his own size. Henry walks to the back. WWE United States Champion Matt Hardy b. MVP to retain the title with a Twist of Fate. The match was given a good amount of time. It is announced that The Undertaker will defend his WWE World Heavyweight Championship against The Great Khali later tonight. Mick Foley interviews Batista. They talk about his loss to Shawn Michaels at Backlash. Batista says that he lost; no excuses. Foley asks Batista if he thought that Michaels was faking a knee injury. Batista says that the thought of Michaels faking the injury makes him sick. He says if he finds out that HBK was faking the injury that he will get him. Zack Ryder & Curt Hawkins b. Jesse & Festus Finlay b. Julio Dinero The Undertaker comes out. Vickie Guerrero comes out and says that the following match will not be for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. She also says that Undertaker's new choke hold is banned. Vickie Guerrero strips The Undertaker of the WWE World Heavyweight Championship because of his dangerous choke hold. She says that it is to protect the superstars. The Great Khali came to the ring and tried to take the World Heavyweight Championship. Undertaker attacked him. Undertaker ends up locking the Gogoplata on Khali. While he is choking him out, Ryder and Hawkins come out and take the WWE World Heavyweight Championship belt. Khali ends up bleeding. Undertaker went after Ryder and Hawkins and ended up getting back in the ring and chokeslamming Khali to end the show.
Sounds like a decent show taker being stripped of the title is gay i hate vicky as gm lol. It also sounds like the batista vs hbk fued isnt over.
Credit goes to: WrestleZone.com Taping Date: 5/6/08 - Air Date: 5/9/08 - John LaBatt Centre - London, Ontario, Canada SmackDown General Manager Vickie Guerrero comes out. She makes the announcement that at Judgment Day The Undertaker will be able to compete for the vacant World Heavyweight Championship title against an opponent that will be determined tonight. It is announced that there will be a "Champion Chase" tournament. The winners of the tournament will compete in an over the top battle royal as this week's SmackDown main event. The winner of that match will face The Undertaker at Jugment Day. Matt Hardy b. CM Punk in a qualifying match. Punk tried to roll up Hardy but he reversed it to advance to the Battle Royal later tonight! MVP vs. Fit Finlay ends in a countout. The match was described to me as slow and boring. Natalya Neidhart b. Kelly Kelly with a sharpshooter! It is announced that both MVP and Fit Finlay will be included in tonight's main event battle royal. Batista b. John Morrison to qualify for the Battle Royal later tonight! Big Show b. Tommy Dreamer in a short match with a chokeslam. Kane b. Chavo Guerrero to advance to tonight's Battle Royal main event! Vladimir Kozlov b. Local Jobber in a complete squash match. The Chase the Championship Battle Royal main event is next. Big Show vs. Kane vs. Batista vs. Matt Hardy vs. Fit Finlay vs. MVP - Matt Hardy is eliminated first by MVP. Finlay is eliminated next by Kane. MVP eliminates himself. Big Show eliminates Kane. Batista eliminates Big Show for the win! Vickie Guerrero comes out and says Edge has been cleared to wrestle. Edge spears Batista off the ring apron. SmackDown ends with Edge celebrating on the entrance stage beside a podium that contains the World Heavyweight Championship belt (it had been there all night). The podium suddenly blows up and the lights go out. Undertaker's music hits. No Taker
Credit goes to: WrestlingObserver.com Taping Date: 5/13/08 - Air Date: 5/16/08 - Van Andel Arena - Grand Rapids, Michigan Show opened with La Familia coming to the ring and discussing that Edge experienced a "medical miracle" last week when he was able to win the Championship Chase and nothing would stop him from winning the title at Judgment Day. Teddy Long was out next and told Vickie that he was at Titan Towers all day in Stamford after she yelled at him for being late and not returning her calls. He went on to read a statement from the WWE Board of Directors that said Vickie would either need to wrestle in her 1st ever match tonight and be out as GM of Smackdown. Vickie did more yelling and went on to fire Long for going behind her back. He told her she could not do that and quit. On the way back to the locker room, he told her that The Undertaker would be her opponent tonight. 1. CM Punk over Chuck Palumbo after GTS. Punk was one of the most over wrestlers at the show. Decent little match and surprised to see it end decisively after the GTS. Vickie, Edge and Chavo tried to cope with what was before them, when MVP, Finlay and Big Show all expressed their gripes with being "used" in the Championship Chase and then making fun of her having to face Undertaker. She said she was still GM tonight and that Show and Finlay would team to face MVP and a partner of his choice. 2. Michelle McCool over Layla when Layla tapped out to an ankle/leg submission. 3. Big Show and Finlay over MVP and Mark Henry when MVP was pinned by Show following a chokeslam. Good tag match with Finlay being worked over for the body of the match leading to the Show hot tag. Show dominated, but was caught with an Avalanche from Henry that halted him momentarily. Finlay dispatched Henry and MVP charged Show in the corner, while he sold the effects of the Avalanche and was caught by the throat, chokeslammed and pinned. Chavo told Vickie and Edge that there was a way they could make the match they were in tonight work and smiled. 4. Vladimir Kozlov over Funaki Vickie informed the audience that the main event would now be a 6-on-1 Handicap Match with herself, Edge, Chavo, Bam Neely, Ryder and Hawkins facing The Undertaker. 5. Cherry over Maryse w/ Deuce & Domino Kofi Kingston and Matt Hardy talked in back. Shelton Benjamin came in and set up a match between he and Hardy, with the idea that he was after the U.S. Title. Hardy made of the only gold Shelton having was his hair! 6. Matt Hardy over Shelton Benjamin after the Twist of Fate. Decent here, with Shelton looking real competitive, but Hardy hitting the Twist of Fate almost out of nowhere for the win. 7. The Undertaker fought Vickie Guerrero, Edge, Zach Ryder and Curt Hawkins to a No Decision. La Familia all came out together, but as everyone walked (and Vickie was wheeled) to the ring, Chavo and Neely stopped short and returned to the back, making it a 4-on-1. Vickie was in the ring in her wheelchair with Edge and the Edgeheads as her human shield. Taker went right at them and was occupied for the most part by Ryder and Hawkins. Each time he looked to have the advantage, Edge would make it 3-on-1 and neutralize him again. Finally, Undertaker reversed the momentum of the Edgeheads on an irish whip attempt and sent them outside the ring. He then gave a big boot to Edge and he was out. He turned his attention to Vickie and went to deliver a chokeslam. As he hoisted and held her by the throat, he turned and was met with an Edge spear. Vickie was saved and everyone retreated up the ramp. The referee jumped out of the ring and Taker did the throat slash to seemingly end the taping. Taker then got down with his back to his foes and they returned to get an advantage again, with Vickie at the top of the ramp. Kane's music hit and he wheeled her to the ring. He and Taker took out their foes and Taker was eventually able to Tombstone Vickie to a huge response. Taker left the ring while Vickie sold and Teddy Long came out and tried to get Kane to dance. He was successful and then Mick Foley and Michael Cole joined the mix while the fans ate it up and went home happy.
Credit goes to: WrestleZone.com Taping Date: 5/20/08 - Air Date: 5/23/08 - Wells Fargo Arena - Des Moines, Iowa Vickie Guerrero comes out and says that The Undertaker will take on Edge at One Night Stand in a TLC match. If The Undertaker loses he will be fired Deuce & Domino w/Maryse b. Jesse & Festus w/Cherry Theodore Long in the VIP Lounge. Batista comes out and destroys the set Finlay b. Chuck Palumbo Batista b. MVP Vladimir Kozlov b. Nunzio Kofi Kingston & Matt Hardy b. Elijah Burke & Shelton Benjamin - Kofi pins Shelton for the win The Undertaker & Kane b. Edge & Chavo Guerrero - Zack Ryder & Curt Hawkins come running out but Kane makes the save. Undertaker and Kane leave to a standing ovation