Credit goes to: Wrestling News Taping Date - 3/20/06 - Air Date - 3/24/06 - FedEx Forum - Memphis, Tenneesee The show opened with a Randy Orton promo about WrestleMania 22 and Smackdown. There was a battle royal for the last spot in the Money in the Bank match with MNM, Lashley, London, Kendrick, Jordan, Funaki, Scotty, Kash, Noble, Sylvan, Nunzio, Simon Dean, Gymini, Mexicools, Tatanka, Burchill, Road Warrior Animal. Animal was out first. Melina is hotter in person. Winner: Lashley JBL did a promo about SNME, Benoit and other stuff. Rey Mysterio vs. Fit Finlay saw Randy Orton run in and RKOs Rey while he was making a comeback. Finlay wins. Next up was a contract signing for WM22: Booker v Boogeyman. Sharmell checks under table before sitting down. Teddy Long then makes it a handicap match, Boogeyman vs. Booker and Sharmell. Chris Benoit v Regal was next. Benoit won with the crossface. JBL throws a tantrum. The main event saw Mark Henry take on Kurt Angle. Randy Orton runs in during ankle lock. Rey runs in and accidentally hits Kurt. Henry gets the 3. it wasn't for the title. Post match there was a staredown. Kurt pushes down Rey and yells at Orton. Rey dropkicks Kurt, hits the 619.
Credit goes to: Wrestling Taping Date: 3/28/06 - Air Date: 3/31/06 - Kemper Arena - Kansas City, Missouri Rey Mysterio comes out, begins by calling out Randy Orton for costing him a recent match. Kurt Angle then comes out and says that nobody has a chance of beating him, nobody beats him, and calls out Randy Orton for costing him a recent match. Orton comes out but talks from the aisle, saying that a handicap match with, the Legend Killer versus the Paper Champion and the Charity Case, sounds like a fine idea. Orton is getting better on the stick. He aint the Rock or Austin by any means, but he is getting better. Mysterio and Angle begin to argue and Orton suggests that they fight each other. Teddy Long then comes out and says that is an intriguing idea, so, naturally, he makes the main event Kurt Angle vs. Rey Mysterio for the World Heavyweight Championship. He then asks security to escort Orton from the building. Teddy also announces Undertaker vs. Mark Henry. Backstage vignette with Orton being quite upset about having to leave, he drives off. Chris Benoit b The Road Warrior via submission with the crossface. Animal had a lot of clothing on, leather vest, shirt, cap, etc. Stops in the aisle with a mic and says that he carried the Road Warriors for years and hes not in Wrestlemania, tells Benoit that he is going to beat him and prove that he indeed deserves to be at Mania. They both exchange punches and Benoit backs Animal into the corner. As the ref pushes Benoit away, Animal gets Knux out of his pocket. Benoit goes back and Animal throws the brass punch but Benoit grabs his arm and crossface. Tap out. Backstage vignette with Benoit walking back from his match, where he runs into JBL. JBL's comments: Well well well. Chris Benoit. You made the Road Warrior tap out. You are one of the finest technical wrestlers in the world. And you know what? I also knew one of the finest technical wrestlers in the world and I beat him and took his championship. Your friend, Eddie Guerrero.Benoit answers that its a good thing JBLs hand is better, because hes going to need it to tap out. JBL b David Cross with two Clotheslines from Hell. Total squash, 80-90 seconds tops. JBL is visibly flabby, as he looks like a lot of other guys lately that look like theyre missing something. Video of a Hall of Fame montage, a Divas DVD montage and the Miz is coming to Smackdown. Paul Birchill b Booker T via countout. Boogeymans music and smoke hit about a minute into the match. Sharmell was standing on the side of the ring by the aisle. Booker ran to the other side of the ring and hid under it. Boogeyman then appeared from under the ring on the side Sharmell was standing on and picked her up and took her away. Booker T ran up the aisle, and Birchill wins by countout. Backstage vignette of Booker frantically looking for Sharmell. Bobby Lashley & Matt Hardy & Tatanka b NMN and Finlay when Hardy pinned Johnny Nitro after a twist of fate. Good, entertaining match. Lashley is getting better all the time. Nice double suplex spot with MNM. Tatanka looked pretty good, came in and got some offense and then did a ton of selling. Action really picked up with some nice work, including Hardy doing a combination bulldog/clothesline and Lashley giving Finlay a pretty high backdrop on the floor. Looked like Nitro got his nose bloodied hardway. MNM and Finlay argued all the way to the back. Mark Henry came out to the ring, which had a black carpet, some dead memorial wreaths and a podium. Henry came out in a suit, carrying papers. He stepped to the podium and started speaking, well, actually, reading his promo from the sheet. A few lines in, a ringside tech ran up to the ring and started shaking another mic at Henry wildly. He stopped, grabbed the other mic and started his promo all over again. This was unbelievably funny, as in the entire arena was laughing funny. He then gave the Annual Undertaker Undefeated At Wrestlemania promo, where he read off all the names of the guys Taker has beaten throughout history, but, of course, this year is going to be different. Super Crazy & Psicosis b Jamie Noble & Kid Kash when Crazy pinned Kash after an awesome exploder suplex off the top rope. Fun match with the expected Luchador influence. Roll-out sunset flips into drop kicks, a few quebradoras, and Psicosis did a nice corkscrew plancha. Backstage, Booker T is still frantically searching for Sharmell. He finds her amidst a giant pile of worms. Kurt Angle retained the World Heavyweight Championship over Rey Mysterio via submission to the ankle lock. Started off mostly on the ground, with a wristlock chain, armdrag and side headlocks. Angle in control early and lots of Eddie chants. Rey went for the 619, but Angle moved. Mysterio tilt-a-whirl head scissors throws Angle out of the ring, but Angle tosses Mysterio into the side boards while avoiding a baseball slide. More slow mat work, then Angle gives a Northern Lights suplex and after Angle released. Mysterio starts a comeback with a springboard crossbody and a perfect sunset flip roll out into the dropkick. Mysterio hits the springboard plancha into a back bridge, but Angle breaks free and hits a release German suplex. Angle getting ready for the Angle slam, but Rey reverses down and kicks Angle into the ropes for the 619. Mysterio swings his legs around but Angle grabs an ankle, and Rey tapped. Angle starts to walk down the aisle and Randy Orton comes from out under the ring! and gives Mysterio a RKO. Orton grabs the mic and tells Angle that he's gonna kick his butt on Sunday. Angle comes in and they brawl, Angle hits the Angle slam and the applies the ankle lock and Orton taps like mad. Angle poses with the belt.
Credit goes to: Wrestling Taping Date: 4/4/06 - Air Date: 4/7/06 - Peoria, Illinois Smackdown started off with Joey Mercury and Johnny Nitro against Paul London and Brian Kendrick in a non-title match. They had a decent match. London and Kendrick ended up winning. Next Booker T wrestled Brent Albright. Booker T was controlling the match until the Boogeyman's music came on, and distracted Booker. Brent rolled Booker up and got the pin. Chris Beniot wrestled Simon Dean, and won pretty quickly. Then a JBL video package aired, and Teddy Long announced that later tonight Beniot would face JBL in a cage match for the United States title. There were a few backstage shots with Orton and Angle meeting, along with Teddy Long announcing that the King of the Ring would come back this year, and the first match would be Orton and Angle next week. Also backstage William Regal met with Paul Burchill to try and get him to quit the pirate gimmick. Burchill said if Regal beats him tonight, he would wear whatever Regal wanted him to wear. But if Burchill wins, then Regal had to wear whatever he wanted. Regal and Burchill came out and had a good match. There were two guys in the front row dressed up as pirates. Burchill ended up winning. Next it was Randy Orton vs Rey Mysterio for the World Heavyweight title. This match went a long time, and was great. They teased the 619 a couple times, and Orton dominated most of the match. It ended with Rey doing a 619 around the ring post, and then another standard 619. Then it was Undertaker vs Mark Henry. They had their match, but at the end, Taker threw Henry outside, and then Davari came out with Dalip Singh. He stood face to face with Taker, and Singh was about a head taller than Undertaker. Then Singh laid Taker out. After this happend, they didnt' bother to finish the match. Mark Henry just walked away. Finally they set up the cage, and JBL and Beniot had their match. JBL did the Eddie taunts again, but not as much as he did at Mania. It ended with JBL tieing Beniot to the top of the cage, and him escaping through the door.
Credit goes to: Wrestling Taping Date: 4/11/06 - Air Date: 4/14/06 - Resch Center - Green Bay, Wisconsin They opened with the King of the Ring crown, cape, and throne in the ring. Booker T comes down and says how he's gonna beat everyone. He trys on the crown and cape, some pretty funny dancing and stuff from Booker T, but then Lashley comes down for the spear. Brian Kendrik def Johnny Nitro with a roll up pin. Paul London who was at ringside had a nice dive onto Joey Mercury. Melina definately looked good tonight. Paul Birchill def Rashard Brown via the Sea-4 in a squash. Some funny stuff with Regal dressed up as a wench. Matt Hardy def The Road Warrior in a really short match. Hardy had to do the twist of fate twice because he slipped the first time. JBL def Chris Benoit in a cage match for the US title. Very good match. Some good high spots off the cage. Benoit hit his diving head butt and also got a pretty cool suplex off the top onto JBL. JBL hit Benoit with a low blow and escaped. Pretty long match, but it was definatley good. Dalip Singh who is now known as the Great Sahni came out with Daivari for a promo. Dalip actually got on the mic and shouted something that no one could understand. It was actually kinda funny. Gymini def the Mexicools Angle def Orton: Pretty good match. Orton took a suplex to the outside, a pretty cool bump. Angle wins via the Ankle Lock, and refuses to break the hold after the match. He then walks away, but then applies the ankle lock again. He leaves, but then comes back for a third time to put the ankle lock on Orton. Orton sold the ankle and kept shouting that his leg was broken. Post-show Dark match: Rey def Angle and Mark Henry in a cage match. It was supposed to be Orton, but Henry took his place so he could sell the leg injury. Pretty short match. Rey celebrated on top of the cage and the show ended.
I know...I just love how they tried to play the suspension off. Somewhere some little kid is in denial really believing his leg is broken and he wasn't suspended. "It's still real to me dammit!!!"
Credit goes to: Wrestling Taping Date: 4/17/06 - Air Date: 4/21/06 - Savvis Center - St. Louis, Missouri King Of The Ring Quarterfinal Match: Booker T defeated Matt Hardy when Sharmell interfered and Booker low-blowed Hardy then hit the Axe kick. There were a lot of Pirate Birchill and Regal segemnts through SmackDown until their match, and Regal was forced to try on different costumes. Paul London defeated Joey Mercury via pin fall by a surprise roll up. The Great Khali beat Funaki. Beniot and Lashley defeated Orlando Jordan and Finley when Lashley hit the Dominator on OJ for the pin fall. The Gymini defeated Birchill and Regal when Birchill refused to let Regal tag him in, then walked away from the ring. The Gymini hit their finisher for the pinfall. Jillian Hall then set up a Great American Celebration for JBL to honor him being champ. Well the champ came out to balloons falling all around to the beat of some really famous high school band. He then fired Jillian and kicked the band to the back. Then said he would challenge for the World Title, then Angle came out and defended Rey then said he would defeat Rey next week in a rematch for the world title. Then Rey came out and they all eventually brawled with Angle and Rey teaming up on JBL. The dark match for RAW was Undertaker vs. John Cena and Undertaker was beating Cena then The Great Khali came in and totally destroyed Taker.
Credit goes to: Wrestling Taping Date: 4/22/06 - Air Date: 4/28/06 - Wembley Arena - London, England JBL cuts a promo, appearing with a jacket showing the USA flag. He also carried two mini USA flags with him. He totally ripped into the British and got a ton of heat for it. He said how we couldn't win the war without help. Regal came out to a mighty ovation where he slated the USA calling them cowards and all. It got a big reaction. Now it's time for JBL vs. Regal for the US Title. JBL def. Regal to retain the U.S Championship - Fair enough match. Regal seemed to be knocked dizzy after a stiff kick by Bradshaw. Crowd loved Regal, but JBL hit the Clothesline from Hell for the win. Backstage interview with Booker T and Sharmell. Kristal asks Booker who he predicts will win the World Championship tonight. Booker said it doesn't matter because he's the next King of the Ring. Gunner Scott interrupted and reminded Booker T of how he was victorious in their match the other week. Booker said he'd take Scott on any time... but not tonight because he has a cough. Funny stuff by Booker. Book then says he will find an opponent for Scott tonight. Super Crazy, London and Kendrick def. MNM and Gregory Helms in a six-man tag team match - Pretty fun bout, but it felt a little short. Lots of high-flying stuff as per usual by London and Kendrick. London got the pin on Helms. Melina was fuming. Following the six man tag match, Melina is seen in the back with Nitro and Mercury and she asks how they can lose four times in a row to London and Kendrick. They argue their case, but she says she needs to freshen up. She walks over and sees Jillian Hall and grabs the mirror off her. She says shes sorry for Jillian getting fired last week and offers her a job - to help put her make up on. After that they both get in a long-winded catfight which ended with a lot of make-up all over them. Rey Mysterio did an interview with Kristal in the back, and was cheered greatly, and booed a little. He spoke about how he's on top of the world and says if he Angle beats him he thanks everyone or something. I couldn't really hear because when he said if Angle beats him, the crowd gave a very loud pop. At the end though, everyone was clapping him. They obviously heard what he said. Lashley is in the back talking about how he's looking forward to facing Mark Henry in the toughest match of his career. Short little promo with him warming up. Lashley def. Mark Henry via Count out to advance in the King of the Ring tournament - Slow match. Lashley was super over though. Henry got a very little reaction. Pretty boring until Lashley picks Henry up which got a big reaction. He tries to give him the Dominator but Henry is too big. Henry is knocked out the ring and just lies there for the ten count. After the match, Henry beats down Lashley and does the big splash, crushing Lashley in the ringpost on the outside. Booker T comes down to the ring and tells everyone he's found Gunner Scott an opponent. The opponent likes to fight and is 100% Irish. And so let the match begin! Finlay def. Gunner Scott - Booker was doing announcing with Sharmell. Crowd were pretty dead through this, though we loved Finlay and booed Scott! Finlay was pretty rough with him, and after interference from Booker T who high super kick on the outside, Finlay hit his finisher. Booker and Finlay beat down Scott until Benoit made the save and chased them off. Kristal came down to the ring, followed by The Great Khali and Daivari. Daivari spoke about how they've destroyed the Undertaker and taken his spirit and how Taker is scared of Khali. Then they gave Khali the microphone It was absolutely hilarious to watch. Nobody understood what he was saying. Thunderous "What" chants broke out after everything he was saying. Really funny segment, and ended with Kristal being scared off to the back. Lots of Undertaker chants and the fans were Really let down that he didn't come out. A total waste of time. Rey Mysterio vs Kurt Angle for the World Heavyweight Championship ended in a No Contest - The crowd were absolutely electric for this main event! The crowd were probably 65-35 in favor of Kurt Angle. There was not a silent moment in the match. It was really good and fast paced; your typical Rey/Angle contest. There were loud boos for Rey, and loud cheers for Kurt, however, there wasn't that much difference, really. Match ended just as it began to get good. Rey hit the 619 and then went for the West Coast Pop, but Angle countered into the Ankle lock which brought everyone to their feet. Then, out of nowhere, Mark Henry attacks Angle and Mysterio. Ref calls for the bell. What a damn let-down. Everything was going fine until Henry had to butt his nose in! Anyway, Henry beat Angle down on the outside and set up a table. He put Angle on the table and then delivered a splash from the apron, crushing Angle and the table. Honestly, it looked ridiculous. It looked as if Henry barely touched Kurt. Henry posed and then went to the back, while the referee did the old "X" sign and tons of officials came rushing out. Angle looked very stiff, and was eventually helped to the back. It could've very well been a work, but they sold it pretty well if it was! Rey posed a little after and got booed a little too, and went to the back with the World title.
Credit goes to: Taping Date: 5/2/06 - Air Date: 5/5/06 - US Bank Arena - Cincinnati, Ohio Show opens with Rey doing one of his promos only to be interrupted by JBL, who says the crowd will never chant Rey's name - crowd responds by chanting "Eddie". Rey says he's never backed down from a fight, so JBL tells him he has an opponent for him if Rey's a man of his word. it's Mark Henry. Rey does look small in the ring with Mark Henry. The following matches aren't in order. Booker T vs. Gunner Scott - Sharmell comes out and announces the next King of the Ring. Boring match. Booker is boring. Later, there's a dressing room encounter between Lashley and Booker MNM vs London/Kendrick...never even started as MNM attacked, got DQd, kept attacking, and left. Kid Cash vs.Supercrazy vs. Nunzio with Vito for a title shot against Gregory Helms... interrupted by the Great Khali, who cleaned house and left. Finlay vs. Benoit - Real back and forth match with Chris selling Finlay's offense fairly well. Match ends when Finlay sneaks in a chair shot. Highlight was Finlay's temper tantrum during which he tossed chairs into the ring. The Gymini with Simon Dean vs. Scotty 2 Hotty & Funaki - One of the twins pinned Scotty, who seemed to have ants in his pants while on the apron. Simon Dean was wearing a green neon jumpsuit There was a backstage promo with Theodore Long, Daivari, and the Great Khali. Undertaker has challenged the Great Khali to a match at Judgment Day. Great Khali wasted no time in signing the contract. Mark Henry vs. Rey with JBL as guest announcer - pretty good match with Rey getting some offense on Mark Henry, knocking him to his knees, delivering the 619, etc. but it all ends with one big splat as Mark Henry picks up the win. After the match, Mark Henry is about to crush Rey by jumping from about 10 feet above the floor; he's dragged Rey like a wounded animal up the ramp after tossing him through the ring. JBL runs up and begs Mark not to do it, because "If you destroy him, there will be nothing left." JBL promises Mark a title shot after Judgment Day. MH doesn't splash Rey - probably would have killed him had he done it. Dark match: triple threat match for the World Heavyweight Title: Rey vs. JBL vs. Mark Henry... starts out with JBL just trying to get the pin, but Mark Henry won't allow it. Decent dark match with Rey getting the win and Mark Henry and JBL left in the ring with JBL begging Mark Henry not to hurt him.
Credit goes to: Wrestling Taping Date: 5/9/06 - Air Date: 5/12/06 - ipayOne Center - San Diego, CA SmackDown started with a JBL interview. He ran down Latinos and said after Judgment Day Rey & his family can work for him with Rey mowing the grass, his wife cooking his food & his children shining his shoes. He said if Rey didn't want to work for him then he could sell drugs or work at the donkey show in Tijuana. Rey attacked him and ran him off Kurt Angle was shown arriving. He talked with Teddy Long in the back & Long made Henry vs. Angle for Judgment Day Super Crazy beat Nunzio & Kid Kash to become number 1 contender to the cruiserweight title in a good match. Gymini beat Tom Wellington & Joey Ryan Angle was shown leaving the building Booker T came out and said he didn't want to beat Angle by forfeit in KOR. He challenged Angle to came out but he never did since he'd already left and Booker & Sharmell celebrated. Lashley pinned Finlay to go to the finals of KOR. This was a long match with Finlay mostly keeping Lashley on the mat with armbars and headlocks. Crowd started to get tired of it and were booing. Finish saw the ref distracted and Finlay used a chair but Lashley no sold it and hit the spear for the win. MNM came out and bragged about laying out London & Kendrick last week. Jillian Hall came out and challenged Melina to a fight. London and Kendrick came through the crowd and it ended with all 3 members of MNM in their underwear. Mark Henry pinned Paul Burchill in a match where Burchill got no offense. Nunzio and Vito were talking in the back and when Vito left Orlando Jordan told Nunzio that when they were in England, OJ went to a club and saw a guy dressed in drag that looked exactly like Vito. Nunzio told him to back off. Great Khali squashed Rey Mysterio. They did a stare down and the size difference was amazing. JBL was on commentary and was attacked again by Rey before the match. Rey's only offensive move was a springboard dropkick which Khali no sold. He ended up pinning Rey with one foot on his chest. After the match JBL got in Rey's face as he was down and commented that his family was watching from the front row and said that next week he wouldn't believe who he had to face. In a dark match Rey retained over Henry & JBL. JBL's body was noticeably softer than just last week. Rey hit the 619 on JBL and pinned him with a frog splash and celebrated a long time to end the show.
Credit goes to: Wrestling News World Taping Date: 5/16/06 - Air Date: 5/19/06 - Tingley Coliseum - Albuquerque, New Mexico First match is a 6 person tag match between MNM and Paul London, Brian Kendrick and Jillian. Decent tag match that spent most of the time with Nitro and Mercury grounding Kendrick until the tag to London leads to all the guys clearing out. From here the crowd finally gets a catfight that one of the MNM guys breaks up. London and Kendrick clear out Nitro and Mercury and block Melina's escape so she can turn into a Jillian top-rope crossbody for the pin. We see the King of the Ring throne and robe set up and Lashley comes out to demolish a jobber. Lashley set up for the spear but it didn't work and we didn't get a Dominator. Quick and easy match that allows Lashley to have a seat in the throne which brings out a furious Booker T and Sharmell. Once Booker makes it to the ring he's joined by Finlay as they team up against Gunner Scott and Chris Benoit. Match starts with Gunner getting some good shots in but Finlay and Booker's experience leads to them gaining the edge. Gunner finally gets the hot tag and Benoit cleans house. Booker slows Benoit down and slams him into the steel steps outside the ring where Finlay is able to use the shelaignley. Benoit fights off the pin attempts and tags Gunner back in who again gets beat down. Finally a full brawl breaks out and Benoit takes Finlay out of the ring leaving Booker with Gunner. Book gets cocky and finds himself on the business end of a crucifix pin for the upset 3 count. Book freaks out and Lashley shrugs and smirks from the throne. Next up was Mark Henry against Matt Hardy. As expected a short match with Hardy trying to hit his moves. He connected with a Leg Drop but his Side Effect and Twist of Fate attempts were powered out and Henry hits a quick World's Strongest Slam for the pin. Henry then takes a mic and tells Kurt Angle he's going to finish what he started. Daivari shows up and shows the world why the Undertaker is afraid of the Great Khali. The video includes highlights of Taker beating HHH, Ric Flair, etc then the beatdown and the attack on Rey last week. After the highlights, Khali comes out and takes the mic and cuts a promo in a different language. Kahli finishes and walks out with Daivari. JBL comes out and heads to join Tazz and Cole at the announce table and Rey comes out to an enormous ovation. Rey gets to the ring and JBL insists he get a mic. JBL then starts to run down Rey talking about how tired he looks and doubts he even knows where he is. JBL then reminds Rey he's in Albuquerque, North Mexico (which got a good laugh) and then suggests Rey doesn't even know what day Friday is. Rey takes the bait and yells out "May 19th!" JBL starts jumping and yells out "I didn't say it!" and the stage explodes for Kane to make a hustle to beat down Rey. Rey attempts to put up a fight but Kane keeps the offense going until the red lights and flaming mask appear and the voices begin to chant "May 19th." Kane freaks out and grabs his head near the ropes while JBL screams for him to not go crazy and destroy Rey. The distraction allows Rey to hit the 619 to drop Kane. Rey goes for the springboard to sit on Kane but Kane catches Rey on the landing. JBL insists Kane destroy Mysterio that Mysterio was the one who said "May 19th" and Kane chokeslams JBL for the slip. Kane calls for the fire and exits with Rey and JBL laid out. Post-Show Dark Match: Out comes Mark Henry who says he was promised a Triple Threat title match and he wants it now. When he gets to the ring JBL rolls himself on Rey causing Henry to break up the pin. JBL and Henry argue about who should get the pin with JBL finally shoving Henry and they begin to fight. Henry and JBL take the fight outside the ring and Henry runs into a corner post allowing JBL to roll back to beat down Rey. JBL hits the Clothesline from Hell but Rey kicks out at 2. JBL gets irrate and beats Rey down but can't get the pin so he begins to mock Eddie even using the Tres Amigos suplexes. JBL catches Rey and goes for the Last Call but Rey reverses into a DDT and almost gets the 3 but Mark Henry returns just in time to break it up. Mysterio lands some nasty kicks to Henry' head and knocks him outside giving Rey the chance to hit the 619 on JBL followed by a springboard splash for the 3. End of match Rey celebrates with little energy and you can see his nose is bleeding. Crowd cheers Rey for about 10 minutes and Rey walks out and everyone goes home.
Credit goes to: Wrestling Observer Taping Date: 5/23/06 - Air Date: 5/26/06 - Bakersfield Coliseum - Bakersfield, California Booker T gets his crown and rambles on and Sharmell talks too much and is very ANNOYING, they both stay at ringside and watch the match from their chairs. Lashley beats JBL for the US Title despite interference from Booker T Lashley challenges Booker T to a match next week, Booker T agrees if the US title is on the line Teddy Long announces Mark Henry taking on Rey Mysterio for the main event Paul London and Brian Kendrick beat Kid Kash and Jamie Noble in a 5 star match Paul Heyman comes out and promotes One Night Stand which brings out Finlay who attempts to attack Paul Heyman but Chris Benoit comes to the rescue only to get pummeled by Finlay and a short guy. Finlay beat the crap out of Benoit with the stick he carries to the ring. Great Khali defeats Matt Hardy in a very quick match (Hardy got the biggest pop of the night) Tatanka defeats someone announced from Bakersfield Three 6 Mafia comes out to a lot of boos as they perform Mark Henrys entrance theme and Mark Henry comes out and challenges Rey Mysterio. Not a bad match at all, Chavo Guerrero pushes Rey Mysterio off the ropes and Mysterio loses to Mark Henry with a big splash. Mark Henry left with the World Title belt. The crowd was a little confused because it was not announced as a title match and when the bell rang, they only announced Mark Henry as the winner and he grabbed the belt. Big celebration for Mark Henry with Three 6 Mafia.
Credit goes to: Wrestling Observer Taping Date: 5/30/06 - Air Date: 6/2/06 - Rose Garden - Portland, Oregon Pyro, no ramp, Paul Heyman guest announces the first match Kurt Angle d. Rey Mysterio by countout in about 18 minutes. Angle got a huge pop coming out with mad 'YOU SUCK' treatment. Rey was mad over too. The match was pretty good, I can't give out star ratings but both were over. Angle played the heel and the crowd agreed. There was a great sequence toward the end where Rey went for the 619 but Angle caught him, dragged him to the middle of the ring to lock in the Ankle Lock but Rey rolled through and rolled him up. Angle kicked out at 2 but the crowd thought it was for sure over. Angle then hit Rey with a overhead belly to belly from the ring to the floor and Rey didn't make the count. They shook hands. Backstage segment with Nunzio, his match with Matt Hardy is next. But he can't find Vito. OH NO! He wonders if the rumors have gotten to his head because he needs him in his corner for his big match. Matt Hardy d. Nunzio via Twist of Fate. Pretty good ovation for Hardy but the crowd just kind of sat on this match. Seemed to be burned out. Matt f'd up pretty bad, he went to do his second rope yell but he fell backwards and tried to catch himself but just kinda fell to the apron. It will be edited but it was weird. Hardy wins, then Vito comes out in a black dress and massages Nunzio's back. Nunzio turns around and freaks out. Vito walked pretty good in heels. Next was Piper's Pit. Piper got a great ovation and the crowd was all over everything he said. Khali is a big guy. Piper tried to tell him that the Undertaker was tough, Khali got mad went to choke him, Daivari stopped him, he got slapped and then Khali hit The Chop Of Doom on Piper. For the second straight year the RAW Diva Search winner goes to Smackdown. Yep Ashley's on SmackDown. That led to Jillian Hall d. Kristal Marshall in a nice little match. For them. Jillian blocked Kristal's victory roll attempt for the win. And then Torrie Wilson's old "You're Not Enough For Me" theme hit and everyone popped cause they thought it was her. Not. It was Michelle McCool doing her best Miss Hancock impression. She said everything is going to get Hotter. Henry destroyed Paul Burchill, pinned him after two World's Strongest Slams. And then gave him the Benoit Beatdown. Guess Burchill finally is getting that surgery. Finlay beat a jobber named Caden Matthews pretty easily. It made his friends mad. Then he got the midget which got a pop and was actually pretty funny. He used him as a weapon. But the best part was after the beatdown, he put him back under the ring. They did the "show the arena get everyone to yell" but it was interrupted by an ECW One Night Stand thing. Thennnn a graphic showed that at ONS it will be Rey vs. Sabu for the World Heavyweight Championship. That was followed by a Sabu video. And then...King Booker. William Regal, bless his heart came out and said "All Hail King Booker". Then King Booker came out and was so in the role it was great. The whole entrance Regal was saying "All Hail King Booker". Booker than sat on this throne and gave a little speech. Afterwards Regal continued with "All Hail King Booker" before Lashley came out to a great pop. He's gonna be huge. Lashley d. Booker T with a running powerslam. Not very long match, even for the most part. Booker went for the side kick, Lashley caught him, put him up for the powerslam and hit it. Lashley was getting up when Regal came from behind and attacked him. Booker was cheering when all of a sudden Lashley started to come back. Enter Finlay. The three beat Lashley down and then Booker demanded they put the throne in the ring. He sat on the throne and told Finlay and Regal to make Lashley bow to him. He did. Then Booker told them to "make that sucka kiss my foot". He did. Finally the music hits and Finlay and Regal leave. Booker is in the ring doing these kinda fruity twirls and Queen Sharmell is going "All Hail King Booker" non stop. Half way to the back, Regal comes out and takes over. His mannerisms were classic. And Booker and Sharmell went through the curtain but Regal stayed and continued with the All Hail King Booker. Then he left. And did it one more time. It was great. Dark Match Main Event: Undertaker d. Mark Henry & Great Khali when Khali got caught in the ropes and Taker chokeslammed Henry. The funniest part was the interaction between Henry and Khali. Henry wanted in first but Khali was like 'NUH UH" and just did his chop motion. Ref bump, Daivari goes to interfere, Piper stops him. Then the finish.
Credit goes to: Taping Date: 6/6/06 - Air Date: 6/9/06 - WesBanco Arena - Wheeling, West Virginia William Regal came out and started talking about what happened to Lashley last week while a video played of it. He then started the All Hail King Booker thing again, which was interrupted by Lashley attacking him for a pop. Psicosis w/Super Crazy d. Brian Kendrick w/Paul London. Great match with an awesome ending with Psicosis catching Kendrick off the top rope with a modified belly-to-belly suplex. Afterwards, Great Khali came out and destroyed them all Vito, wearing a white dress, d. Nunzio. Besides a small 'Little Guido' chant and a lot of booing after Vito won Bobby Lashley d. William Regal via count-out. Booker and Sharmell sat in the throne up at the top of the stage after Sharmell did the All Hail King Booker thing as Booker came out. Regal dominated throughout the early going, but the match ended when Regal started being fought back against before knocking Lashley over the top rope. Regal then grabbed a chair and tried to hit him with it, but got speared in mid-swing for the count-out victory Mark Henry d. Raymond Rowe in a squash match Mr. Kennedy d. Scotty 2 Hotty in his return match. Crowd was really behind Kennedy following the two hype videos that aired earlier in the night. Scotty got in some offense but it was basically a squash Smackdown Bikini Contest w/Ashley, Jillian, Kristal, and Michelle McCool. McCool refuses to disrobe. Ashley got a very nice reaction, Jillian got virtually nothing, and Kristal got a fair amount of cheers Backstage, Chavo asked Rey if he was going to go to ECW tonight. Rey said hed decided, and Chavo let him know that hed be behind him either way. Rey asked if hes reconsidered quitting, and then told him Never say never before walking off while Chavo stared on Michael Cole came out for an interview with Rey Mysterio to find out his choice. Tazz got up from the broadcast table and started talking about how he has decided that he is going back to ECW where he belongs. Paul Heyman came out next to a mixed response That led to Rey Mysterio coming out and saying that he's decided to stay with Smackdown. Heyman told him he respects him, and said good luck because he'll need it Finlay d. Rey Mysterio in a non-title match when Sabu distracted Rey while going for a 619, causing Rey to take him out and giving Finlay long enough to shillelagh Rey in the stomach and hit the Emerald Frusion. After the match, Finlay left and Sabu got up, hitting Rey with a chair before setting the chair up in the ring and laying Rey on a table outside before doing his classic running dive through it Post Show Dark Match: The Undertaker d. Mark Henry & The Great Khali: Khali got caught up in the ropes while Undertaker chokeslammed Henry for the win.
Re: WWE Smackdown Spoiler TAZ & Styles will be great. Roll on Sunday. I Just SKY Don't FREAK that up as well.