WWE Smackdown Results

Discussion in 'Wrestling Talk' started by Mike S., Aug 4, 2004.

  1. Mike S.

    Mike S. GIF Hall Of Fame Class Of 2007 Staff Member

    Credit goes to: Wrestling Observer

    Taping Date - 12/27/05 - Air Date - 12/30/05 - Mohegan Sun Casino & Resort - Uncasville, CT

    Smackdown opens with Chris Benoit, Booker T, Sharmell and Teddy Long arguing in Long's office. Booker is injured and can't compete, claiming he should therefore win the best of seven series and become US Champion. Long said that wouldn't happen and he'd forfeit that match if he didn't wrestle. Benoit said he wanted to win in the ring so he'd let Booker pick a replacement to wrestle for him. Long asked if Benoit if he realized that he'd lose the series if he lost to whoever Booker chose.

    Matt Hardy def. JBL via CO - JBL appeared to have the match in hand until the Boogeyman's music hit and he slowly crawled to the ring. JBL bolted from the ring and was counted out, knocking over Jillian Hall in the process. They fled thru the crowd.

    Orlando Jordan offered to wrestle Benoit for Booker T. Sharmell said Benoit squashed him everytime they faced each other and had no interest.

    Mexicools def. The twinkys when Super Crazy pinned a twinky with a moonsault

    Booker T found a sad looking Randy Orton in the locker room and said the best way to get past losing to Undertaker at the PPV was to go out and beat someone like Benoit. Orton agreed.

    In a horrible segment, Melina came to the ring with what appeared to be her attorney. She claimed that she was raped by Batista a few weeks ago and she was going to sue him. The crowd was so sympathetic that they chanted "What?"

    Legion of Doom made a New Year's resolution with a poem from Heidenreich saying they'd win the belts in 2006, all but foreshadowing what was to come.

    Chris Benoit def. Randy Orton via DQ - Booker T and Sharmell joined Michael Cole and Tazz for commentary. No sign of Bob Orton. Benoit and Orton worked a very good match. As Benoit had Orton in the crossface ready to tap, Sharmell dashed into the ring and hit Benoit with a really bad crutch shot. Orton RKO'd Benoit after the match.

    In an old school Mene Gene/Superstars interview segment with a podium in the back of the arena with the fans and the empty ring in the background, Funaki interviewed Kid Kash about winning the Cruiserweight Championship. Nobody cared in the least. Kash ragged on Funaki and gave him a ghostbuster on the podium.

    Bobby Lashley defeated Sylvain in a very short match

    A Fit Finlay promo aired that is apparently leading to his return to the ring

    Josh Matthews interviewed Batista to see if he was worried about Melina's lawsuit. He said to think about who was making the claim and that he was focused on his tag team title match.

    MNM def. Batista & Rey Mysterio to win the tag team titles - Very good tag team match with Mysterio doing the brunt of the work and Batista getting his power spots in. Mysterio hurrancanranaed Nitro from the top rope off the apron to the floor. With the ref knocked out, Batista was setting up Mercury for the demon bomb when "Sexual Choclate" Mark Henry made his long awaited return and KO'd Batista. When the ref was revived, Mercury was covering Batista and MNM began another reign as tag team champions.
  2. Mike S.

    Mike S. GIF Hall Of Fame Class Of 2007 Staff Member

    Credit goes to: Wrestling Observer

    Taping Date - 1/3/06 - Air Date - 1/6/06 - Wilkes-Barre, PA

    JBL pinned Matt Hardy in a Falls Count Anywhere match. This match started 6 rows in front of me, and ended on JBL's limo. After the match, The Boogeyman came out and grabbed Jillian Hall, before taking a handful of worms and shoving them down her panties

    Mark Henry beat 3 jobbers in an elimination match. After the match Michael Cole interviewed Melina

    In the back Randy Orton blamed Sharmell for the loss in Match 5.

    Mr. Kennedy came out and announced that he will change the way SmackDown is announced. He then joined Cole & Tazz for the next match.

    Kid Kash pinned Juventud with the Dead Level

    Orlando Jordan once again petitoned Booker T to let him wrestle in the Best of 7 series. Sharmell and Booker ran him down. Orlando said he would remember that.

    In Match 6 of the Best of 7 series, Chris Benoit defeated Randy Orton by DQ. Right after the bell sounded to start the match, Sharmell tripped Benoit with a crutch. Orton told the ref, and had Sharmell thrown out, while Booker remained for comentary. Later in the match, Orton was about to nail an RKO, when out of the crowd comes Orlando Jordan, who beat up Booker, and then nailed Benoit with a crutch, DQing Orton.

    Simon Dean came out and said he's ready for some competition. He challenged any tag team to a match. Out came London & Kendrick. Dean said the match was not against him, it was against his new team The Gyminizers! Out came The Shane Twins/The Johnsons, who beat the hell out of London & Kendrick. There was never a match.

    Lashley does a promo in which he states that he will be in the Royal Rumble.

    MNM beat Batista & Mysterio in a Cage Match. After about 10 minutes of back and forth action, Mark Henry comes down. After what seems like another 10 minutes Henry pulls off the cage door, and enters and attacks Batista and Mysterio. Mercury then pins Mysterio to win the match.
  3. Mike S.

    Mike S. GIF Hall Of Fame Class Of 2007 Staff Member

    Credit goes to: Wrestling Observer

    Taping Date - 1/10/06 - Air Date - 1/13/06 - Wachovia Center - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

    WWE World champion Batista came to the ring with Teddy Long and announced he was injured last Sunday against Mark Henry. He said that he will not be able to work through the injury and he'll be out because he needs surgery. He said when he won the title, his friend Paul told him to enjoy to enjoy the ride and was said he was proud to represent the WWE and the fans. He said he had no choice but to surrender the World title and handed it to Long. He said that he will return and he will be World champion again and until then whoever has the title is only holding a belt because they didn't beat Batista.

    They showed Batista leaving with agents and officials wishing him good luck on his recovery. Batista hugged Rey Mysterio goodbye.

    In the ring, Teddy Long announced a Battle Royal for the WWE World title.

    Randy Orton asked Long to postpone his match against Chris Benoit so he could compete in the battle royal. Long turned him down and said he and Benoit would only be in one match tonight.

    Orton vs. Chris Benoit: Nick Patrick ejects Booker T and Sharmell. Patrick was bumped. Orton went for the RKO but Orlando Jordan ran out. Orton hit him. Benoit locked on the crossface and Orton tapped but there was no ref. Booker hit Benoit with the belt and Orton made the cover. Booker was announced as the new United States champ. A long match.

    Backstage, Roddy Piper came across JBL and Jillian Hall. JBL asked Piper to have him as a guest on Piper's Pit instead of the Boogeyman. Piper turned him down but changed his mind after JBL insulted him.

    They aired a video package on El Paso honoring the memory of Eddie Guerrero.

    Piper's Pit: Piper noted the first Pit was here in Philly 22 years ago. He went to introduce JBL who came out before he had the chance. JBL ripped on Batista giving up the belt because he was hurt. JBL cut a long promo with Piper pretending to fall asleep. Piper began making fun of Jillian Hall's mole. Boogeyman came out. JBL shoved Hall into Boogey, who bit off her mole. She ran away screaming.

    Main Event - Battle Royal: Animal, Simon Dean, Nunzio, Vito. Paul London, Brian Kendrick, Orlando Jordan, William Regal, Paul Burchill. MNM. Mark Henry, The Mexicools, JBL, Matt Hardy, Rey Mysterio, Sylvan. Bobby Lashley were in the ring when Kurt Angle, with Daivari, was announced as the surprise 20th competitor. He threw JBL out immediately. Henry and Angle brawled on the floor. Henry pressed and dropped him on the announcing table. It came down to Henry and Rey. The entire place chanted for Eddie Guerrero. Rey got a ton of offense but was tossed out. Angle returned to the ring and faced off with Henry. Angle eventually eliminated him. Kurt Angle is your new WWE World champion. They had fireworks and confetti for the win
  4. Roy31

    Roy31 Hall Of Famer

    Mike who was that goofy guy on smackdown eatting something in the ring meanwhile piper was standing in the corner. At first I thought it was kane but I dont think it was him. Pyscho motherhecker!
  5. cashtool

    cashtool Silly Goose

    Re: WWE Smackdown Spoiler

  6. Mattf1980

    Mattf1980 Guest

    mike did you see how angle anlge slamed and greman suplex henry? man kurt is petty strong for a littie guy long live the new world's champion holla holla holla!
  7. Banyaaz

    Banyaaz Video Drone

    Re: WWE Smackdown Spoiler

    Even thought WWE.com has already said that Angle vs HBK will go on, what other surprises do you think are in store for RAW on Monday? Do you think any Smackdown stars will be there? I read a rumor about Mr. Kennedy & Booker-T being traded to Raw for Angle...I think this would help the mid-card division for RAW. Hell, they might even push Booker-T into a Heavy-weight title role. You never know....
  8. Mike S.

    Mike S. GIF Hall Of Fame Class Of 2007 Staff Member

    don't see that happening. they just had Booker T get the U.S. Title back last night on Smackdown and Kennedy was hurt and won't be back for about 5 more months
  9. Mattf1980

    Mattf1980 Guest

    What No more Mister Kennedyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy for 5n mouths?
  10. Mattf1980

    Mattf1980 Guest

    Re: WWE Smackdown Spoiler

    oh mike i need to know if your going to post the relusts or however this spelled for tna fr ppv tomorrow night? because if you don't i will in the tna wrestling post
  11. Mike S.

    Mike S. GIF Hall Of Fame Class Of 2007 Staff Member

    Credit goes to: Wrestling Observer

    Taping Date - 1/15/06 - Air Date - 1/20/06 - Florence Civic Center - Florence, South Carolina

    Lashley defeated JBL. During the match, the Boogeyman came out, distracted JBL and Lashley got the pin. Boogeyman ate worms in the ring after the match.

    Kurt Angle is walking around backstage, being congratulated by the Smackdown! superstars. Rey Misterio gets in Kurt's face, then seconds later Mark Henry also gets in Kurt's face.

    JBL is backstage, yelling at Teddy Long to do something about the Boogeyman. Long makes a match for the Rumble: JBL vs Boogeyman. JBL looks scared.

    Booker T and Sharmell come out to celebrate U.S. Title win. Balloons fall from the ceiling. Out comes Orlando Jordan, demanding a match tonight with Booker. Booker says he's not cleared to wrestle yet. Jordan shoves Booker down. Teddy Long comes out and makes a match for later tonight: Randy Orton as Booker's substitute vs. Orlando Jordan.

    Matt Hardy defeated Fit Finlay by DQ. At the end of the match, Finlay has Hardy in the ropes, and starts delivering hard crossfaces. Ref counts to five, Finlay is still delivering the crossfaces. So the ref DQs Finlay and awards Hardy the match. Finlay gets on the mic and says "I'll give you something to DQ me for." He puts Hardy's head on the steel steps and stomps on his head.

    Footage of Batista's surgery is shown, with a message from Batista saying he will be back.

    Rey Misterio vs Mark Henry. Henry kicked out of a 619 and frogsplash. Henry wins with a powerslam, setting up Henry vs Angle at the Rumble for the world title. Misterio sold the injured ribs for a good five minutes, and the refs carried him back to the back.

    The Gymini defeated Brian Kendrick and Paul London. Mr. Kennedy at ringside for this match providing commentary.

    Randy Orton defeated Orlando Jordan. At the end, Jordan is on the top rope, poised to attack Orton. Sharmell and Booker T come down. Booker nails Jordan with the crutch, Orton follows up with the RKO for the pin. Afterwards, Chris Benoit comes down and chops the hell out of both Booker and Orton. That sets up Benoit vs Orton at next week's Smackdown! tapings.

    Kurt Angle defeated Daivari by DQ. Mark Henry and Melina at ringside to scout the match. Angle puts Daivari in the ankle lock, but Melina interferes, causing the DQ. Angle puts the anklelock on Melina, causing Henry to come in and attack Angle. Henry nails Angle with the steel steps and leaves him for dead. Daivari grabs the mic and announces he is the new manager of Mark Henry, and that he "screwed" Angle. Show ends with Daivari and Henry celebrating while Angle is hurt outside.
  12. Mike S.

    Mike S. GIF Hall Of Fame Class Of 2007 Staff Member

    Credit goes to: Wrestling Observer

    Taping Date - 1/24/06 - Air Date - 1/27/06 - Bi Lo Center - Greenville, South Carolina

    Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Mark Henry w/ Daivari - Rey started the show off with an in-ring promo in which he said he knew he was the underdog in this rematch and in the upcoming Royal Rumble. And while he admitted to being small in nature, he said he has a big heart. He dedicated his performance and win in the Royal Rumble to Eddie Guerrero. Rey wore Eddies shirt to the ring and there were a lot of Eddie chants during the promo. As far as the match, it was very fast paced with Rey dominating, using a hit-and-run offense which kept Henry off guard. Henry eventually caught Rey and hit the powerslam for the win. Daivari did guest commentary for the match. After the bout, two referees helped Rey from the ring.

    Randy Orton, Booker T, and Sharmell were shown backstage in which Booker offered to pay Randy back his favor by interfering in his upcoming match with Chris Benoit. Orton declined the offer, saying he could beat Benoit on his own, but said he might cash in the favor at the Royal Rumble, especially if Booker and Orton are the last two in the ring. Orton walked off and Booker and Sharmell did not look pleased with that idea.

    Footage from last weekends Smackdown tour of Mexico was shown, specifically of Chris Benoit, Rey Mysterio Jr., and El Hijo del Santo in the ring paying tribute to Eddie Guerrero.

    Super Crazy & Psychosis vs. James & Chad twinky vs. Nunzio & Vito in a Royal Rumble Qualifying Match - Crazy pinned Nunzio after a wheelbarrow-facebuster double team.

    Chris Benoit vs. Randy Orton - No Holds Barred, Falls Count Anywhere - Great match, as is usual when these two are in the ring together. Started scientifically at first but eventually went to the floor with Orton using a trash can lid and dropping Benoit across the commentary table. The finish was fantastic. Benoit went for the diving headbutt but Orton blocked by raising the trash can lid. Orton got to his feet first and set Benoit up for the RKO but Benoit shoved him off into the ropes, quickly picked up the trash can lid, smashed it over Ortons head as he ran back off the ropes, and applied the Crossface. After several seconds of frantically stretching for the ropes, Orton tapped. Big pop for Benoits win.

    Finlay vs. Sho Funaki - Finlay won the match with a Musclebuster but the referee reversed the decision when Finley assaulted his opponent after the bout. Finlay then grabbed the mic, said he came to fight and cut a promo on the fans before hitting a second Musclebuster and leaving ringside.

    JBL and Jillian Hall were shown backstage with both talking about the Boogeyman. JBL assured Jillian she had nothing to worry about.

    John Bradshaw Layfield w/ Jillian Hall fought Scotty 2 Hotty to a no contest when the Boogeymans music hit and JBL had a bucket full of worms dropped on him. Were talking Carrie but with worms. They filled the ring. As JBL was becoming freaked out by that, the Boogeyman came out from under the ring and scared JBL to the point where he fell backwards onto the worms, freaking him out even more. He and Jillian eventually ran backstage as the Boogeyman had dinner.

    Mark Henry & Daivari were interviewed backstage about Henrys title match with Kurt Angle at the Royal Rumble.

    Melina confronted Teddy Long backstage, showing him her taped up ankle, the result of Kurt Angles assault the previous week.

    World Heavyweight Champion Kurt Angle vs. WWE Smackdown! Tag Team Champions Johnny Nitro & Joey Mercury w/ Melina in a Handicap match - Angle forced Mercury to tap to the ankle lock after belly-to-belly suplexing Nitro over the top to the floor. After the bout, Mark Henry & Daivari came out, with Angle taking the fight to Henry and landing the Angle Slam. The champ applied the ankle lock but, to his shock, Henry powered out of it and kicked Angle to the floor. Henry, Daivari, and MNM stood in the ring and taunted Angle, with Henry signaling that the belt would soon be his, to close the TV broadcast.

    After several moments, Angle grabbed the mic and said if Henry thought he was so tough, how would he like a title shot right then and there? Henry accepted and we have our dark match main event: World Heavyweight Champion Kurt Angle vs. Mark Henry w/ Daivari & MNM - Not bad but very short. Angle reapplies the ankle lock and all the heels come in for the DQ. Moments later, Rey Mysterio Jr. runs out to make the save, eventually hitting a 619 on Daivari, Nitro, & Mercury at the same time. Moments later, Angle set Henry up so Rey could hit the same move on him. Angle and Rey then chanted You Suck in unison with the fans toward Henry, Daivari, and MNM. After the heels left, Angle and Rey posed, with Rey grabbing the belt and doing the Angle spinning pose bit. Angle and Rey then hugged and left the ring together.
  13. Mike S.

    Mike S. GIF Hall Of Fame Class Of 2007 Staff Member

    Credit goes to: TWNPNews.com

    Taping Date - 1/30/06 - Air Date - 2/3/06 - TD Waterhouse Center - Orlando, Florida

    Smackdown started with Teddy Long coming to the ring and saying that at The No Way Out PPV, The Undertaker will face Kurt Angle for the title. Teddy then calls out the winner of the Royal Rumble Rey Mysterio. Mysterio was talking about how Eddie Guerrero pulled a funny one on him for giving him the # 2 entry when Randy Orton comes out. Orton challenges him for the # 1 Contendership at No Way Out. Orton was rippig into Eddie, saying that Eddie didn't go to heaven and that he was in hell, which led to Rey and Orton brawling.

    The Mexicools vs, MNM for the WWE Tag Team titles: Pretty good match with the ending coming with Melina hitting Super Crazy when he was on the top rope with her shoe.

    Booker T was scheduled to defend the United States title against Benoit but said he was to hurt to fight and Teddy Long told him he would have to find a replacement and if the replacement lost he would lose the belt too.

    JBL came out and cut a promo of how he is a wrestling God and stuck around for the next match

    Lashley vs. The twinkys: Quick squash by Lashley pinned one of the twinkys after a dominator. After the match, JBL hits Lashley with the clothesline from hell.

    The Undertaker came out for a promo saying how he would win the world heavyweight championship at No Way Out. Kurt Angle comes out and says there was no chance he would beat him. Taker tells him he will RIP at No way Out.

    Sharmell and Booker come out and say there replacement for the match against Benoit is

    Finlay vs. Chris Benoit: Nice match between the two. the chops sounded brutal. Benoit won by DQ when Sharmell came in and hit him with one of Booker T's crutches. Finlay and Booker rough up Benoit after the match.

    They announce that next week, Gregory Helms will defend the Cruiserweight title against Nunzio.

    Booker T and Sharmell were celebrating in the back when the Boogeyman shows up behind them and says he's coming to get them and eats worms as they run away.

    There is a segment with Palmer Canon talking about how William Regal & Paul Burchill no longer want to be Tag Team partners.

    Main Event: Kurt Angle and Rey Mysterio vs. Mark Henry and Randy Orton: Decent match, ended with Angle chasing Daivari through the crowd and Orton pinning Rey with a rollup. After the match Orton says he told Rey he could beat him and that his win at the Rumble was a fluke and Rey says in memory of Eddie he will put his shot at the title on the line at No Way Out against Orton.
  14. Mike S.

    Mike S. GIF Hall Of Fame Class Of 2007 Staff Member

    Credit goes to: Rajah.com

    Taping Date - 2/7/06 - Air Date - 2/10/06 - Columbus Civic Center - Columbus, Georgia

    There was a fatal four way match where the winner would get a shot at Booker T's US Title at No Way Out. Chris Benoit beat Matt Hardy, JBL and Orlando Jordan. The stipulation is that Booker has to defend the belt himself or lose it.

    Melina came out and did a challenge to any tag team to take on MNM in a non-title match. They beat Brian Kendrick and Paul London. Melina also made overtures to Matt Hardy so he may be joining her stable.

    Randy Orton came out in Eddie's low rider and then started to rip on Eddie's book. Rey Mysterio came out and they did a pull-apart. They will wrestle at No Way Out for Rey's WrestleMania main event match.

    There was a juniors tag match where Tzuki and Octagoncito took on Mascarita Sagrada and Valencia. Fit Finlay came out and destroyed all four.

    Gregory Helms beat Nunzio to retain the Cruiserweight Title. Kid Kash came out at the end and the two will wrestle on next week's show.

    Lashley challenged JBL to a match at No Way Out. Jillian Hall accepted while JBL looked unhappy that she did.

    Booker T and Sharmell opened their car trunk and there were a bunch of worms in there.

    The main event was Undertaker vs. Mark Henry. Taker had the match won when MNM came out and joined Henry in a three on one beat down. Kurt Angle came out and made the save so Teddy Long made a match for next week's show: Angle and Taker vs. MNM and Henry.
  15. Mike S.

    Mike S. GIF Hall Of Fame Class Of 2007 Staff Member

    Credit goes to: Rajah.com

    Taping Date - 2/14/06 - Air Date - 2/17/06 - The Scope - Norfolk, Virginia

    Rey Mysterio beat Sylvan, After the match Orton comes out and says Rey will never main event a Wrestlemania and wont beat him at No Way Out

    Greg Helms beat Scotty 2 Hotty. after the match Helms claims he can beat all the cruiserweights, so Nunzio, Funaki, Mexicools, and Scotty jump Helms and it is Announced that Helms will face all the Cruiserweights at No Way Out.

    JBL and Finlay beat Benoit and Lashley after Booker nailed Benoit with a Chair

    Matt Hardy beat Simon Dean. It is announced that Hardy and a Partner vs MNM at No Way Out

    Kurt Angle and Undertaker Beat MNM and Mark Henry. After the match, Taker gives Henry a Tombstone piledriver
  16. Mike S.

    Mike S. GIF Hall Of Fame Class Of 2007 Staff Member

    Credit goes to: Rajah.com

    Taping Date - 2/21/06 - Air Date - 2/24/06 - Richmond Coliseum - Richmond, VA

    Interview w/Randy Orton recaps his family tree, calling both Bob Sr. & Bob Jr. the greatest wrestlers of their generation. That was funny. When he was running down names of current guys he would be better than upon winning the World title, he eventually came to Eddie Guerreros name. Chavo ran in out of the crowd in street clothes and gave him the 3 amigos & a frog splash before being hauled out be security.

    MNM retained the tag titles over Matt Hardy/Tatanka. MNM now have red lights that blink on their fur coats. Matt was rolled up by Joey after Melina had come in the ring to grab Matts leg, distracting him.

    Backstage skit with Regal reading a fan letter to Birchall & calling him a scalliwag. Birchall smiled & handed Regal a toy bomb, lit the wick & when it got to the end, Birchall got up in his face & said 'boom'. I was just glad the skit ended without a shot of Regal in wet pants.

    HOF video on Eddy reaired

    Boogey Man won a handicap match over both twinkys in 2:00. Booker & Sharmell did commentary. Chad took the pin after the neck hanging tree slam. Booker left thru the crowd when Boogey tried to confront him. Boogey then grabbed a black bag from somewhere & dumped 100s of worms all over the announce table.

    WrestleMania moment focusing on Jeff Hardys swanton off a ladder.

    Interview w/Rey Misterio Jr. apologizes to everyone for losing including Vickie, Chavo & Eddie. Teddy Long comes out, shows the finish from Sunday, and makes the WM match a 3-way

    Interview w/Kristal Marshall plugging the Divas magazine. The most wooden delivery ever. Jillian Hall came out, got her top ripped off & left. She reminds me of a younger version of Debra. Kristal then paraded around in a bikini.

    Highlight video aired of UT vs. Angle from No Way Out

    Shane Helms retained the Cruiser title over Psicosis. Helms won with a rollup in the corner with feet on the ropes.

    Interview w/Teddy Long announces UT vs. Angle rematch on next weeks Smackdown. Very mixed reaction as fans figured out it wasnt happening tonight.

    Backstage Long ordered Orton to stop whining & wrestle in the 6-man.

    Benoit/Lashley/Misterio b JBL/Orton/Finlay. Match went 15:00 or so. Scary spot was Rey did a pescado, Finlay moved, and somehow Rey caught his leg between the apron & the ring. Benoit threw some Germans & softened up JBL w/ 2 crossfaces before Misterio pinned him with the West Coast pop.

    Post-Show Dark match - Angle won a 4-way over Henry, UT & Orton by pinning Henry. Nothing special. Angle took 2-3 bumps, a back bump off a shoulder block, and delivered a German and an Olympic slam.
  17. Mike S.

    Mike S. GIF Hall Of Fame Class Of 2007 Staff Member

    Credit goes to: Wrestling News World.com

    Taping Date - 2/27/06 - Air Date - 3/3/06 - MCI Center - Washington D.C.

    SmackDown! opens with Booker T vs. Tatanka. Tatanka goes up top but Booker T counters and hits the axe kick. The Boogeyman comes in from behind the announcers booth and distracts Booker T. Tatanka gets the rollup for the pin.

    Kurt Angle vs. The Undertaker in a title rematch is announced as the main event of SmackDown!.

    A WrestleMania 22 promo is shown promoting the three way main event of Randy Orton vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Kurt Angle for the title.

    Randy Orton comes out to new music to face Super Crazy. Richard said it was more than he expected with Super Crazy hitting some good high spots. Orton gets the win with an RKO

    Matt Hardy & A Mystery Partner vs. MNM is announced for later tonight.

    JBL vs. Chris Benoit at WrestleMania 22 promo is shown.

    MNM defeated Matt Hardy & Animal. MNM dominated most of the match. but after the match, Hardy shoved Animal and the two brawled. Animal worked over Hardy's knee and left the ring only to return to do the same thing. Basically a big Animal heel turn.

    Promos are shown for the Hall of Fame ceremony with Eddie Guerrero and Bret Hart.

    Fit Finley vs. Bobby Lashley is next. Finlay was DQed for throwing four chairs into the ring and trying to use them. The two brawled after the match and a slue of referees came out to split the two apart. The two brawl all the way up the ramp way to the back. Crowd loves Lashley.

    Footage of Jillian getting her top ripped off by Krystal last week is shown. There will be a match between these two next week on SmackDown!

    William Regal and Paul Burchill are shown talking backstage and puts him down for being a pirate. Burchill will have his first match next week.

    Kurt Angle is out to loud "You Suck" chants. The Undertaker soon follows. Kurt Angle controls the early part of the match. When he goes to the top, it is countered by Taker who gains control. Taker hits a big boot to Angle which knocks him to the outside. Taker continues the beat down with a closthline on the outside followed by a huge leg drop. Back in the ring, Taker goes for a pin and gets a long two count. The crowd gets behind 'Taker. Angle counters with an arm drag. The two get back to their feet and Angle connects with a suplex. 'You Suck' chants from the crowd. Taker tries to counter and misses a big boot to the face. Angle hits another suplex and then goes for a sleeper. This match is going back and forth with Taker hitting the snake eyes on Angle. Taker misses a big boot and Angle hits with a German n suplex. After a botched chokeslam by Taker near the end of the match, Angle applies the ankle lock and Taker reverses that back into a chokeslam. Undertaker hits a tombstomb on Angle and then Mark Henry runs out with Davari and then Henry beats Undertaker on the outside. Henry slammed Undertaker through the announce table. Undertaker wins by DQ.
  18. Mike S.

    Mike S. GIF Hall Of Fame Class Of 2007 Staff Member

    Credit goes to: Rajah.com

    Taping Date - 3/7/06 - Air Date - 3/10/06 - Mobile, Alabama

    Mark Henry comes down with Daivari and said he was overlooked. Batista overlooked him and he hurt him so bad he had to give up the title. Then Angle overlooked him, Teddy Long overlooked him and Undertaker overlooked him for a title shot, he called Angle out. Angle told Henry he was a wrestling machine and hit the ring, they brawled, Orton ran down and jumped Angle. Double team time till Rey makes the save, he ended up getting smashed by Henry. Theodore Long came out and made the main event match up, Henry and Orton vs. Mysterio and Angle.

    Money in the Bank Qualifier - Finlay vs. Lashley - This one didnt even make it to the ring, Finlay nailed lashley with the shalalee and they brawled all the way back stage.

    Next out was JBL. He thanked us for all of our get -well cards. He then talked about how Stone Cold left his name out when discussing the greatest Texan wrestlers of all time with wwe.com. He challenged Stone Cold to a beer-drinking contest at SNME.

    William Regal vs. Pirate Paul Burchill - Burchill swung out on a big rope. His entrance video is kind of funny. This was the sleeper of the night, the crowd didnt know who to cheer for. Burchill won with the exploder suplex. Winner: Pirate Paul

    Booker T came out with Sharmell, he had a bag of complaint letters about the Boogeyman, and this was some funny crap. Theodore Long told him he could take up all his complaints with the Boogeyman at SNME. Just then red smoke came out of the bag, and the Boogeyman came out. Booker and Sharmell took off through the crowd, Boogeyman dumped out the bag of letters but it was full of worms, which he proceeded to eat.

    Backstage we see Gregory Helms sporting an Owen Wilson like nose job. He tells Long his nose was broken during the overseas tour. Theodore says he feels bad and for making Helms defend the cruiser weight title every week, and tonight he will get a break . . . from defending the title, because tonight he will face Chris Benoit!

    Jillian Hall vs. Kristal - This was a "Divas Undressed" match. Jillian has a nice nice body. - Winner: Kristil

    Gregory Helms vs. Chris Benoit - This match was fun, lots of chain wrestling and rest holds. Benoit hit a nice German, Helms hit the eye of the hurricane. Benoit locked in the sharpshooter but Helms made it to the ropes. Helms tried to leave but Noble, London, Kendrick, and Kash threw him back in the ring. Helms went for a shining wizard but Benoit ducked and nailed a huge release German suplex. Top rope headbutt, and then he applied the crossface right on Helms broken nose. Helms tapped right away. Winner: Chris Benoit

    They showed an Animal promo on the screen where he said he was the Road Warrior, not Hawk or Heidenreich. Hell have a match with Matt Hardy next week.

    Then they showed Lashley and Finlay battle outside, Lashley flipped a car over and it nearly crushed Finlay.

    Main Event - Rey Mysterio & Kurt Angle vs. Randy Orton & Mark Henry - Great ovation, crowd was hot for everyone. Angle and Orton in particular have great chemistry. Another BS finish when Orton slammed Angle into the steps and Henry splashed the ref in the corner. Daivari got a table and set it up and it broke. He got another table and put Rey on it and when he did the leg fell off. He got a third table and set Rey up for a splash but Angle made the save. Angle tried to suplex Henry off the top rope through the table but he pushed him off and then splashed Angle through the table. Takers music hit and he said he would face Henry at WM22 in a Casket Match.

    Next week, Lashley will take on Finlay in a Lumberjack match and Road Warrior Animal will take on Matt Hardy
  19. Mike S.

    Mike S. GIF Hall Of Fame Class Of 2007 Staff Member

    Credit goes to: Rajah.com

    Taping Date - 3/14/06 - Air Date - 3/17/06 - CenturyTel Center - Shreveport, Louisiana

    Finlay beat Bobby Lashley in a Lumberjack-Money in the Bank Qualifying Match when Finlay hit Lashley with his shilalee. The face Lumberjacks were all little guys. The heels beat the crap out of Lashley every time he got thrown to the outside, but the faces never really stepped in and helped much. Lashley ended up cleaning house on the lumberjacks before it was all said and done.

    Paul Burchill and Krystal beat William Regal and Jillian Hall after Burchill hit Regal with the C4

    Matt Hardy beat Animal by DQ in a Money In the Bank Qualifying Match: Animal originally won but they reversed the decision when the ref saw the brass knucks Animal had used hidden under his arm. Animal wore biker clothes and jeans, with no paint.

    Chris Benoit beat Orlando Jordan with the Sharpshooter. After the match, Bradshaw hit Benoit with a cooler and laid him out. The cooler was clearly a foam cooler and was empty, but Benoit sold it like he had been shot.

    Booker T beat Jeremy Young: Young got no offense at all. After the match, the Boogeyman showed up but really didn't do anything other than eat worms and dance around.

    Randy Orton, Rey Mysterio Jr. & Kurt Angle beat MNM & Mark Henry: Mysterio and Angle worked the entire match. Rey had just hit the 619 when out of nowhere, Orton RKO'd the dude Rey had hit the 619 on and pinned him.


    Kurt Angle beat Randy Orton, Mark Henry, and Undertaker in a 4 Way Dance to retain the title. Angle pinned Orton after Taker had chokeslammed him. It was about a ten minute effrort. Taker was the fresh man out there, and he did his "Old School" bit, but other than that it was mostly punches and kicks. In the end, everyone hit their finishers, and Angle ended up getting on Orton while Taker was down.
  20. MarkyBear

    MarkyBear Guest

    Re: WWE Smackdown Spoiler

    The Pirate guy is starting to remind me of the 80's WWF characters again! :lol:

    i just hope they don't go back to everyone bring a pet to the ring again!! :x