WWE Smackdown Results

Discussion in 'Wrestling Talk' started by Mike S., Aug 4, 2004.

  1. andy82

    andy82 Your Soul, It's Mine!

    Or the Creative hecks it up by having Edge go for the WWE Title, Rey taking the belt from the Undertaker and setting up a Rey/Botchtista snoozefest.
  2. andy82

    andy82 Your Soul, It's Mine!

    Edge vs Jericho for WHC could be dead in the water, as Morrison has "broken his ankle in three places" and no doubt HBK gets his spot. Yawn...
  3. Mike S.

    Mike S. GIF Hall Of Fame Class Of 2007 Staff Member

    Taping Date: 2/9/10 - Air Date: 2/12/10 - Baton Rouge River Center in Baton Rouge, Louisiana

    The show opened with the announcement of Undertaker vs. Chris Jericho in a no-disqualification match and John Morrison vs. R-Truth for later in the show

    Rey Mysterio defeated C.M. Punk. The Straightedge Society beat on Rey afterward

    Drew McIntyre fought Kane to a double DQ

    Michelle McCool and Layla defeated Mickie James in a handicap match

    It was announced that Edge will face Batista on the 2/19 edition of SmackDown

    Matt Hardy and The Great Khali defeated the Hart Dynasty. Matt got the pinfall after rolling up Tyson Kidd. Maria came out with Matt Hardy as his Valentine and got into a fight with Natalya after the match

    R-Truth vs. John Morrison ended in a no-contest because Morrison was injured

    Edge came to the ring for commentary for the main event

    Chris Jericho defeated Undertaker in a No DQ match. Jericho picked up the win with the Codebreaker after Edge speared Taker

    Dark Match:Undertaker defeated Batista a no DQ match for the World Heavyweight Championship. The match ended when the Straight Edge Society, Chris Jericho, Kane and Matt Hardy interfered
  4. Mike S.

    Mike S. GIF Hall Of Fame Class Of 2007 Staff Member

    Taping Date: 2/23/10 - Air Date: 2/26/10

    MITB Qualifying Match - Dolph Zigler d. John Morrison & R-Truth

    Michelle McCool d. Mickie James for the WWE Women's title - Vickie Guerrero was the special referee

    MITB Qualifying Match - Kane d. Drew McIntyre

    MITB Qualifying Match - Shelton Benjamin d. C.M. Punk

    Edge d. The Miz

    Post-Show Dark Match: Edge d. WWE Campion Batista by DQ
  5. Mike S.

    Mike S. GIF Hall Of Fame Class Of 2007 Staff Member

    Taping Date - 3/2/10 - Air Date - 3/5/10 - Wichita, Kansas

    Matt Hardy d. Drew McIntyre in a Money In The Bank Qualifying Match

    Ezekel Jackson d. Jimmy Wang Yang

    Rey Mysterio d. Luke Gallows

    R-Truth & John Morrison d. Cryme Tyme & The Hart Dynasty for a shot at the Unified Tag Team Titles at Wrestlemania 26

    Edge d. The Big Show
  6. Mike S.

    Mike S. GIF Hall Of Fame Class Of 2007 Staff Member

    Taping Date - 3/16/10 - Air Date - 3/19/10 - Staples Center - Los Angeles, California

    Dolph Ziggler and Jack Swagger defeated Matt Hardy and MVP. Ziggler got the pin with the Zig Zag in a seven-minute match. Ziggler pulled out a ladder and looked at the Money in the Bank briefcase.

    Chris Jericho will be a guest on The Cutting Edge.

    Backstage, Teddy Long sarcastically congratulated Drew McIntyre on his last Smackdown match. Teddy booked Drew in a match against Undertaker for later in the show.

    Beth Phoenix and Tiffany defeated Michelle McCool and Layla. After the match, Vickie Guerrero came out demanded an apology from Beth, who then apologized. Vickie announced that she'll face Beth Phoenix in a match on next week's Smackdown

    Musician Kevin Rudolf is in the attendance a shot aired of him in the front row.

    Edge came out for The Cutting Edge with Chris Jericho as his guest. Jericho came out with his NXT rookie Wade Barrett. After some good verbal sparring, Edge hit Jericho and cleared him from ring. Edge then hit Barrett with the spear. When he turned around, Jericho hit him with the Codebreaker.

    John Morrison and R-Truth beat The Hart Dynasty. A squash with R-Truth winning via the corkscrew cross body

    Luke Gallows (w/C.M. Punk, Serena) defeated Rey Mysterio. Punk distracted the ref while Serena knocked Rey off the ropes as he was going for the West Coast Pop. Rey went ballistic on Gallows and beat his butt at ringside. Punk slowly walked over and stood in front of Rey so he couldn't hit Gallows anymore, which played into the no contact until wrestlemania stipulation. Hot segment. Rey came off hard here.

    Undertaker defeated Drew McIntyre. Taker chokeslammed him and then hit the Tombstone. He won in less than five minutes. As Taker was walking up the ramp, Shawn Michaels came out and tried to hit him with Sweet Chin Music. Taker avoided it and tried to hit the Tombstone, but Shawn reversed it and hit Sweet Chin Music to end the show.
  7. andy82

    andy82 Your Soul, It's Mine!

    Finally the first glimpse of a Heel Rey Mysterio. It's about time his character got freshened up.
  8. Mike

    Mike Want some Cheetos?

    John Morrison and R-Truth beat The Hart Dynasty. A squash with R-Truth winning via the corkscrew cross body

    ffs, rtruth squashing the hart kids, thats a double facepalm for real
  9. Mike S.

    Mike S. GIF Hall Of Fame Class Of 2007 Staff Member

    Taping Date: 3/22/10 - Air Date: 3/26/10 - HP Pavillion - San Jose, California

    The show opens with the 10-man Money in the Bank ladder match tag team match. The teams were Drew McIntyre, Matt Hardy, Shelton Benjamin, Kane & Dolph Ziggler vs. Evan Bounre, Kofi Kingston, MVP, Jack Swagger & Christian. McIntyre got the pin on Christian to win the match for their team when Christian wasn't looking as McIntyre tagged himself in for Dolph Ziggler. After the match, McIntyre got the ladder to climb to the briefcase. The other men came back in the ring and knocked him off

    Up next is Beth Phoenix vs. Vickie Guerrero. But Vickie changed it to a 5-on-1 handicap match. It's Michelle McCool, Layla, Alicia Fox, Maryse joining Vickie to face Beth. Beth and Layla face off as Beth picks up Layla and hit McCool with her then went for the other four Divas. Layla held Beth's feet and McCool kicked her out so Vickie came in and got the pin. After the match, Vickie got on the second rope. Vickie pretended to laugh it off and tried to leave. Beth grabbed her and pulled her back and ripped off her pants. Vickie tried to cover herself and eventually left

    Chris Jericho came out for a promo. He says Edge has all the qualities to beat him except for his DNA. Edge comes out and attacks him but Jericho rolls out before Edge can hit the Spear. Edge picks up the World Heavyweight Championship and looks at Jericho who is standing at the top of the ramp

    R-Truth vs. Big Show is next. John Morrison comes out first to introduce R-Truth. R-Truth says that was the best introduction he's ever had so he introduces Morrison. They make fun of Unified WWE Tag Team Champion ShowMiz and why they want to tag with one another. The Miz tried to interfere but Morrison threw him into the steel ring steps. He went to help R-Truth and they turned Big Show's chokeslam into a DDT. The referee called for the bell as they continued to beat on Big Show. The Miz tried to help again but was knocked out and hit with Starship Pain by Morrison

    The rest of the show will be filled with footage from WWE's WrestleMania Axxess
  10. andy82

    andy82 Your Soul, It's Mine!

    So WWE finally breaks up Cryme Tyme with Shad Gaspard turning heel. Does this point towards a Shad push, or an easy way to give the duo a "future endeavors"?
  11. Mike S.

    Mike S. GIF Hall Of Fame Class Of 2007 Staff Member

    Taping Date: 3/30/10 - Air date: 4/2/10 - Thomas & Mack Center - Las Vegas, Nevada

    Smackdown opens with Jericho, still the World Heavyweight Champion. He mentions being genetically superior to all the fans. Edge finally emerges and demands a rematch for the title RIGHT NOW! Jericho nixes the idea, and of course Edge tears him down. Literally, as he rips off Edges suit top and sticks him with an implant DDT. Crowd going mangos for SPEAR, and he delivers.

    Swagger emerges and lays out Edge with his breifcase. He calls for a ref and says he's cashing in his MOTB contract. Of course, it takes way longer than usual, looking like he's going to take it back like on Raw. But Swagger gets Jericho up for his gutwrench suplex and pins Jericho to become the NEW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION!!!

    R-Truth / John Morrison vs Cryme Time - total squash on Shad. JTG didn't even step in. Then the inexplicable split. Shadd turns on JTG, who plays the consoling role. Shads new finisher is the Rock Bottom, apparently He walks off with the confused "Black Randy Orton" look.

    Swagger walking backstage. Asks Slammaster J, Tony Atlas, and Mickie James "did you see what just happened out there?". They start talking about Shad & JTG splitting up.

    Backstage interview with Shad, who decvlares "no more Cryme Time. This. Is. My. Time." I reiterate - Black Randy Orton (sans heat).

    Drew MacIntyre squashes Matt Hardy before the bell rings. Despite it, Hardy gets his chants as he leaves. This show is, once again, on some "what the hell is going on" crap!

    Backstage w Vickie & Simply Flawless. Enter Swagger. Vickie says that she can help him, as Smackdown Consultant, and gives him his requested mic time later

    Great Khali vs Dolph Ziggler. Dolph puts Khali to sleep with a sleeper. Another squash. Afterwards. Ranjin Singh translates that Khali has been doing some soul searching and he's decided to go back home and recharge his batteries. Upon his return, he vows to win the title.

    Straight Edge Society comes out. Punk on the mic = gold. Gallows & Serena take the mic and put him over. Serena's good! Punk gets on the mic and cuts an easy promo on Las Vegas as the City of Sin, and that what happens in Vegas doesn't stay in Vegas, but haunts you for the rest of your life. Or something like that. He then says he's not giving up on saving Rey Misterio and is willing to put up his hair against Mysterios mask

    Simply Flawless w/ Vickie. Vs Beth Phoenix / Tiffany. Nothing special or memorable. Got heat on Tiff, Beth got the hot tag and put it away.

    Jericho & Teddy backstage. Jericho wants a rematch, but Teddy will only give him a rematch for tonight. Jericho says he can't do it, that his ribs are killing him, but that "Swagger will not get away with this...I'M the champ!"

    Josh Matthews interviews the Hart Dynasty. A quick excuse for Swagger to interrupt them and silently show off the belt. This is actually pretty funny, in an improperly Santino Marella way.

    Kane comes out an declares he's bored, and a bored monster is never a good thing. He's going to take on the whole NTX roster at once. Starts out with Brian. Apparently its elimination style, as he pins Wade Barrett first. Then Heath Slater. He throws out Tarver. The other 5 decide to gang up on him, with Daniels getting taking his back for the choke, before the referee finally calls for the bell. With Tarver, they beat down on Kane. Kid behind me calls for Taker to come to Kanes aid. Um, no. Justin Gabriel with the 450 splaash. NXT stars are automatically heel now. They scatter as Kane revives and chases them to the back.

    Jack Swaggers State of the Championship Address: Swagger comes out and talks about this being the first of many speeches. He's interrupted by Jericho, who immediately demands for it back. Jericho is fuming, and it works he vows to regain the title as soon as he's better. Out comes Edge. Challenges galore. Teddy Long comes out & declares Edge vs Jericho next week, winner getting the title shot vs Swagger. Jericho hits the codebreaker on Edge & Swagger hits gutwrenches on both.

    Post-Show Main Event: Undertaker vs CM Punk. Short little match to send the fans home happy. Some good stalling by Punk ala Larry Zbyszko, but then Taker went to town on him with two tombstones. Not too much interference from Galllows or Serena. Short & sweet, but effective.
    1 person likes this.
  12. Mike S.

    Mike S. GIF Hall Of Fame Class Of 2007 Staff Member

    here are the results a day early.

    Taping Date: 4/6/10 - Air Date: 4/9/10 - Allstate Arena - Chicago, Illinois

    Jack Swagger claimed he was the best natural athlete in WWE now that Shawn Michaels has retired. This brought out John Morrison, who apparently believes being able to do a spinneroonie better than Booker T makes him a better athlete than a D-1 wrestling and football player. Morrison said that Swagger doesn't deserve to be champion. Evidently he watched Raw and was taking notes.

    Jack Swagger b John Morrison with a doctor bomb. Swagger bled in the match accidentally. It will be interesting to see if they edit that out.

    C.M. Punk said he was going to convert Darren Young. Is he going to make him white or catholic?

    Chris Jericho told Wade Barrett that he should be the world champion. Swagger then came in with the belt

    Shad Gaspard cut a promo in front of the crowd. JTG ran out but Shad laid him out, letting everyone know who the Marty is in this split

    Drew McIntyre b Matt Hardy with the double-arm DDT on the floor, and then threw him in to be pinned

    Punk, Serena and Luke Gallows came out to shave Darren Young's head. Young agreed, and then changed his mind. They beat him down until Rey Mysterio made the save. In the brawl, Mysterio caught up with Punk and went to shave his head, but Punk escaped. They announced Punk's hair at stake for the PPV. They didn't announce Rey's mask at stake.

    Hart Dynasty b Caylen Croft & Trent Barretta

    Dolph Ziggler in an interview with Josh, put Josh out with a sleeper

    Chris Jericho vs. Edge ended in a double count out, so I guess that means a three-way at Extreme Rules. After the match, Edge speared Jericho, and when Swagger ran in, Edge speared him as well.
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2010
  13. Mike

    Mike Want some Cheetos?

    "future endeavors"?
    That's what I'm leaning towards
  14. Mike S.

    Mike S. GIF Hall Of Fame Class Of 2007 Staff Member

    Taping Date: 4/13/10 - Air Date: 4/16/10 - O2 Arena - London England

    A Chris Jericho vs. Edge vs. Jack Swagger Triple Threat was announced at opening of the show.

    Drew McIntyre defeated Kane by DQ. Matt Hardy threw him inside the ring for a chokeslam, but Drew got win via DQ for Hardy's interference. Kane also chokeslammed Hardy.

    Dolph Ziggler defeated R-Truth. Ziggler used the sleeper to get the win.

    Michelle McCool beat Mickie James. Layla interfered for the win. Beth Phoenix came down for the save.

    Hart Dynasty and Rey Mysterio beat the Straight Edge Society. David Hart Smith pinned C.M. Punk.

    JTG beat Caylen Croft. He furthered his feud with Shad to little or no heat.

    Jack Swagger defeated Edge and Chris Jericho in a Triple Threat match to retain the World Heavyweight Championship when Swagger pinned Jericho.
  15. Mike S.

    Mike S. GIF Hall Of Fame Class Of 2007 Staff Member

    Taping Date:4/20/10 - Air Date: 4/23/10 - Mohegan Sun Arena

    John Morrison defeated Jack Swagger in a non-title match. Morrison won via Starship Pain in a great TV match.

    Dolph Ziggler and Drew McIntyre defeated Matt Hardy and R-Truth. The heels won via ref stoppage when McIntyre curb stomped Hardy on the ring steps.

    Edge and Chris Jericho delivered mic work inside a steel cage. Edge ended up spearing Jericho's NXT protege Wade Barrett.

    JTG defeated Mike Knox in 2:00. Shad Gaspard beat the crap out of JTG with a leather strap after the match

    Layla and Michelle McCool (w/Vickie Guerrero) defeated Mickie James and Beth Phoenix. Layla pinned Mickie.

    C.M. Punk and Luke Gallows (w/Serena) defeated Rey Mysterio and Kane. The heels won via blocked roll-up. Kane chased away Gallows. Punk jumped Rey, who teased shaving Punk. Serena blocked Rey from following through with the shaving and they both powdered out of the ring to conclude the Smackdown taping.

    Dark Match: Jack Swagger defeated Rey Mysterio and Chris Jericho in a Triple Threat match. Mysterio hit a 619 on Jericho and went for the cover, but Swagger pulled him off and pinned Jericho himself. Mysterio got his heat back after the bell.
  16. andy82

    andy82 Your Soul, It's Mine!

    FREAK John Morrison is going to Raw :icon_sad:
  17. Mike S.

    Mike S. GIF Hall Of Fame Class Of 2007 Staff Member

    Taping Date: 4/27/10 - Air Date: 4/30/10 - Giant Center - Hershey, Pennsylvania

    Kofi Kingston b. Chris Jericho

    Chavo Guerrero comes out to put himself over for being drafted to Smackdown. Kane comes out to interrupt him. He hits a chokeslam, grabs a mic and says "welcome back".

    Shad Gaspard comes out and says all the new workers from Raw need to recognize it's his time on Smackdown.

    Cody Rhodes b. John Morrison

    Taped vignettes are airing on the big screen throughout the show of World Heavyweight Champion Jack Swagger boasting his college accomplishments with his 4.0 average.

    Edge is shown walking to the ring.

    Edge is out to the ring for a promo. He thanks the fans and says he doesn't want to go to Raw. Christian comes out and they have a moment. Christian calls Edge a liar. Edge plays dumb at first but finally says Christian is right - he can't wait to go to Raw. They brawl and Edge runs away.

    WWE Women's Champion Beth Phoenix & Kelly Kelly b. Michelle McCool & Layla

    Dolph Ziggler comes out and cuts a promo about what he did to Hornswoggle on Raw on Monday.

    We go backstage to an interview with Matt Hardy. WWE Intercontinental Champion Drew McIntyre takes him out.

    JTG puts himself over in a promo.

    CM Punk come outs and is interrupted by MVP. The Straight Edge Society beats down MVP. Rey Mysterio comes out for the save. Teddy Long comes out and sets up Rey Mysterio & MVP vs. CM Punk vs. Luke Gallows. The match is up now.

    Rey Mysterio & MVP b. CM Punk & Luke Gallows. After the match, the guy in the hood attacks Mysterio during the post-match celebration.

    World Heavyweight Champion Jack Swagger comes out for a promo. Teddy Long comes out during it to announce the number one contender for the title. Big Show comes out. Show cuts a short promo then knocks Swagger out to end the show.
  18. Mike S.

    Mike S. GIF Hall Of Fame Class Of 2007 Staff Member

    I will be out of town this weekend, so here are the results for tonight:

    Taping Date: 5/4/10 - Air Date:5/7/10 - Charlston, South Carolina

    The show opens with a recap of Big Show's feud with World Heavyweight Champion Jack Swagger. Swagger will take on Kane later tonight.

    Matt Hardy comes out with a mic. He cuts a promo on WWE Intercontinental Champion Drew McIntyre. McIntyre hits the ring and things get physical. Referees and security break it up as Teddy Long comes out. Long orders Drew to stop. He doesn't and Long suspends him but that doesn't stop him. Long strips him of the Intercontinental Championship but that doesn't stop him either. Long tells Drew he's fired which prompts McIntyre to get in his face. McIntyre is escorted out of the building by referees.

    Backstage, Teddy Long is interviewed by Josh Mathews. Long says he doesn't know Matt Hardy's status, what to say about Drew McIntyre or what to do about the Intercontinental Championship.

    MVP b. Luke Gallows w/CM Punk & Serena. Rey Mysterio came out of the crowd during the bout and distracted Gallows which allowed MVP to hit the Complete Shot and get the pinfall win.

    CM Punk cuts a promo on Rey Mysterio. Mysterio asks Punk where the hooded attacker is but Punk acts like he knows nothing about it. Mysterio still wants to shave Punk's head. Mysterio suggests one more match, if he loses he'll join the Straight Edge Society. If Punk loses, Mysterio gets to shave his head bald. Mysterio says he'll join the Straight Edge Society tonight if Punk saves his head tonight. Punk won't agree to it despite a chant from the crowd. Punk puts over his hair as a symbol of purity. The segment concludes with Mysterio promising to put an end to the Straight Edge Society.

    Layla & Michelle McCool w/Vickie Guerrero b. Tiffany & Kelly Kelly when Layla got the pin.

    Teddy Long announces a tournament for the WWE Intercontinental Championship. It begins tonight and there are two matches from it tonight. Christian vs. Cody Rhodes and Kofi Kingston vs. Dolph Ziggler. The winners will face off next week for the title.

    Kofi Kingston b. Dolph Ziggler to advance to the finals of the WWE Intercontinental Championship tournament that will take place next week.

    Christian w/Heath Slater b. Cody Rhodes to advance to the finals of the finals of the WWE Intercontinental Championship tournament that will take place next week.

    Kofi Kingston will face Christian next week for the WWE Intercontinental Championship

    World Heavyweight Champion Jack Swagger comes out with a mic. He puts himself over, delivering more facts about himself. He talks down Big Show before Kane comes out for their match. Big Show comes out and goes to the announce table for commentary. Kane b. World Heavyweight Champion Jack Swagger when Swagger was disqualified for throwing Kane into the unprotected turnbuckle. After the match, Swagger attacks Kane before Big Show gets involved. Kane ends up taking out Swagger and Show chokeslams him through the announce table. Show poses with the World Heavyweight Championship belt to end the show.
  19. Mike S.

    Mike S. GIF Hall Of Fame Class Of 2007 Staff Member

    Taping Date: 5/11/10 - Air Date: 5/14/10 - HSBC Arena - Buffalo, New York

    The show opened with Teddy Long in the ring with the WWE Intercontinental Championship over his shoulder. He announced that the show will open with the company crowning a new champion. Christian vs. Kofi Kingston is on now.

    Kofi Kingston b. Christian to win the WWE Intercontinental Championship in the finals of the WWE Intercontinental Championship Tournament.

    Drew McIntyre came out and gave Teddy Long a piece of paper, forcing Long to strip Kingston of the Intercontinental Championship. Matt Striker read the note which was from Vince McMahon. It stated McIntyre was reinstated and still recognized as the Intercontinental Champion.

    Jack Swagger is shown backstage as some guys are seen unloading boxes from a truck.

    Shad Gaspard b. a local worker.

    JTG & MVP b. The Dudebusters

    CM Punk is backstage with Luke Gallows and Serena. He tells them he'll be coming out alone tonight for a match against Rey Mysterio because of the doubt they showed in him last week.

    World Heavyweight Champion Jack Swagger came out for an in-ring promo. There were all kinds of his personal possessions in the ring for the segment such as his Letterman's jacket and amateur wrestling trophies. Swagger showed a photo of himself winning his third state of Oklahoma wrestling title plus his homecoming king crown in high school. He also showed a picture of him in an Oklahoma Sooners uniform with head football coach Bob Stoops. Swagger put over his personal accomplishments, including mentioning a deli sandwich in Oklahoma named after him called The Swagger. Big Show finally came out to interrupt the segment. He tore up the set, destroying Swagger's trophies and accomplishments.

    Beth Phoenix vs. Rosa Mendes is up next. Vickie Guerrero comes out and tells Mendes to leave. She announces a two-on-one handicap match for the WWE Women's Championship. The new match is Beth Phoenix vs. Michelle McCool and Layla. Beth is unable to fight them off as Layla ends up getting the pin. The stipulation is so that Michelle McCool wins back the title. So new WWE Women's Champion, Michelle McCool.

    Kane b. Chavo Guerrero

    Teddy Long tells Drew McIntyre backstage McIntyre will take on Big Show next week.

    Rey Mysterio b. CM Punk via disqualification. The masked attacker took out Mysterio when he hit the 619 which caused the disqualification. The Straight Edge Society posed in the ring with the masked attacker to end the show
  20. DontKnowMe

    DontKnowMe Anti-Social Networker

    Lol how many times are they going to give her the title?