Your Week 1 Random Thoughts, Rants, Likes, Dislikes, Pictures, NFL Anything

Discussion in 'NFL General Discussion' started by ram29jackson, Sep 8, 2013.

  1. Sweets

    Sweets All-Pro

    Slow your roll there Packerdude...I was talking to Spiman who lives in my area and is sooooooooo a Chief's fan, referencing that he now has Alex Smith who is clearly not as good as Kaepernick, I thought by quoting him everyone would know why I said what I said...I guess not...<sigh> That's 3 games we've taken from the Packers...heheheheheheh
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2013
  2. markaz

    markaz Resident Cards Fan Staff Member

    Wuh? Seriously? It's just too bad they met in Week One.
  3. ram29jackson

    ram29jackson sports spectator

    I'm a Packer fan, not an apologist . I could care less about the Packers losing. I'm talking about what the 49ers are or aren't and may or may not be.
  4. Sweets

    Sweets All-Pro

    OMFG, are you just an argumentative person or WAS FREAKING JOKING WITH SPIMAN...Of course you can't base your season on one freaking game, I'm not that stupid but lightheartedness escapes you..Since you don't care if your team loses or not I hope they lose all their games... dang
  5. ball in the baskett

    ball in the baskett First Team All Pro

    see I think its cool if someone is like that just as long as never claim a certain team to be your team. I could never just abandon the eagles they are one with me and my childhood memorys always will make me be a eagles fan.
  6. ram29jackson

    ram29jackson sports spectator

    stop having a hissy fit LOL. I cant read your emotions behind them. I just saw the bullet points and commented. Calm down dudenick :icon_cheesygrin:
  7. andy82

    andy82 Your Soul, It's Mine!

    I think it's quite a sad existance really to feel the need to team swap, bandwagon and be a fairweather fan tbh. The joy of being a fan is the whole journey, the ups and the down. I will admit as an 8 year old kid watching the playoffs for the first time in 2001, the Rams freaking blew me away with the offence and is one of the main reasons why I'm the fan that I am today. The team degenerated quick and we have been garbage ever since, but it's those years since that have built my love for the game, because through those years of struggling, it increasingly developed the hope in my heart one day they will get it together and they will lift the Lombardi Trophy, and it will be sweeter than anything because of that journey taken to get there.

    That is what being a fan is, sticking with the team through it's toughest and most heart-wrenching and demoralising moments. Those things I mentioned at the start of the post, that ain't what a fan is, more like a follower of fashion and keeping up with whatever is hot at the time.
  8. Spiman2u

    Spiman2u Chiefs fan no matter what

    Right now u Go Girl...Lots of haters I B 1! I B kidding lots of luv Girl Soo many peeps b2 serious.. dam here 2 have fun
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2013

    ICECOLD 1st Stringer

  10. ram29jackson

    ram29jackson sports spectator

    what journey did you take ? you just sat on your butt and said "yay we won" when the game is over. No one on the Rams or any team gives a damn who you are or why you root for them. They just are part of an NFL business that wants you to buy merch and tickets so dumb 23 year olds can make more money than most will ever see because they can catch a ball. I'm a sports fan, I like all teams...not because I jumped a bandwagon. Its because I understand they are all part of the same community/organization/ sports interest that I have. I am just as willing to watch and be entertained by a division 3 last place match up as I am the 2 best pro teams in the league. A team wins or loses, all the players pick up a paycheck and I have to go do goes on.
    who you are fan of and for how long is the most meaningless aspect of anyones life unless you get a paycheck for it.

    i'm in So. Cal so naturally gravitated towards being a Lakers fan.
    but after 30 years...and you see a pattern of them making it to the finals like 16 times in that becomes laughable... I started rooting for other teams just to see something different happen LOL it takes no effort to root for the lakers..every couple of years they'll be good again with no effort and no problem. Whether i'm rooting for the Lakers or not means absolutely nothing and changes my life in no way at all except the occasional excuse to party LOL viva la Sports
  11. markaz

    markaz Resident Cards Fan Staff Member

    I lived in KC and big Chiefs fan (plus season ticket holder). Moved to Phoenix in '91 and adopted the Cards as my team only because they were the local NFL franchise, easy to get info, on the radio all the time, etc., etc. Still follow the Chiefs closely and hope they win the AFC every year. Does this make me an NFL polygamist?
  12. Sweets

    Sweets All-Pro

    Exactamundo, SPI....Rocking the real "BAY AREA"!!!!! :)
  13. andy82

    andy82 Your Soul, It's Mine!

    This whole post just depresses the living heck out of me. I guess sport has more varied and substantial meaning to myself than it does to you.
  14. ram29jackson

    ram29jackson sports spectator

    no, my post proves I am the one with the more varied and substantial understanding of what sports truly is. Your post proves you are a 20-21 year old kid who really doesn't get whats important yet and what it really all means. :icon_cheesygrin: i'm not being mean to you kid, just giving adult viewpoints that you will grow to understand in time
  15. andy82

    andy82 Your Soul, It's Mine!

    If you really want to get into a p**is measuring contest over the business of football then go ahead, I will more than happily discuss the sociological implications as to how fanaticalism is cultivated and exploited by the major sports leagues into becoming some of the biggest businesses in the world.

    I was merely discussing my own reasoning behind my investment into the sport, and arguing that you cannot be truly commited to your interest into the game and more specifically the team if your ties to that symbol (I emplore you to research Symbolic Interactionalism in sport if you wish to gain a further understanding into what I am commenting on here) is loose.

    Feel free to condescend to me further on this subject, old timer.
  16. ram29jackson

    ram29jackson sports spectator

    you stated its important to you who someone roots for and being a bandwagon jumper is an important topic to you. That means you don't understand anything and are still easily influenced. I don't need to research a college paper to know that if you root for a team and make fun of someone rooting for another team and are serious about it in a personal way, that makes you the misguided person. tying your emotions to a teams success and feeling obligated to follow a loser for years as though its a badge of honor means you are stupid.